Weaponised wildlife

  • Okay, so the idea is to let us load cannons with pigs, snakes and chickens. All wildlife has a mild heat seeking ability and upon firing you could press a button to get a first person perspective from the animals viewpoint as it flies.

    You can only load 1 chicken or 1 pig but as many snakes as you like.

    A chicken hit is an instakill... those beaks are sharp. Release pigs onto a ship either by cannon or sneaking one on board and it will head to the food stores and start to munch. Rain snakes down on an enemy and their deck becomes a writhing nightmare.

    No animal would perish during flight unless skilfully shot out the air by the defenders. If you hit the sails the animals would fall back to the deck so a hit is a bit easier. Those chickens also would fly further and straighter than a cannonball. They're more aerodynamic and use their wings to glide.

    It's a good idea to always have animal crates on board to catch the criters

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  • this is so krank ... ah no. It is as bad as blowing up frogs.

  • @goedecke-michel lol... oh come on, it could be fun. It would give animal crates a whole new use, a new reason to collecting animals and at the end of the session you'd sell what you had to a merchant.

    It would have to be done in a cartoon, comic way and in no way bloody or cruel. I mean, blowing up frogs is waaaaaay worse. At least these animals wouldn't die, they'd just fly

  • @guybrush3pwood2 sagte in Weaponised wildlife:

    It would give animal crates a whole new use

    This for sure, giggle

  • @guybrush3pwood2 I fully endorse the idea of weaponized chickens. You have my vote

  • @guybrush3pwood2 sounds lit to be honest!!! 👌👌😆😆😂

  • I recall this very thing being in a thread about a year ago. Talk about deja vu!

    It'll never happen because it lends itself to the idea of cruelty to animals.

  • This may lend itself to animal cruelty, so I have a counter-proposal: how about being able to release animals from their cages (especially on ships)?

    Then the chickens could peck at their captors, snakes could bite them and the piggies can burn through their food barrels!

  • @gundy-the-shark Nope, we're still hunters and pirates. Yes we kill them, but it's quick - we don't torture them while they're still alive (I hope).

  • @galactic-geek This is a comic game which is supposed to be humorous. I mean, we shoot ourselves out of cannons, in this world, being shot out of a cannon obviously never leads to actual physical harm.
    I don't see how if this is done in the "right" way, it would promote cruelty to animals. Okay, if chickens were to splatter against the hulls of ships in a puff of blood and feathers, then yeah, it would be awful... But if they were to bounce like us pirates do and swim to the nearest island essentially escaping captivity and a life within a tiny wooden crate, I would say the pirate shooting them would be releasing them back into the wild, saving the animals from a cruel and miserable life.

  • It’s true that this is a comical game and that such things done right can be comical, but let’s not forget the real world here. We live in a world full of psychopaths after all, and this game is frequented by people of many ages.

  • @gundy-the-shark Yeah, I remember seeing a clip of someone who had boarded someone's sloop to find that they were a very busy merchant pirate. The sloop had a HUGE collection of animal crates all full of pigs, chickens and snakes. The captain of the ship wasn't with the sloop at the time.

    For the boarding pirate this cargo had very little value, so instead of being a descent player and leaving the merchant grinder alone, he just started swinging at the animals with his cutlass killing every last one. I thought the behaviour was disgusting especially as the food update hadn't happened when I saw the clip. He literally did it to ruin someone's day and get pleasure from someone else's misery

  • @gundy-the-shark having said that. If a psychopath did start hoarding crates of animals. There are far worse things they could do than release them back into the wild by shooting them from a cannon... They could drown them, slay them with their cutlass or blow them up with a powder keg and then cook and eat their carcass.

    I'd say releasing them into the wild after a short, comic style flight would be a kindness rather than a cruelty. (Perhaps change the chicken instakill... i can see how impaling a pirate with a chicken could be thought of as cruel 😂)

  • @guybrush3pwood2
    This would be fun. Maybe instead of a chicken instakill, it makes a cloud of feathers and wanders around the ship, not as annoying as pigs, but still there. I also like the releasing from cages idea, imagine chickens running around crazily and knocking people off 🤣

  • @guybrush3pwood2 I have to object. Shooting is fine, but no chicken (or pig, or snake) should deal more damage than a hit with a human. Pigs and chicken should leave red marks on the deck at best.

    Other objections:

    • Direct hits with cannonballs are already OHKO.
    • Trying to snipe other players beyond the current max range of cannons doesn't sound like an enhancement of gameplay to me.
    • "People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals" Intervention (Why is their official abbreviation not allowed?)
    • Dislike Angry Birds
  • @crimsonraziel yeah... kinda changed my mind about the chicken instakill. Thought it would be deemed as cruel to impale a pirate on a chicken beak.
    Lol, the angry bird thing made me laugh.

