Cutlass Combat

  • @octopus-lime You can jump through enemy players.

  • @crafek said in Cutlass Combat:

    @octopus-lime You can jump through enemy players.

    Only with the sword dodge, and not while you're blocking their attacks.

  • The only way to fix the sword spam meta is to put the movement speed penalty back in 100% agree with OP the sword was not broke guns were (double gunning) idk why they decided to try and fix something that wasn't broke!

  • @octopus-lime said in Cutlass Combat:

    @dat-boy-killjoy said in Cutlass Combat:

    @octopus-lime said in Cutlass Combat:

    @bigbootysmack20 Yes but why shouldn't they be able to do that?

    Because there should be no instakilling in this game and players should be definitively rewarded/punished based on how they perform in a fight. That is the only way they will learn how to improve. If you remove the stun, every fight becomes 50/50 and all strategy goes out the window.

    I should have peace of mind to know "Okay, if I slash this guy I can dictate the fight. I can play offensively or defensively." if you get rid of that, player combat will become more impulsive. Whoever gets the first slash will often win an encounter. People will rush less and try to run away more, which will hurt PvP. We want to encourage players to engage with each other, not dismay them. The way cutlasses were prior to this, I could have 10% HP and still mount a comeback if I can get a good slash in.

    If I can get close enough to slash you, you need to parry or block-jump. People will use these tactics less and less if they can just slash their way out of a fight. Then it becomes every button-masher ever. Combat in this game is suprisingly elegant, despite it's rudimentary approach. I wish more games followed the same sword mechanics.

    I don't think I could disagree with this anymore than I already do. At the moment, when you board a ship all the crew has to do is rush you like lemmings, slashing wildly, then as soon as you're hit once, you get stun locked and that's it GG.

    Then you learn how to block, evade, and find openings. You shouldn't be able to shrug off damage, especially if you allow yourself to get ganked by an entire crew.

  • @dat-boy-killjoy Thanks for the advice kid...

    I'm saying that if they removed the slow down penalty from swinging the sword then they need to removed the stun lock and if the stun lock doesn't get removed then they need to put the slowdown from swinging the sword.

  • @octopus-lime said in Cutlass Combat:

    @dat-boy-killjoy Thanks for the advice kid...

    I'm saying that if they removed the slow down penalty from swinging the sword then they need to removed the stun lock and if the stun lock doesn't get removed then they need to put the slowdown from swinging the sword.

    I'm not quite sure I follow, as OP is saying that cutlass combat should be returned back to having your missed slashes punished with a slow-down. It is annoying that people can slash wildly at you, which is what my first comment elaborated on. I noticed your comment stating that stun lock should be removed, which led to my comment regarding strategy and how sword should have remained unchanged, for the most part. I feel that you may have overlooked my comments altogether.

    Upon recently engaging in sword fights I have found my best option us to keep my distance, make use of my surroundings, and if you can master the no-cooldown lunge reset you should be alright against randoms on the sea. I'm not really playing any differently than i was pre-sword changes, though, which just goes to show you that skill always triumphs. I must emphasize, my original comment wasn't me complaining, it was me wanting the best sword mechanics for everyone.

    I don't believe removing the sword stun will make people a better player, in fact it will make things worse. Even if the no slow-down on slashes remains in, it will ruin sword combat, negate all strategy and result in the aforementioned "hack and slash" button masher format. Then it becomes Star Wars Battlefront 2, a game with such flawed lightsaber combat that Dice is still attempting to fix it 17 months after it's original release. I would hope SoT doesn't follow the same trend.

  • @dat-boy-killjoy I'm not sure what the previous comments were as this was from last week but my general POV on swords are:

    -Revert back to the slowing of movement when swinging the sword or remove stun lock.
    -Hitting the environment should count as a miss and incur the penalty

  • I'm not entirely against stun lock, I just think that it could be reduced so there's minimal movement, and that it shouldn't even be a thing when you successfully block. You're already slowed while blocking - why do they have to stop your movement altogether on an unsuccessful attack too? It makes no sense from a balance standpoint when considering offense vs. defense! The best games in terms of combat, IMO, are always the ones that have a circular mechanic, or rock, paper, scissors mentality. Gun beats block, block beats sword, sword beats gun. It's easy! But right now it's: gun beats block, sword beats block, blocking always loses.

  • @topdog021 agreed

  • Not a lot of people know that you arent stunlocked when in mid-air, its the sole reason why previous sword combat had frustrations as it combined with the slowdown, made the slowdown even more noticable.

    If only they made being stunlocked while in mid-air possible while previous sword combat was in play, the slowdown would not be noticable as much. Guns wouldnt be too weak and swords would finally be more consistent.

    Like seriously, even when fighting someone in a galleon, there could be an odd occurance in which my opponent jumps, hits the ceiling and runs again. But not get stunlocked because my sword hit him in exactly as he jumped. All they had to do was fix this inconsistency. The way sword combat is now is prone to MORE inconsistencies.

    @Galactic-Geek Oh, I seem to notice that I can jump through enemy players normally, I even got jumped at many times. Sword hop or not, as long as you jump into your opponent you are in him.

  • After reading the posts here I really hope that Rare reverts back to the old swordplay. I'm new to the game, so I haven't personally experienced the original version, but the sword combat in this game has seemed awful to me from the get go. I fully support the idea of rolling back to whatever it was before.

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