The Hungering Deep Tavern Tales

  • Rumours of something old, vast and hungry are surfacing throughout the Sea of Thieves and we want to hear your epic tales and adventures!

    Have you got a tale to rival Merrick? We're all ears, regale us!

    Looking For Crew?

    We've got a bunch of places you can visit to seek out like-minded pirates, so sail on over to these official Sea of Thieves hangouts:

  • 40
  • @khaleesibot
    After taking a break from the game for a little while, I came back today to experience the new features once more! Which was great, because I made a bunch of new pirate friends!

    Upon spawing, and unravelling the first clue, my friend and I realized we were lucky being so close to Merrick due to where we spawned. We didn't spot any other ships in the vicinity, something I immediately deemed a good thing as people were probably rushing to get the new things. Which could, ofcourse, lead to bloodthirstyness. We set sail to Merrick, and found him upon the beach.

    Soon, we were joined by another sloop, and then another. No shots were fired, only peaceful music, and speaking trumpet (shouting) matches. After a little while, we sailed off to go to the next clue (going in the wrong direction, obviously). Pondering upon the clue some more, we decided to try another location. Nearing it we spotted some ships, which was a great way to tell us that we were not as smart as we thought we were. As we neared, we were yet again greeted without a shot being fired.

    The friendly galleon crew exchanged some words of information with us, and our small fleet of three ships left to go to the next clue. My friend and I took some detours along the way, but eventually came upon not two, but three ships huddled together. Once more, pleasantries were exchanged, people talking about the clues, and ships dispersing without shots being fired.

    Whilst we did not fight the beast, as we still ponder the clues & food is important. We had a non-hostile friendly encounter with every ship on our server, played some great music over the speaking trumpet for our new found friends and played those sweet sweet drums. Which was all really great. And while meeting friendly pirates is not an uncommon thing (for me.. at least) this cooperation between crews was a lot of fun as it felt much more meaningful than any cooperation has previously.

  • What a beast... We're gonna need a bigger boat...

    After a bit of back and forth managed my way through all the clues solo. What an amazing journey the last few hours have been.

    3 Galleons and 2 sloops at Shark Bait. It was the most cooperative and friendly i've ever seen the game. I have video that I'll get up later.

    Anyway... My heart sank as I discovered that I couldnt summon the beast alone... (i already knew but it still sank) I was fortunate that a galleon crew had already done the clues and looking for a 5th.

    I wont go into much here yet. Plenty of adventures for all to be had. Didn't kill the beast. I suspect at least a Galleon and a sloop will be needed. Or alot of people. Didnt kill it, but after it was spawned it was there for all....

    After he sunk my sloop (which was when I returned after the galleon i was on sunk) I think he went and sunk the guy at the fort... LOL What a beast.

  • @stevie-the-dj Where can you find the beast?

  • @khaleesibot Like, Erinome, I, too, came back to try the new features! We just finished the big fight and, man was it tough and exciting!

    This is the story of @Thor-von-Blitz , @SirioNDB , @xDeIuxeEditionx , and myself. We also had some other crews, but I'll get to that.

    The Fortune crew started as usual - Spawn in, load the galleon up, and fight over the best color hull. I bought the new black Shark Hunter hull and decided that would guide us to victory! We raised the Blue Flag of Peace and set off for Shark Bait Cove. Upon arrival, we found 3 other sloops investigating the island as well. We all teamed up and formed a nice Blue Flag armada to go figure out the clues. We got so far, but we had hit a snag. We couldn't figure out the next location of the crew. While we were searching an island (I will not name in order not to give any spoilers to clues) a sloop came up to us with a drum in hand. We asked how to get it ourselves and invited them to join us for the finale! After getting the drums we head off to the fight. We all played the drums (There were maybe 10 of us from the base 4 and then random sloops we picked up on 3 ships, the galleon "flagship" and two sloops for backup cannons.) As the music changed, my new Shark tattoos lit up, signaling that the beast was near. Suddenly from beneath the galleon, it rose up and attacked! We had all cannons manned with runners to fix the ship and bail water. We fired cannon after cannon! The monster kept taking chomps at us and the sloops, sending some of us to a watery grave. I witnessed with me own eyes two people fly off a sloop and the sloop slowly sink to Davey Jones' locker. 1 ship down. The remaining ships continued fire until they were knocked into the Red Sea by the beast. After navigating out of the Koolaid Ocean, the two ships got in position and continued the onslaught. Suddenly, BAM! Chomp on the second sloop and another ship sent to the bottom. Everyone alive was left on the galleon. It was chaos. Men and women running up and down stairs patching, shooting, bailing, patching, shooting, bailing, repeat! There was no time to draw breath. One last chomp from the giant sends Sirio to his death. It was now up to the 5 of us. Running low on cannonballs, we resorted to small arms. Finally, right before a charge, I drew my pistol and fired it at the demon's mouth, hitting is and killing it! We waited to see if she stayed dead before jumping in to confirm. The survivors took trophy pictures with the beast before heading off to collect the rewards. Some of us will be scarred for life - eyepatches, peg legs, and actual scars. All of us will have an awesome tale to tell.

