Welcome to the Sea of Thieves Forums!

  • Ahoy Pirates, welcome to your Sea of Thieves Forums!

    Whether you be an old sea dog or new swabbie, this thread will be your guide to navigate these Forum waters.

    I am your Senior Community Manager and I'm around most days to keep an eye on sentiment, and conversations and feed all of this back to the team.

    Your Community Moderators are called Quartermasters, and they are my eyes and ears in the Forums, Steam and Discord!

    Our Deckhands are here as community ambassadors, old salts of the seas. They have been around since Technical Alpha and work closely with us at Rare so make sure we're steering a steady course.

    Need any help? Just tag them in and they'll do their best to assist.

    Are Forums new to you? Feeling unfamiliar in these waters?

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    Wondering what the badges next to users names mean? Have a read of our Forum Badge Guide.

    Announcements - "The Captain's Cabin"

    This category is for announcements from Rare staff to let you know of all the official goings on with the Game, the Forums and the wider Sea of Thieves community.

    • The Pirate Code
    • Release Notes Discussion
    • Official Contests

    Insider Programme Updates

    • Developer Updates
    • Insider Hot Topics

    An Insider only Category where we post regular Developer Updates and Insider Hot topics where we are looking for your feedback on a new topic.

    Insiders is is covered by an NDA and can only be discussed on this section of the Forums.

    Want to be an Insider? You must be over 18 and can sign up here!

    Sea of Thieves Game Discussion

    Your one stop shop for all your Sea of Thieves discussion. Got something to say that doesn't break the Pioneer and Technical Alpha NDA that is still in place? Put it here!

    • Game Feedback + Suggestions
    • Feedback Mega Threads
    • Gameplay Guides + Tips
    • Voyage Help
    • Tavern Tales
    • Troubleshooting

    Community - "The Shipmate's Quarters"

    Want to get to know members of your community better? Here is the place to do it. Celebrate birthdays, share fan creations, find a crew and get super social!

    • New Member's Introduction
    • Find a Crew!
    • Fan Creations - "The Galley"


    Whether it's Mysteries, Adventures, Tall Tales or otherwise, our Lore section is here for you to work together, find solutions and share your theories and findings.

    General Discussion & Off-Topic "The Outer Shores"

    Want to kick back and talk about anything that takes your fancy? Be it other games (wait, there are other games?!) or what you ate for breakfast (if that's your thing), well the General Forums are here for you to do just that!

    Creator Crew

    Strut your stuff and share your content, whether you're a full time content creator, just starting out or make the occasional piece for fun, the Creator Crew section is a great place to meet other creators and discuss your content.

    While browsing the Forums occasionally:

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