The most anoying noob EVER!

  • Here's what happened:

    I decided to do a Sloop with a random (can't say the name cause it's against the rules even though I'd love to...) and we started doing gold voyages, we got a lot of loot on board and at the last island I found a Weeping Chest. As soon as it started crying, the noob (he had no clothes and a "Sailor" nickname), who didn't have a mic, grabbed the chest and threw it offboard... I dropped anchor and swimmed to it to get it back to our sloop, when suddenly I get a message saying "Please don't put it on board, we're gonna sink". For our good luck a Galleon starts chasing us... Cause, why not right? I proceeded to say in gamechat "dude, we can handle it, you drive to the outpost and I'll take the water off our ship, we can jump off with the loot and keep sailing without a fight".

    About ten minutes passed and I saw no outpost on sight, I quickly went to check the map when I noticed we were nowhere near an outpost (close to kraken's fall), so, I proceed to say "dude, I want to drive, can you please keep taking the water off our ship please?". I sailed towards an outpost and about 2 minutes before getting there I stopped hearing the water being taken off the ship, I leave the wheel and go check what's happening... YES... HE THREW IT OFFBOARD AGAIN and the galleon dropped anchor to get the weeping chest...

    I got mad and started sayin (not shouting) "dude... why did you drop it...?" he then answered in a message "I can't handle the anxiety, sorry...". We got to the outpost with the advantage oif the galleon that stopped for the weeping chest and then told my mate to "stay at the ship and guard for the galleon". We sold all our loot but at the moment I sold the last chest the guy texts me "they're here, they're boarding us". OMG! He didn't say anything until they got to shore! Not even a shot to the sky or something for me to notice!

    But guess what one of the galleon's crew members dropped with? HECK YEAH! He went off the galleon to sell the weeping chest! I killed the guy with a sniper and sold my lost chest! Thank you POSEIDON for the luck at sea!

    Yes, I left the server and my crewmate alone as soon as I sold the weeping chest...

    What an experience that was...

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  • Atleast you got the chest back in the end! Next time post in

    Alot more people will get to enjoy it!

  • Ewwwwww. Randoms.

  • @mrgrim67686 Hahahahahaha, loved your comment...

  • @aa-yeti I just re posted it, thanks!

  • @carlosylu No problem!

  • I've come to absolutely love the SoT discord. Use it and you will never come across something like that again.

  • @celestron90 Will do, thanks!

  • @carlosylu lol Not so much at the story but @AA-Yeti said "next time". That doesn't mean post the same thing twice.

    Now you have two threads of the same title and I'm assuming the same content.

    Ewwwwwww noobs. lol sorry mate. :o)

  • @admiral-rrrsole There, fixed

  • Hang of the side of the ship with the mardy chest. You can get it back safely without a splash of tear getting on your wood. 🙂

  • @carlosylu Too easy. :o)

    Perhaps you should hold back on saying the worst EVER. At leaset he wasn't seasick.... or was he? lol

    Although in his innocent nature he made the wrong choice to lose that bloody annoying chest, there are many randoms out there that somehow seek pleasure from dropping all of the loot overboard and / or deliberately exploding powder kegs either on or below deck.

    Gawd only knows what jollies these people get out of doing this but trust me, there are quite a few of them out there.

  • @admiral-rrrsole said in The most anoying noob EVER!:

    @carlosylu Too easy. :o)

    Perhaps you should hold back on saying the worst EVER. At leaset he wasn't seasick.... or was he? lol

    Although in his innocent nature he made the wrong choice to lose that bloody annoying chest, there are many randoms out there that somehow seek pleasure from dropping all of the loot overboard and / or deliberately exploding powder kegs either on or below deck.

    Gawd only knows what jollies these people get out of doing this but trust me, there are quite a few of them out there.

    It's fun for the people doing it.
    Since people have to make their own fun in this game, it's gonna be a given that some will mess with crews for their fun.

  • LOL "can't handle the anxiety"... this guy is too much, wonder what he will do with the new monster in the game, how much anxiety he will get

  • It was very nice of the other Galleon to bring your chest back to you.
    Don't forget to thank them =)

  • Sounds like a troll then a noob.

  • I mean it wasn't that bad, poor guy I wouldn't blame him.

    It's normal for some people to feel anxious when facing new "stressful" situatons like having to run from a galleon while bailing water, etc

    And he was comunicating the way he could. I'm pretty sure that if you get anxiety from bailing water you also get it from talking to strangers using the mic.

    In the end you lost nothing and could have made a new friend if you had a little more pacience.

  • @wturok For the record I play with lots of randos and this is not what real trolling looks like.

  • @danish-crusader LOL, I should've done that before leaving

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