    Out of story mode: This fight and the clues before it were so awesome and the best fun I've had in a video game in a long time. I'm loving this new content and can't wait to see what happens next!

  • The battle was amazing, although we lost... Two sloops sank and a galleon. Soon after the sloops sunk, the galleon could not hold the beast.
    Anybody knows what the reward is? Treasure, skins or other unlockables?

  • @lt-swag-johnson we just beat it with 8 people, two galllion crews, we went on their boat to do last thing to get their drums and went with one galli and left ours at devil's. We ended up getting other boat and it still was tough. We left with one galli.

  • @lt-swag-johnson During the quest: The Speaking Trumpet (Nautical Term: Shout Hole), The Drums, a Tattoo set. From completing: Some titles, and a new figurehead. It's definitely worth it, for the fun alone. :D

  • @whenkoalasattak
    I hope Shout Hole catches on, because it makes a great addition to our Sea of Thieves Nautical Jargon. 😂

    I'm still baffled that you killed it with your Firearm, what a shot! 😉

  • @lady-bambington The clues point to it being close to a "Ridge" and somewhere in the T Zone. Its south of that island. :) in that zone. LOL

  • @stevie-the-dj

    And the journals also give you a number if you're paying attention...

  • Had a blast doing the Hungering Deep... wonderful adventure!

  • 4 sloops sailed into these waters. Only one made it out be weary of the great shark.

  • It was fun and the most cooperation I've ever had on a server yet. I and my usual met another sloop of 3 also on the campaign trail. we jumped ship and joined them, then we acquired two galleons and another sloop also going to fight the beast. Good laughs and many cannon balls and ferry rides later we slew her and all met back at Shark Bait Cove for a roaring good shanty and a laugh. Shame we will have to be enemies next time we meet.

  • It was a lot of fun to follow Merrick's tale. We saw the signs, the old paintings that warned us and listened to the old drunk's tale. After completing the last step I began to wonder . . .

    I sail alone, 90% of the time. I like having control of my own sloop, raising the anchor, dropping the sail and catching the wind. So i started to worry that I wouldn't be able to summon the hungering one without my crew.

    I set sail anyway. Heading to the location where it could be summoned, so I drank and played a few shanties. It wasn't long until, from the East I could see a Galleon and a Sloop heading in my direction. I immediately assumed they were fighting considering how close they were sailing side by side.

    Hoping for the best, I angled my cannons upwards, raised my white flag then waited until they were within range when I shouted ''TRUCE''. At that time there was another sloop coming from the north.

    Finally the Sloop and the Galleon arrived and to my surprise no one shot at each other and the high tensions once the other sloop arrived quickly diminished when the Pirate Legend from the Galleon asked us to come on over so we can start playing a tune. Everyone started swimming to the Galleon and the drums started.

    In the end we prevailed over the beast after an epic battle, some died after getting knocked over by the brute force of the monster hitting their ship. Everyone pitched in on the repairs and water. This has to be one of my favourite experiences while playing Sea of Thieves and I have high hopes that Rare continues down this path because it is without a doubt a great step in the right direction.

    To those who are lone sailors like meself, worry not! When something like this arises, people will band together.!

    alt text

  • Awesome experience to unfold organically - no spoilers along the way - although people tried, with sometimes hilarious results (ie: saying YADDYYAYABLAHBLAH on the speaking trumpet when someone would try to spill the beans along the way). LOL

    Many alliances, some maybe temporary. But found myself on another sloop during the battle, all ships sharing resources and bodies flying everywhere - we made some discoveries along the way - and in helping a fellow sloop survive, were overcome and his ship sunk.

