Hire NPC's to be apart of your crew!

  • Love the game, love playing with friends a whole bunch! I play the game solo sometimes, and feel it would be really cool if we were able to come across an island, and find a "survivor" from a boat crash from time to time, and hire them as part of our crew.

    For example I burn the food, or forget to cook it, wouldn't it be nice to hire that NPC to cook your food, and store it? Or help lift the anchor, and raise/lower the sails, maybe you want him to be on a cannon (or in a cannon lol) maybe hang out on deck and wait for players to board ship! Also be able to hire a bunch more you come across.

    To keep it balance so one ship isn't incredibly op everyone has the same amount of crew I'd do one NPC for each task: food, sails and anchor, Cannons, or harpoon, deck, or lower deck (lower deck would protect treasure if that's where you store it) NPC's can never steer the ship! once at a outpost you can have them help you unload your treasure and they'd walk it to the spot and help sell it. Also once there you can go up to them and relieve them of their duties for blue coin.

    I'd make it to where they can die obviously but, so they're not OP I'd give them slightly less health than a normal player, which can contribute to a happiness meter. The better health or "wellness" you keep your NPC's the better they'll perform tasks and the more blue coin you get from relieving them of duty. For weapons idk maybe just a sword because NPC's in the game are really good shots lol. That would be if this ideas even taken into consideration. Alas yarg me mates I'll be seen ye again! Lol 😂😂

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  • We have a recent topic with exactly the same subject. I don't think it's been a month since he was introduced.
    One thing about my experience with that. Jack Sparrow got in more of a mess of what helped me when he was an NPC on my ship during the last tall talle of PotC

  • Interesting idea, but I think NPC crewmembers should only be allowed to fill in spots on an undermanned ship, not added to the crew of a fully manned one as that would mess with the balance. To make up for having less NPCs you could have the option to choose what job they should focus on right now (like cooking or repairs), or you could put them in a general-purpose mode where they look for what needs doing on their own (shoot and repair during combat, circling the enemy with the ship to allow for others to shoot and help harpoon loot once the fight is over or whatever).

  • @smokecoast420 Nah, that would be too difficult to program, especially since can just have a human player do all those things and much better thab any AI could ever do.

    Cannon npcs like Jack Sparrow are crackshots so no. He only ever misses if you turn the boat too hard. Plus i can imagine the AI easily messing up and throwing down the anchor at the wrong time or turning the sails in the wrong direction.

    I also don't want to have to take care of it so it has better health. I'm a pirate, i'm not it's mother!

  • Captain jack Sparrow!!! That sounds cool! It's been a few months since I last played the game. I like all the comments and better refining the idea.
    I think it would be nice to have a dedicated cook for the ship that way you can use the island cooking stations to increase the amount of cooked fish and reducing the time it takes.
    Even a pirate dedicated to general repair like would planks would be nice, but only if your missing a player once you get a real player he gets demoted to cook.

  • @smokecoast420 said in Hire NPC's to be apart of your crew!:

    Captain jack Sparrow!!! That sounds cool! It's been a few months since I last played the game. I like all the comments and better refining the idea.
    I think it would be nice to have a dedicated cook for the ship that way you can use the island cooking stations to increase the amount of cooked fish and reducing the time it takes.
    Even a pirate dedicated to general repair like would planks would be nice, but only if your missing a player once you get a real player he gets demoted to cook.

    Nah, if you choose to sail under crew limits and/or on a ship that's too big for the crew, you should suffer the full consequences.

  • @el-spaniardchi

    Well if they will have an early retirement. Just hire a new one. We literally have millions of coins just molding in our inventory.
    I think Rare could do the job properly. The AI would be no problem adapting. It would just take time,testing.

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