    I kinda liked the "seeking" idea. So you could veiw the flight from the animals perspective. I'd use it for scooping out islands amd exploring places. Be nice to be able to fly off in cannon without actually leaving the boat and having to swim all the way back

  • @guybrush3pwood2 pets are soon gonna be added right? so why not send your pet parrot😂, or a different bird. this won't do any damage to the enemy pirates but it would flutter around for a while, make a cloud of feathers and screech very loudly. after that it would safely return to your ship. or you could protect your ship by putting your pets on board (better then impaling pirates with chickens) like crabs, which will pinch the enemies' feet. or monkeys that could punch and kick. (pets won't do much damage, we don't want this to be pay to win right?)

  • @cookieconsumer6 i don't know how pets are going to work, I might be wrong but i thought they were going to be micro transactions with real money... i don't think Rare would want to give someone who had paid to have a cosmetic an advantage over all the other players. Perhaps they are planning on having a limited amount of pets available without spending real cash... no idea

  • This would be dope and slapping people with fish. Like a kickback instead of an attack

  • @guybrush3pwood2 hhmm, i think you're right that would be pay to win. and Rare hates that. also about the idea of shooting an unlimited amount of snakes in a cannon, don't you think it would be almost an insta-kill, if not all of the enemies will:lose a bunch of health, barely see anything (you'r view is purple and blurry when bit by a snake), and would waste a ton of time killing the snakes. so instead i think you should be able to put about 5-7 snakes in one cannon, to make it less destructive.

  • @cookieconsumer6 I'm all up restrictions and different idea's how this could work. I think the snake thing could give the solo slooper an invaluable defence against attack. But yeah i see you point... 20 or 30 snakes landing on your ship would be too much. If you were stationary you'd be instakillled nearly everytime you respawned. Perhaps over time the animals could naturally jump ship and swim for an island?

  • @guybrush3pwood2 Some people have ideas to drastically change and improve the game, adding value to unappreciated aspects. They get 0 votes, and little attention.
    You suggest putting a chicken in a cannon and get 11 votes and 21 comments.
    I don't know what masterminded technique you used to brainwash the Sea of Thieves community, but you have my admiration for it.

    That being said, ever since the Hunter's Call, there's not a lot of value in keeping chickens and chicken crates, so being able to shoot them from cannons would give them more value. From a gameplay standpoint, this is a brilliant idea that balances old gameplay mechanics. I think they should function identically to cannonballs, but your opponents get that animal on their ship. Just because it's incredibly hilarious. A pirate, in a panicked state, trying to survive, and then suddenly there's a chicken on deck in front of a hole. Snakes would become super valuable through this too. Maybe they should give animals the ability to swim when the ship sinks so that the chicken isn't condemned to the bottom of the ocean.

    @gundy-the-shark said in Weaponised wildlife:

    This may lend itself to animal cruelty, so I have a counter-proposal: how about being able to release animals from their cages (especially on ships)?

    I want this so badly. I want to travel the seas, a ship full of chickens. I want to be the feared Chicken captain. Other players would be so confused. It would give chicken crates more value too.

  • @nefnoj hahaha! The start of your post made me laugh.
    Ever since i started playing and i went up to a cannon with something in my hand and I got the message "you cannot put that item in the cannon" I've wanted to be able to put whatever i want in one.
    Say you could fill one with fruit and it would spray fruit gunk all over their boat. Anyone on deck would get the same screen effect they get when they've had sick thrown at them.

    I guess being told "you can't do that" made me think "ahhh but what if i could?"

  • @guybrush3pwood2 I love the way you think. You should be put in charge of game development.

  • I like the idea to release pigs on to ships to wreak havoc on food stocks, and the idea to shoot chickens in the sky for a Birdseye view. Snakes can already be utilized in a defensive manner, but the possibility to release snakes onboard would be fun too.

  • @nefnoj lol. I wish!!!! Guess Rare probably likes the relationship. Idea's for freeeeeeee.
    I'd love to see something which looked like one of my ideas in the game.

  • Just saying, on a related note, I've been dying to kill a pirate with a banana fired from a cannon.

  • I like this creatively original Idea, and it would make sailing hilarious because you know very well there would be ships full of nothing but livestock. I can see it now, dying to a chicken and telling the crew over mic "Guys, I've been clucked"

  • What if instead of going for resources, the pig would just bounce players off the deck? It would tie in great with the 'heat seeker' mechanic as well as stay in the category of using animals as projectiles in the spirit of PvP, and would be a good reason to implement animals into the Arena.

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