DOUBLE GUN IS BACK. "Sprint-resetting" method

  • First of all, I'd like to say, I had no problem with double gun, I agree there needed to be a little bit of a delay, but the current weapon swap delay is too hefty in my opinion.

    As much as I didn't want to report this (because I enjoyed double gun), it is technically something that you, the devs, probably didn't mean to put into the game, therefore, it is an exploit. In any event, the release of the new update showed there was no longer a delay after sprinting, so my theory was, if you shoot, switch weapons, sprint and then shoot again, the delay could possibly be avoided. I was right. I tested this last night and before too long was able to implement it pretty consistently. Because of how quickly I have to shoot, flick the scroll wheel, sprint, and then shoot again, I'm unclear about which order it actually goes in. Either shoot, switch, sprint, shoot; or shoot, sprint, switch while sprinting, shoot. I believe it is the first option.

    So that is the exploit, now I'd like to give my suggestion for the current weapon meta: I think the weapon swap delay should be about half or 2/3 of what it currently is. Also, I believe that weapon swap delay should be effective only after shooting a weapon, and I don't mean that you shoot the weapon and wait to pull something else out like you did with the sword. That was insanely annoying, especially when I'm desperately trying to pull out a banana and then swinging my sword again and having to wait the additional time after swinging. What I mean is that once you have shot, a timer in the code starts that prevents you from shooting the next gun you pull out, regardless of if you try to sprint reset it.

    So that's my idea for now. Let me know in the comments if you agree with my ideas, and if not, let me know what you think would be better because I'm genuinely curious and I want to see this game be the best it can be. It's a phenomenal game and I've loved every minute playing it.

    Happy sailing, scallywags!

    Cap'n Sveldur

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  • Lol at least double gun wasn't as bad as the current meta. 😂

  • Well, Don't tell others how to do it, Contact support about it and report it as a bug.

    We don't want more people to know about this.

  • @theunknownd
    Guns are just bad right now... double shot doesn't provide any type of advantage atm, also it requires the user to have pretty good aim and some practice doing the swap.

  • @sveldur
    Shoot, switch, sprint as it cancels the animation of the gun going out and therefore cancels the delay between weapons.

    I also discovered it by myself, the first day actually. But I also didn't want to include it in my bug report post or even notify it as I don't really find it abusive in any way, it takes practice and skill and it is more than what I can say about the sword meta.

  • @skyrush-bro oh boy the sword meta isn’t anything new and has become well, worse in some cases than it was.

  • @weststormborn
    I mean every time I get cc with the sword I feel like going afk tbh, if I want cc I would go back to overwatch and Briggite.

    Every time I make a post about it I get this two-sided conversation, either sword cc is OP or that guns are broken and the sword cc is necessary.

    edit: from my pov cc in a pirate game just doesn't make sense.

  • Honestly, please stop with all of these concerned "exploit" reports. Last time you people spread this hysteria the devs took a nuclear bomb to the combat system in one of the wildest over-course corrections that I've ever seen. Please don't encourage their wrath.

  • @dawson-dev I’m sorry but “TACTICAL NUKE INCOMEING!!!” We’re all doomed to this infinite circle of change.

  • @skyrush-bro you’ll need to explain some lingo to me as what is cc, so I can give my best argument for or against what you are speaking of.

  • @weststormborn more like a circular fireing squad of change, am I right?

  • @dawson-dev yes sir

  • @weststormborn
    cc stands for crowd control. Any type of stun or any type of ability that prevents the player from using certain things.

    For example, every type of special ball in sea of thieves is considered cc.

    OP = overpowered
    POV = point of view

  • @skyrush-bro ah thanks, then what I must say is you’re not doomed to cc. blocking during being cc (if faced towards the attacker) cause the cc to stop for the time of your block. If you are being combo and you don’t want to be killed by whoever is attacking with a sword with another combo, do a 180 and block. You can do a dodge while blocking to get some space as well so you can restore health.

    Edit: ik the other lingo but thanks anyway XD

  • @weststormborn
    I'm not really that into sword combat as I find the sword obnoxious and gnarly. Meaning most of the time I prefer to run double shot, even if I'm in a disadvantage, as I come from games like Csgo or Overwatch .

  • @weststormborn
    Tbh some members had run polls in order to check the community's opinion about certain stuff. Maybe is time to do one about the current meta, even though I'm afraid there will be a significant percentage of them that will say guns are still OP.

  • @skyrush-bro makes sense. Well I’d have to say your personal choices will get you killed by someone a bit skilled with a sword (at least in close quarters), but I get the reason you chose it.

  • @skyrush-bro I would concur that the evidence may point to guns being op, now I would only choose this because I had a situation where a guy one shot me with a pistol, either by hax or an exploit idk (he was at the bottom of my boat alone so ik there wasn’t anyone else ;) .) Perhaps there maybe a change of attitude since people are getting upset over how the sword was originally that not many people noticed because they doubled gunned more of the time back then than not.

