i ran into a problem HazeInutBeard, I did everything that was indicated in the instructions, but nothing helped me, I tried to log into the account XBOX and Microsoft and so on.
if suddenly someone knows how to solve it, please help me, I want to play and I don’t know how to solve it anymore, I have this error for about 2 weeks, although before that everything worked as it should
I use Windows 10 Pro x64 and Steam
The problem with HazeInutBeard when logging into the server.
@sergobiba4573 Check this support link for a possible solution:
@metal-ravage Please read my text carefully, but nothing helped. + To this, that before that everything worked and nothing changed.
@sergobiba4573 You can always submit a ticket to support:
https://support.seaofthieves.com/hc/en-gb/signin?return_to=https%3A%2F%2Fsupport.seaofthieves.com%2Fhc%2Fen-gb%2Frequests%2Fnew@waywardf0x I did not want to offend anyone, I just wrote that if a person does not understand, then there is no need to write, I want help and not an empty conversation, everything that this person threw off to me I found 100 times on the Internet, this is not help.
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