@thamb0 said in Hourglass problem: Calling it a game mode, ...
@jpskywalker9332 The only thing I would like for hunters cal...
Take the sword from our supreme king? alt text
So you want the DB to becoming another one shot wonder?
It may be difficult for Rare to adjust the clothing accordin...
If you believe a player has been toxic in the game or suspec...
@hegemon3 said in Be possible to return to your previous pir...
Unfortunately until they drop the older hardware, specifical...
This sounds like it would be annoying hastle and since you a...
@drfauli wonderful idea. Add powder kegs on top of that :)
And it is great for you to be able to get another meg spawn ...
Hi DrFauli, Thank you for the quick reply and info! Good to ...
@burnbacon so why can’t they add the AA slider? This would ...
@burnbacon said in Abhorrent State of HG PvP and More: And ...
@qu1etone But the focus of it is just having light it sucks ...
@lleorb weird bugs, I never went far from it enough maybe. I...
@capn-light9g I play on series x. It matched the pocket watc...
As your post goes against the Forum Rules, it will be locked...
agreed, i’ve only played since the end of season 5 and had m...
@thamb0 That would be so cool 😄
@strangeness said in Why Rare isn't communicating with us an...
@qu1etone said in Removal of emissary flags during the battl...
@xpablitopolx same I missed out on a lot of the event and no...
@theblackbellamy said in Hourglass is Dying: @dragotech123 ...
They actually listened to some of ideas, now only Athena lef...
@sweetsandman Ya, good idea. Maybe once you read the logbook...
@wolfmanbush said in Humble and Generous Gifts need a rework...
@hefty-henri we got a lucky crate of cannon ball delivery qu...