[MEGA THREAD] Update 2.0.8 - Fort of the Damned Feedback

  • Fort of the Damned, our 4th Monthly Content Update is now live, which means it's time for another Mega Thread.

    This topic has been set up to discuss and feedback on the new features, updates and activities that Update 2.0.8 brings.

    As you participate in this thread -

    Keep to the Pirate Code

    As a reminder, the Pirate Code is more than just guidelines (though the reference really never gets old), but the rules of the community and game that we expect all members to abide by when participating on the forums. Any member who fails to abide by the code may find themselves put in the brig, or removed from the community.

    We also have Forum Rules, which we moderate to.

    This thread is for feature discussion and feedback only. If you're looking for help with anything then head over to the Gameplay Guides + Tips category linked below.

    Are you in need of any help? Then look no further!

  • 66
  • RIP solo sloopers for arena....

  • @pinkwkid said in [MEGA THREAD] Update 2.0.8 - Fort of the Damned Feedback:

    RIP solo sloopers for arena....

    there in there own loby mate and update day YAY!

  • @takuboto Ahoy There Dev Team!! So I have encountered your first bug for this update yay! The Pirate Emporium and Adventure Doesn't work could you maybe fix this soon i am supper hyped for this update!! Thanks And Happy Sailing!!

  • Defeated the damned commendation and achievement didnt unlock

  • @scoobywrx555 For me neither, or any of the groups I was with. Nobody got it.

  • Well I played for four hours today and disliked almost every second. Dispite the unskilled players(who use the extremely over powered Blunder Buss) that we were up against, the update is fairly broken for the time being. My crewmates and I experienced major ping spikes that would teleport us all over the place and make PvP impossible. There is also the fact that blocking with a sword still doesn't work so you get cut up by the opponents sword. As I referenced earlier, the Blunder buss is way to over powered and works as a noob super weapon. This is just one thing that makes me dislike sea of thieves, because the developers lean heavily towards the side of the unexpirianced player. The damn weapon makes the enemy practically invinsable when fighting on ships. I've always had a grudge against the weapon, but I believe this update went overboard with the power of the blunder. It's just ridicules to hear about how the dev's are trying to make the game fair(like with the stupid full crew arena thing), but instead taking away so much power and fun from experienced players such as I. I hope this information is taken into consideration as the game is completely unsatisfactory to me and many others at the moment.

  • @takuboto Getting the red light is an absolute bind. Spent nearly an hour just trying to get this, on a 3 man brig, heading to volcanoes and seeing them stop as we arrive or sitting and all the hits are on the ship. Our alliance friends got all the other colours plus a skull by the time we had that 1 light. Not my idea of fun.

  • @takuboto
    The commendation for completing the Fort of the Damned did not unlock upon completion of the fort.

    This event is such a slog, especially with trying to collect a red flame from volcanoes that keep stopping as you get close because it takes so long to get close enough when you are always sailing into the wind. It's just not worth the hassle.... Especially for those of us that don't care about the loot. I will not be doing the fort again until the commendations for completion are fixed.

    I will however be sinking any ship I see that is trying to complete it in order to save them from the aggravation of not getting the commendation.

  • I haven’t played it yet.

    But I’m so glad you all added something cause now instead of getting drunk when I get home I’m going to play SOT’s high in liu of alcohol.

  • No problem doing the fort and other activities to get the fort started

    Didn’t get the commendation for completing it

    Loot is great, though almost every time, someone blows up the mega kegs

    While the fort is fun once.... twice..... maybe 3 times..... 50 is just not fun.

    Did anyone at rare complete the final build of the fort 50 times in a row and collected 50 reaper’s skulls before?

    I would love it more if there was some type of cosmetic award to it that you get for every 5 or so completed. Just a boring grind otherwise

    Great work on the ambience, fog, look of the skeletons, music, banjos, clothing

    Edit: completed the fort now 11 times, it says I have 2 completions. I truly hope the next patch gives us all the progress we’ve made back.

