What’s the point of Sea of Thieves?

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  • @captain-uncle said in What’s the point of Sea of Thieves?:

    @cotu42 All the “rewards” you states were all based around cosmetics. Cosmetics shouldn’t be the main reason you do voyages.

    No.. the main reason to play should be fun. The cosmetics are there to provide a reward to reflect what you did in the game.

    As I have stated before you shouldn't play for the rewards. Just enjoy the game, if you want virtual item progress that results in you one shotting new players... there's tons of games out there that will provide that.

    It isn't what SoT is about, it is about a shared world where everyone regardless of the times they spent on the seas will be able to do the same. The difference between them is the player behind the pirate and the time spent in the current session.

    It is what makes the game so unique in the day and age where time spent is usually rewarded with power, stats, advantages over others and following the D&D progress model.

  • @captain-uncle said in What’s the point of Sea of Thieves?:

    @vorondil1 I don’t think commendations and titles are pointless, and I think it’s a great thing to have in the game. It gives a player something to strive for.

    Have you finished everything? Are you Pirate Legend; Athena 10, with every single commendation unlocked?

  • @dislex-fx No. But titles and commendations simply isn't enough for me. That's why I want something else to spend my gold on.

  • 100% agree this. Game has almost everything except any type of actual progression. I mean even fps have guns attachments equipment ect. Hell Mario even had items, and level progression. This game is soooo damn boring and yet somehow so close to being a epic experience but honestly I think Black flag, hell even Odyssey and Pirates of the Caribbean Online did much much better at engaging the player. Add something tangible to the gameplay. Allow players to feel like their effort is being rewarded. Not just trying for nothing. Like I'm confused. Whats the point of this game? To cruise around in a boat and trying to collect a bunch of cool cannon balls? Tagible rewards that actually effect gameplay would be just amazing. IN SUMMATION Any game with this much repetition HAS TO HAVE SOME KIND OF TANGIBLE PROGRESSION. IMMERSION MIGHT GET PEOPLE THROUGH A COUPLE BATTLES UNTIL THEY FEEL LIKE THEIR EFFORT IS FOR ABSOLUTLY NOTHING. BUT THATS IT. OTHERWISE THE ONLY FUN TO BE HAD IS BEING A TOXIC JERK AND DESTROYING PEOPLES STUFF.

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