Creator Spotlight – Arrvocado

Holy Guacamole! Meet a creator striving to bring good vibes to the Stream Team and beyond…

In this latest Spotlight, we're thrilled to chat with another member of our community Stream Team. From diving into the world of gaming in the late ’90s to sailing the Sea of Thieves today, this creator and all his adventures are sure to inspire and entertain you. So as we continue to shine a light on some of our smaller creators, we’d like to introduce you all to Arrvocado!

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[Q]: What was your introduction to the world of games?

[A]: My favourite hobby has always been reading, and through that I’ve been transported to fantastic lands and incredible stories. Gaming seemed like the natural progression for that; it allows me not only to be enveloped in a different world, but to be an active part of it.

I first dipped my toes into the world of gaming when a family member gave me the original Game Boy and Super Mario Land in the late ’90s. But it wasn’t until I started playing RuneScape in 2007 that my love for videogames truly took off. Since then I’ve played so many genres, some great, some not-so-great, but it has always given me at least one happy memory!

[Q]: How did you become part of the Sea of Thieves community?

[A]: It’s a story that makes me chuckle to this day. I had seen the E3 trailer in 2016 and thought the game looked fantastic, but I misread the information and thought it was an Xbox exclusive, so I didn’t pick it up on launch day (I don’t own an Xbox).

Then, in 2020 I saw the game on Steam, but the reviews led me to believe you physically couldn’t get in unless you had other people to play with. So it wasn’t until I was able to rope in my best friend at the tail end of the pandemic that I managed to cross the Shroud in early February 2021!

Arrvocado found his way to the Sea of Thieves during the pandemic and has sailed the seas since.

[Q]: How did creating content become your ‘thing’?

[A]: The pandemic was particularly tough on me mentally for a variety of reasons. My job meant I couldn’t isolate myself like the rest of my family and so I had to venture out every day taking every precaution not to catch COVID, as my grandmother was then living with us and she was particularly vulnerable. My best friend and I would game together every night and it became our way to stay connected despite the distance, as well as escaping reality a little bit every night. We would often say that we should ‘record’ our gaming sessions to look back on later as fond memories. That’s when I realised content creation held the key for that.

[Q]: How do you decide what kind of content to create?

[A]: I don’t, really. I only try to be as authentically me as possible. I am not the loud, excitable type of streamer (most of the time), but rather the kind of person who will make sarcastic observations and let things play out naturally.

Of course that means that my content is very volatile; some streams are more uneventful as I try to do my neverending Commendations, and others are more hectic with PvP encounters and hilarious interactions with other crews. But I like to think all of that is natural, organic content and it showcases all the sides that this game has.

Arrvocado’s streams can cover anything from PvP clashes to chasing elusive Commendations.

[Q]: What are some of the challenges you’ve faced while creating content?

[A]: Since I am not a full-time streamer, the main challenge has been setting up a schedule and sticking to it. The reality is that, unless you’re doing this full-time, there will be plenty of times where you have to prioritise real life. Other times, you might just not feel mentally up to pressing the go-live button, and would rather game quietly by yourself or with friends.

The important thing, in my opinion, is to realise that if you want to treat this as a hobby, make sure it doesn’t take over other important parts of your life.

[Q]: What different channels do you have?

[A]: At the moment I only have Twitch and Bluesky. I have an inactive TikTok channel that I want to revamp at some point though!

[Q]: What’s been your most memorable Sea of Thieves moment so far?

[A]: It has to be the second time I set sail, doing ‘The Shroudbreaker’ Tall Tale with my best friend. When we arrived at Uncharted Isle and dived to find the **SPOILER**, I realised in that moment that this would be my main game for a long time to come. That sense of wonder and exploration is something no other game has ever been able to replicate for me.

A sense of wonder, exploration and… indigestion?

[Q]: What do you enjoy most about the game now, and what are you looking forward to in future?

[A]: Definitely sailing with my main crew (shout out to Pickle, Buck and Conbuck!). Most of the time we are a more of a liability to ourselves than to other crews; Conbuck actively kegs us at any opportunity, I am usually distracted by quite literally any shiny object, Pickle loves to cannon off to go live the island life, and Buck is left to one-man the whole Galleon. But when our eyes are on the prize we have been able to come out on top in fights where the odds were stacked heavily against us!

As for what I would most love to see in this game, it’s a Legend of the Veil-style voyage for The Hunter’s Call where you have to track down some kind of mythical monster, like a giant sea snake or a Moby-Dick-type whale.

[Q]: What’s something you’re particularly proud of accomplishing in gaming?

[A]: The few that have slain the Shrouded Ghost consider themselves members of an elite club. I consider myself a member of an even more elite club; that of the ‘definitely saw but didn’t quite hunt the Shrouded Ghost because it spawned by a Skeleton Fleet inside a storm while a Brig that was unaware of what was going on insisted on ramming my Sloop’ club.

Admittedly the name is a bit of a mouthful.

[Q]: How did you come up with your channel name?

[A]: Soon after becoming Pirate Legend I was sailing on an open-crew Galleon. During one of those downtime moments in between fights, where it’s just the sound of the seagulls and the waves crashing against the hull, my under-stimulated brain decided it would be hilarious to ask itself what a pirate avocado would be called. The rest, as they say, is history.

What do pirates make guacamole from? Arrvocados, of course!

[Q]: What do you like to get up to when you’re not streaming?

[A]: During my free time, I love to read, cook, travel, and go to the gym.

[Q]: What advice would you give to a new content creator?

[A]: It’s been said so many times over, but be yourself! Play the games you truly enjoy, don’t fall for scams that promise fast growth, and don’t obsess over numbers. It’ll make your growth, however humble, all the more rewarding.

[Q]: What’s one thing you would advise a content creator not to do?

[A]: It’s very tempting at the start to find ways to grow fast as a content creator and just increase your follow count. But take the time to find your style, the things you like to do, what you want to use your platform for, and your numbers will evolve over time.

[Q]: Could you give us one more random fact about yourself?

[A]: My first paid job was as an actor for a Disney commercial that aired in 2009!

Thank you to Arrvocado for taking some time to talk with us about his time on the seas and his approach to streaming. We hope he finds fair winds while sailing the seas of content creation! You can find out more about our amazing Stream Team here, and if you’d like to network with fellow Sea of Thieves creators yourself, you can sign up for the Creator Crew.

Keep up with all the latest from Sea of Thieves by following us on our many social channels. You can also find previous Creator, Community and Legend Spotlights in our News section, catch the latest activity in our Community Hub and check out all our current Partners in the Sea of Thieves Partner Directory. Until next time!