    Edit 2: i have completed it over 11 times now and somehow only have 3 completions

    Final Edit: What i'm about to write understand i'm not mad at RARE, I'm Very disappointed.
    With commendations for completing the fort not counting the last 7 days we recieved a response from the support team saying
    "The hotfix to ensure that Fort of the Damned Commendations unlock correctly has finished rolling out. While Commendations cannot be retroactively unlocked for previous Fort activity, they can now be earned by fulfilling the conditions as normal. The Fort awaits your challenge!"
    Insiders is there to provide testing and feedback on broken items in game. You know whether or not this issue was occurring in insiders. If for whatever reason, whenever someone opens the fort it wouldnt count, can we instead have one of the following options to count for completions retroactively.
    Option 1:
    As skeletons killed are counted for users, if this is possible perhaps
    All skeleton colors killed = X.
    Average skeletons killed per fort of the damned = Y
    X / Y = number of forts completed
    Option 2: number of skeleton fort doors unlocked.
    Option 3: times players activated the fort
    Option ?: the number of athenas, skulls turned in, reapers, etc.... I have all of mine recorded on twitch.... There's gotta be something that can be done

    I only am aware that skeletons are counted for in commendations, I am unaware if option 2,3 can be applied.

    Please do something retroactively. The response from @sot_support broke many player's hearts and will to play.

  • Fort fight with the skele waves is really well done. Takes a bit too long to complete once you get to the end boss, who I would have preferred had lower health but a similar mechanic and just changed colors so you had to coordinate to do damage.

    My main problem is its way too easy for other crews to hide on the island, leech the commendation, then try to use megakegs to steal everything / smite you by blowing up half of your loot value when you do find them. People can hide on the middle of the cliff sides behind the fort super easily and is near impossible to find them, even when you see their mermaid in the water. We had two different ships doing this while we slaved away at the fort, probably because the game rewards people for camping to do the fort 50 times.

    Instead the commendation should've been:

    "Complete the fort 10 times with all crew members present or on the ferry of the damned, without your boat sinking." That would make the fort actually fun & prevent campers.

  • @coconutdog

    drop someone on an island with a volcano and wait for it to blow. When it does, just find a lava spot and step on it until you die (WARNING: YOU NEED TO STEP ON LAVA, NOT GEYSERS) and you'll get the red light. No need to die for the volcano meteors.

    While your buddy waits, you can go collect the other ones.

  • @takuboto

    Completed the fort solo on a sloop and didn't get the commendation, thats a big problem.

    EDIT: other than that, fort was really fun and the search for lights too, took only 20 minutes (storm was already at the fort and I died right away, thanks for the balancing on lightning!)

  • Another One Of Those: Game is too hard rants here... (but it’s not really, it’s about the “Fort of the Damned” upadte and new event)