    He then died in the water, and two chests may (or may not have) risen from the deep.

    Making adjustments, we completed from one common galleon... and the chests may (or may not have) been cashed in.

    sips tea safe and warm on shore in a brand new tankard

  • The legend of the fabled Captain Longwolf's fierce battle of the Meg is rumored to be true, but heres some proof.

    So myself, Cpt Longwolf, @MadamRina, And @KotSCammy start our journey to find this beast. Along the way we ran into Cpt Dj and Corncob. They journeyed with us, we helped each other out while figuring out riddles. Finally it was time. Drums were playing, we were sailing up the the location when at the same time 4 sloops were there already summoning the Meg. We quickly joined in the fight. As the only Gal at the battle i quickly took command. I had a brand new guy playing with us on our galleon, it was his first time on the boat. Less then 1 hr playtime. All these lives I was now responsible for. We did not lose. It was hard fought but the server came together and vanquished the beast on day one. The entire fight has been recorded and was live streamed as well.

  • Hilarious incident while downing the Megalodon!

  • Well.. I feel like sharing my story of tonight's adventure! - Danger! Long text incoming! :P

    I joined the SoT-servers this night to see what's in the hungering deep. I have to admit.. I didnt touch the game for almost 1-2 months, since the grind was not fun anymore and my friends stopped playing shortly after release.

    So.. I jumped on my sloop and did the hungering deep stuff solo as far as I could and then searched for a bigger crew to summon that cute sharkie - no luck. I reconnected to a new server, sailed straight to shark bait cove again and found a galleon that was just leaving the area. I followed and catched the galleon and when I was next to it, I asked the crew if I could join them and they actually invited me to their ship and also dropped the anchor for me, since I failed my jump! :D

    We sailed to the destination point together, while a few of us were playing the drums and when we made it to the area, we finally summoned the shark. It was a tough fight and I only made a couple of shots with the pistol and the cannons, after that I was most of the time busy with my bucket, since we were soon out of planks.

    One random single sloop came by, we yelled at him that we need planks and guess what? He helped us out! We were back in business, atleast for a short time, but our planks went to zero in no time again and I was again busy with my bucket. While fighting against the water in our galleon, the heroic sloop captain sacrificed his ship and himself, to buy us some time and we finally managed it to defeat the shark!

    Without any planks or bananas and a lot of holes in our galleon, we raised the anchor and went to the next isle to find some planks and repair the ship. the kind pirate legend lady (she already finished the quest earlier) stayed on that isle, so we went back on our own. suddenly the sea went from blue to black and the kraken attacked us! we also managed to defeat the kraken and after some time we finally arrived at merrick's place and claimed our rewards, played some music and enjoyed a couple cups of grog!

    This whole adventure was by far the best experience that i ever made in this game! It was intense, thrilling and sooo much fun!

    Unfortunately I forgot the exact names of my brave fellow pirates, but I would like to thank you anyway, for inviting me to the crew and sharing this crazy adventure with me! Cheers! :D

  • With relations staying with me this week and away all next week I didn't think I would be able to follow Merricks tale. Luckily I was able to get a late session in. (The captain wife made me walk the plank this morning...)

    I started my trail solo and it was a pleasant change seeing ships sailing close by and not a cannon was fired.

    I obtained Merricks drum just as a galleon crew arrived. After a shanty with Merrick I joined their galleon. We sailed to a location and played a shanty, nothing happened. I believed it was a different location and different shanty.

    With the correct location and tune in hand the Meg appeared. After letting 2 cannon balls fly into its mouth I was sent flying. Desparately I swam back to the ship only to be eaten by sharks. Noooooo.

    I returned to my sloop and sped back to the location. I could see the galleon in the distance hoping I could get there in time. Then it disappeared. Had they killed the beast and left? Had they sunk?

    Luckily it was still there for me to fight but it just swiss cheesed my sloop too much too quickly. The Meg lives to fight another day...

    I'm hoping to sneak another go this week before I miss it...

  • I set off with two other crew members om a galleon to seek another crew. We discovered another three man crew, and we offered our assisstance to each other. We made an interesting decision to abandon our boat, amd sail on thiers.

    By the time we had gathered all the journals, we have gathered four more crewmates from their sloops, all on the same galleon.