  • @weststormborn
    I have to change my position, it isn't that big of a disadvantage as you might think. The issue is that when they get you is gg unless you jump off the ship, so you can't really afford to miss a shot.

    I climbed to pirate legend doing less than 20 missions, I just do pvp, that is a lot of experience with double gun.

  • @weststormborn
    You cannot double gun in water as swimming animation won't cancel the gun.

  • @skyrush-bro lowest deck I mean, not directly below my boat in the water.

  • @weststormborn
    Then yes, you can get one tapped. The thing is that is he misses just one of the shots you win.

    Also, the lowest deck is the best one for guns as you can shoot through the prison and you have no flanking points.

    edit: the last point only applies to galleons, sloops are just a suicide mission if not standing in the back part of the ship passed the anchor.

  • @skyrush-bro except in a brig with a barrel to give cover and sloop as its brig is on the side but that’s a different conversation. You would be better at gun fight in the game then I would I must say.

  • @weststormborn
    Bear in mind character models are the same for each type of character so barrels are not really a cover as your hitbox is bigger than it seems.

  • @skyrush-bro right that is true. But most players don’t notice at times XD

  • @weststormborn
    Actually, some miss shots that actually hit and they don't even notice XD

    edit: i actually surprise myself sometimes when i kill someone with a double shot cause i thought first one didn't hit.

  • @skyrush-bro that too XD

    Edit: fun getting those magic unknown shots!

  • @skyrush-bro said in DOUBLE GUN IS BACK. "Sprint-resetting" method:

    I'm not really that into sword combat as I find the sword obnoxious and gnarly. Meaning most of the time I prefer to run double shot, even if I'm in a disadvantage, as I come from games like Csgo or Overwatch .

    Sword combat is for me what makes the game. If I wanted straight up gun combat I have hundreds of games to chose from.

  • Yep starting to see guns everywhere again being used in similar manner as before. Probably will always be a problem as long as it is possible for two guns to be carried at the same time. Even encountering players again yelling to use guns and not swords. Rare needs to bite the bullet and just limit to one gun unless they want this to continue and go back to drawing more of the wrong element back on to the sea.

  • @x-crowheart-x
    I've been playing everyday for 4 hours average and i can tell you that since the nerf of the guns i've only encountered ONE guy apart from me that uses double gun and i only do pvp....

    The fact you get outplayed by a player with aim doesn't mean guns are OP, just means your positioning and your game knowledge need to improve

  • @zormis
    Sword is dominant in the meta atm and it will always be as long as it has cc. Guns are the worst weapons in the game currently and the fact people are scared of a new emerging playstyle because that would mean they would have to change positioning and play around it is just stupid.

  • @skyrush-bro said in DOUBLE GUN IS BACK. "Sprint-resetting" method:

    I've been playing everyday for 4 hours average and i can tell you that since the nerf of the guns i've only encountered ONE guy apart from me that uses double gun and i only do pvp....

    Does not mean others have not. All we mostly see when we play. It is a fact based on our experiences.

    The fact you get outplayed by a player with aim doesn't mean guns are OP, just means your positioning and your game knowledge need to improve

    Hope you are not directing this personally to me. Never said I was outplayed. That would be a rare occurrence. So it is not a fact in that regard. I, as most others around the forums, would greatly appreciate not being talked down to just because you do not agree, understand, or experienced something.

  • @skyrush-bro said in DOUBLE GUN IS BACK. "Sprint-resetting" method:

    Sword is dominant in the meta atm and it will always be as long as it has cc. Guns are the worst weapons in the game currently and the fact people are scared of a new emerging playstyle because that would mean they would have to change positioning and play around it is just stupid.

    They wanted weapons per situation. What's better in water, gun or sword? I have sniped people on a ship following me, killing them and getting a chance to board their ship Like in this video (shameless plug)

    Killed a guy on a rowboat full of treasure with a pistol last night

    Not to mention one shotting people with a blunder who came at me with a sword. The sword is strong with people who know how to use it but to say guns are worst weapons.. No.

  • @x-crowheart-x
    So, if i ask people in forums and in game if they've seen double gun people and nearly all of them tell me they haven't encountered it nor seen one... and you tell me i have to trust your experience, who do you think am i going to trust?

    Further more,this is the only post were double shot is discussed meaning people don't really know about its existance. And if they do, belive me it takes a lot of practice in order to implement it on your gameplay as you need to change your movement pattern and sacrifice jumping.

    Also you said "Probably will always be a problem", "jus limit to one gun", which i interpret as hate against guns. Aren't you "indirectly" letting me know you have an issue with them? You are letting me know they are OP for you, how is something OP from your POV if you don't get outplayed in certain situations by it?

    Btw the last part of your comment is completely out of place, not going to answer it.

  • @skyrush-bro could you explain what you mean by "out of place," and why you don't think it's worth answering? I thought it was an excellently polite reminder for civility.

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