    At this point I’m just making these to catalogue the sparse times I don’t exactly have the best time in this game, giving me the justification that it’s the games fault and not mine, blah... blah... blah... Moving on, this is about the new “Fort of The Damned” event, once again bringing my incompetence when playing to light. To start, my very unskilled crew including myself set out to do a task that I well knew we couldn’t complete, obtaining the different lamp colors for the fort. After taking way longer then we should have, all the colors where now in our possession along with the ritual skull. Now these steps where completely fine, bringing a reasonably normal quest to the game was much needed, considering a poor player like myself found the normal forts to be easy, I knew this new fort would be a good change of pace. Once after rotating crew members in and out of our Galleon, as again our incompetence meant some went afk and needed replacements, we made it to the new fort. The atmosphere and tone there was truly different to the normal forts, making it extra exciting. Even before we could take in the scenery, a sloop instantly appeared joining our alliance as fast as they could raising my anxiety levels with no real reason, as they seemed friendly (they always do, don’t they). Lighting the lamps then became faster with an extra hand, but as the environment kept me in awe, another sloop managed to sneak in and join the alliance, all seemed well with them too. The fighting with the skeletons was great, as the mechanics of the fort made it feel new, but amongst the fighting, another and final ship appeared, the dreaded pirate legends Galleon (not to be stereotypical of pirate legends, but from a small pirate pup to a... uh... still small pirate pup, I’ve been taught to always be aware of those flags as they are most certainly more skillful then I) they rolled in to aid in the fighting. To keep this story short... well it’s not going to be short but still, sometime after fighting the skeletons and watching the pirate legend crew put countless gunpowder barrels in their crows nest, my crew member spotted another Galleon on the horizon. This Galleon had an excellent hull and sails, as I should know, because it was my ship... wait my— our ship, how’d it get their... among that fighting a crew member from the pirate legend’s ship had sailed away our ship from the fort, eventually spawning me back to it returning it to the fort. Finally noticing what was happening, I didn’t think the other Galleon wanted to exactly share anymore... returning to the main area on the fort to discuss the situation, the pirate legend crew started to move away another ship, one of the sloops. At this point everyone knew what was happening... openly attacking anyone they could see. Running down to the pirate legend’s Galleon I used the gunpowder barrels they collected to blow a sizable hole in their ship... which was repaired in an instant as I managed to kill myself in the explosion, as I always do. After everyone retreated to their own ships, everyone was at odds. But after sinking a rogue sloop gaining an ally from the other remaining sloop, our Galleon sank to the more seasoned crew. Undoubtedly they where the better crew but at least my crew had taken the defeat gracefully, as defeat is all we have ever known... To end the story here, I’ll give a moral of the story.. wait, what there’s a moral to this non-exciting tale... yes... of course... definitely, indeed... duh... well... uh, let me think. To be honest, when you compare this game to others, it is easy to see the skill gap in players as there is only cosmetic progress in the game, for this good or bad. This cosmetic progression really helps you to see that only skill is the deciding factor in most of this games combat and communications. Finally to end it here, personally I’m fine with this “loss” as the pirate legend’s where just better at the game, and didn’t have any other advantage over us rather then skill. It is called Sea of Thieves for a reason, there will definitely be defeats, which make the victories so much more satisfying, which is what didn’t upset our crew as much as it could in other games. Lastly (promise last sentence) after putting in the time to attempt to complete a dangerous task and then having it not turn out the way you wanted it, still entertained and brought joy into the game for my crew and I... but by the way I still got like ten doubloons for starting the event and bought a nice jacket with it, so who’s the real winner... they are, definitely them still... I—I’ll just... I’ll just head out now, yeah... okay yeah.

  • Completed a few rounds of the fort in a server wide alliance. We didn't get the commendation for any of the completions. And if the other crews are to be believed, neither did they.

    Either the fort is currently bugged/delayed/not giving commendations.

    Or one of the other crew was lying. If that is so, that would mean only the crew starting or finishing the event will get the commendation, which if so, should be pointed out by rare. So that people know joining an alliance for the fort of the damned is pointless unless you only there for the loot, not the comms.

    If this is the case, i would like it clarified by rare so that we will never join an alliance again and just go in guns blazing every time.

  • Почему так дико просаживается производительность компа (фпс, лаги, телепорты) рядом с новым фортом? И когда это будет исправлено? А то пвп (единственное что меня в этой игре еще держит) сильно страдает.

  • Yooo. Love the update and the PVP around the fort!

    Just severals bugs:

    • Commendation for completing the fort is not getting rewarded.
    • Sailing towards a mermaid, makes damage to your hull (since Smuggler's Fortune).
    • Several island in the ship map look darker than before (Golden Sand, Sanctuary, Plunder, Ancient Spire, etc.) This happens since Dark Relics.
    • The new Shroudbreaker VFX is pretty cool but should stop before, at the time you reach Shores of Gold. You are not able to see the island when beaching, which kind of ruin the experience.
  • @takuboto

    I'll share some thoughts now that this is live...

    In general

    • The Fort of the Damned is awesome - the best parts are the aesthetics (the look, the feel, and the musical atmosphere while working on the fort)

    • This is exactly the fort refresh that this game needed - do not make it any easier to activate or complete - just don't nerf it or "re-balance" it for the casual crowd... please...

    • The Shadows of Fate are a step in the right direction to change things up a bit, especially when the combinations of different colors start to come out

    • Graymarrow is a bullet sponge and the fight is just long without being really interesting - that's not to say you should just go in and reduce his health, don't do that. This fight needs to be truly difficult, so I don't think you should touch this boss again until you can enhance it with some more meaningful and interesting variations on attacks and overall boss fight progression - just leave it the way it is until you can do that.

    • The loot seems to be too valuable for the challenge - this fort was not very contested for either time that my crew did it. We did not really have much of a hassle. I've already seen one person on Reddit who completed it 5 times. This is going to create some major curves in Athena progression and ultimately make Athena Voyages obsolete. Replace the chest with an Athena skull that gives less rep.


    • Obviously the biggest bug to note is that most of us are not being properly credited with our completions of the fort... My crew activated the fort, cleared all enemies, killed Graymarrow, and plugged the key in twice - no alliances - we were not credited either time. I hope this will be properly credited later.

    • The equipment bug is still persistent - I know it's probably not a super high priority item, but it is indeed frustrating and I think it should be patched before the November update..

  • @chronodusk

    they should add a second vault with the PL stuff inside the normal vault of the fort that can only be opened by the PL shanty to preserve Athena rep to PL. My friend is 30/35 on every faction and already has Athena rep, that can't be allowed.

  • @am0rim2108

    I agree - but everyone else seems to be okay with cheapening the experience for dedicated players and Pirate Legends.

    At this point I just shrug my shoulders and move on - the game will be fully nerfed and casualized on all fronts before Anniversary number 2, and there's nothing that's going to fix that.

    I love Sea of Thieves and have a lot of fun every time I play, but it's just shame to see Rare catering to certain crowds.

  • @takuboto said in [MEGA THREAD] Update 2.0.8 - Fort of the Damned Feedback:

    Fort of the Damned, our 4th Monthly Content Update is now live, which means it's time for another Mega Thread.

    This topic has been set up to discuss and feedback on the new features, updates and activities that Update 2.0.8 brings.

    As you participate in this thread -

    Keep to the Pirate Code

    As a reminder, the Pirate Code is more than just guidelines (though the reference really never gets old), but the rules of the community and game that we expect all members to abide by when participating on the forums. Any member who fails to abide by the code may find themselves put in the brig, or removed from the community.

    We also have Forum Rules, which we moderate to.

    This thread is for feature discussion and feedback only. If you're looking for help with anything then head over to the Gameplay Guides + Tips category linked below.

    Are you in need of any help? Then look no further!

    banjos yay!

  • @chronodusk said in [MEGA THREAD] Update 2.0.8 - Fort of the Damned Feedback:


    I agree - but everyone else seems to be okay with cheapening the experience for dedicated players and Pirate Legends.

    At this point I just shrug my shoulders and move on - the game will be fully nerfed and casualized on all fronts before Anniversary number 2, and there's nothing that's going to fix that.

    I mean sure but I hope not

  • @chronodusk

    That's why we need to speak up and voice our opinions. I understand people that want to make the game more casual and I understand people that want to make it more hardcore, but we need to balance both sides and help Rare find a middle ground that is suitable to both crowds.

  • @am0rim2108 good to know it can be done solo... so the boss is toned down based on number of people?

  • @acebead40319154

    I don't think so, I had a pretty hard time beating it, but it can be done.

    I wouldn't recommend it, though, as it's clearly not intended to be done solo.

    If you're a madman like me you can try it!

  • Ran into a lot of issues with bad lag and ping spikes last night. Either the servers are really busy, the new features are causing server performance degradation, or players with questionable internet were dragging down everyone's connection (crewmate was experiencing the same lag at the same time, and we live in different cities).

  • Enjoying the Fort of the Damned so far. Have done it twice, both times on a Sloop. The first time, we made an alliance with a Galleon as soon as we rolled up. They had just started it and we helped through the whole encounter. Then they betrayed us in the end, sunk our Sloop and took all the loot for themselves. Don't quite understand that mentality, but that's the breaks on a Sloop I guess. Anyway, two bugs to report:

    1. Graymarrow got stuck in one of the platforms surrounding the main for area. We could hit him intermittently and finally had to stack 4 gunpowder barrels on him to get him out. That did not kill him though, but the encounter continued.
    2. Multiple times, my crewmate and I were spawned on islands rather than on our ship after returning from the Ferry of the Damned.
  • @scoobywrx555 same for me and my crew.

  • I posted about my thoughts on this update, I think it's great, but misses the mark in its design direction. I don't know if I should just copy + paste it here, or just suffice with the link.
    It's good for the future of Sea of Thieves, but struggles otherwise: https://www.seaofthieves.com/forum/category/67/feedback-suggestions

    Unrelatedly, I think it'd be nice if the fort itself was more centralized in the sea overall.

  • @coconutdog said in [MEGA THREAD] Update 2.0.8 - Fort of the Damned Feedback:

    @takuboto Getting the red light is an absolute bind. Spent nearly an hour just trying to get this, on a 3 man brig, heading to volcanoes and seeing them stop as we arrive or sitting and all the hits are on the ship.

    Here’s a simple tip on the red light. Drop off a crewmate at a large island in the Roar. Have them wait until it erupts, (they may have to kill a few random skeletons,) then stand in a glowing patch of lava until dead. Meanwhile, the ship sails back west and works on other lights.

  • @coconutdog you dont need to get hit by an actual rock, if an island is erupting or just finished there will be hot lava streams all over the island, die by that and hey presto red light

  • The Fort is a complete nightmare. My experience:

    • Huge lag spikes while on the island.
    • Skeletons glitching after being hit by a 3 sword combo and teleporting meters away.
    • Commendations are bugged (completed the Fort with another crew and none of us got the commendation).
    • The time waisted looking for White and Red lights isn't worth the effort of doing the Fort, expecially because there will be a lot of fighting to do once there, both PVE and PVP. It takes way too much time.
    • Sword combat feels way more clunky than before. I don't know why. It feels off.
    • Many players don't care about alliances or just want to do PVP by trolling those trying to do the Fort. Ok, we know, that's Sea Of Thieves, it's fine. But solo players or duo sloops will have a really bad time trying to complete this. This update is clearly not for them and not all solo or duo players are hardcore veterans.
    • Too much grind again. SoT has always been grindy, but now it's going too far. Doing X a Y number of times is a slog after a while, expecially if we need to repeat the same thing over and over again just because the rewards are RNG (talking about Dark Relics and Rag & Bones crates updates here).

    The update is cool and all, as always, and I really like the new features and items, but I don't think the Fort itself was well thought.

  • @chronodusk said in [MEGA THREAD] Update 2.0.8 - Fort of the Damned Feedback:


    I'll share some thoughts now that this is live...

    In general

    • The Fort of the Damned is awesome - the best parts are the aesthetics (the look, the feel, and the musical atmosphere while working on the fort)

    • This is exactly the fort refresh that this game needed - do not make it any easier to activate or complete - just don't nerf it or "re-balance" it for the casual crowd... please...

    • The Shadows of Fate are a step in the right direction to change things up a bit, especially when the combinations of different colors start to come out

    • Graymarrow is a bullet sponge and the fight is just long without being really interesting - that's not to say you should just go in and reduce his health, don't do that. This fight needs to be truly difficult, so I don't think you should touch this boss again until you can enhance it with some more meaningful and interesting variations on attacks and overall boss fight progression - just leave it the way it is until you can do that.

    • The loot seems to be too valuable for the challenge - this fort was not very contested for either time that my crew did it. We did not really have much of a hassle. I've already seen one person on Reddit who completed it 5 times. This is going to create some major curves in Athena progression and ultimately make Athena Voyages obsolete. Replace the chest with an Athena skull that gives less rep.


    • Obviously the biggest bug to note is that most of us are not being properly credited with our completions of the fort... My crew activated the fort, cleared all enemies, killed Graymarrow, and plugged the key in twice - no alliances - we were not credited either time. I hope this will be properly credited later.

    • The equipment bug is still persistent - I know it's probably not a super high priority item, but it is indeed frustrating and I think it should be patched before the November update..

    How do you feel about 50 times for the commendation?

  • Ahoy there devs! I quick feedback: when you complete the fort of the damned it doesn't count it in the progression achivment, I've already done 3 and it's counting just 1. I hope you'll fix it soon.

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