    We defeated the beast together with a crew of 10. But the ship went down before we could leave. We all then reunited with our own ships at Shark Bait Cove. What a night!

  • Set out to hunt the Meg,

    Spent couple hours figuring out riddles. (Which I found very fun), Tried to team up with a couple sloops early.(they tried to turn on us) so we sank them after.

    Then we went to see Merrick for the drum hoping we meet someone there. As we arrived we saw what looked like a festival going on around Merrick with drum circles and pirates everywhere.
    Soon as we parked a group asked us to team up for the Meg fight.

    They were more then helpful offering supplies and anything we may need to help fight the beast. As we took our shirts off and showed our sweet new tats, we drummed our way to battle with two Galleons ready for the unexpected.

    As we get to the area our tats started to glow which we knew it was going down now...THE MEG WAS UPON US

    Every strike was like a Gun powder hitting our ship. We were lucky we got extra supplies, we used them

    The Meg attacked the crew we teamed up with over and over at first almost sinking them.

    Couple of us from our boat had to cannon shoot ourselves over and help repair their boat as the monster killed 3 players in one bite.

    After a intense battle the beast was slayed. We went back to see Merrick and started our own drum circle....which grew very fast to a beach party. The grog flowed and a new crew was made. (Epic adventure)

    Thanks Rare

  • Last night was the best play experience so far. I had many great crew for the past month, but this time was different. We are all helping each other to complete the quest and kill the meg.

    So far I was at S16 uncharted island and there was already 3 sloops and 1 galleon here helping each other. My galleon's crew wasn't really functional at this time (we were 2) so I decided to join the other galleon's crew. Well, that was the best idea I had because after that we helped another sloop getting the last book to get the drum. After that it was just some great fun trying to kill the meg while everyone was on the same ship!

    We were maybe 8 or 10 on the galleon + one other sloop. We first failed against the meg because we were too stupid to go fight with only 10 planks and 20 cannon balls lol. We actually regrouped right after at sanctuary outpost to get ressources for the fight.

    Click to access video via OneDrive

    (sorry don't have YT account)

  • @khaleesibot Arrr, I sure have a Story to tell ya! Strangers saved us at the battle of The Hungering Deep!!! And I devote this story to our saviors and my brave crew and allies.

    To shorten a very long story: We arrived with two galleons at The Hungering Deep. Due to scurvy we lost two men on our voyage - their sacrifices and honorable service will not be forgotten.
    Our ship was manned with 3 souls, the other with only two.

    We summoned him. We thought we were prepared...

    ...We were not.

    The view of that giant ancient monster, an animal we thought it's been die out, stunned and thrilled us. With bravery and fear we fought against it. With pistols, rifles, cannons...some crazy dog even with a sword!!! Nothing seemed to stop the nightmare, we were into. That...
    ...Thing... crushed with it's giant teeth our ships several times, ultimately taking one of our naval forces down to the bottom of the sea.

    We tried keeping our only ship left in one peace, aided our brothers and sisters...but the creature was too much for us. We went short on materials, especially planks. But we noticed another galleon incoming. We were scared. Was this ship coming to finish us off? Or did they want to watch the entertainment from save distance?

    It anchored in save distance, but instead of just watching and enjoying our despaired battle, they offered to send supplies to our ship, which we gladly accepted. Now the table has turned. We kept fighting and repairing, while the strangers reinforced our stock. After several minutes, we finally killed the Megalodon. Relief and Joy spread on the ship and we thanked the strangers saving us from a wet grave!

    Fair Seas mates and thank you very much for The Sea of Thieves!

  • Boy, do I have a tale for you!

    I spent most of today working on the campaign, more than once running into pirates who claimed to be friendly and then killed me the second my back was turned. But finally I'd found all the journals, gotten my new gear and was ready to take down ol' Meg. I decided to hang out at Shark Bait Cove and wait for someone else who was doing the quest. It didn't take long for me to come across another sloop and a galleon who were preparing to set out.

    One of the players from the galleon - I can't remember his gamertag, but he was one of the nicest people I've met in the game so far - met me on shore and allowed me to join the fleet, despite being audibly surprised at how I was traveling by myself. I ended up being quite useful to the fleet because I took on the job of "carrying the tune" from Merrick. I had parked close enough to Merrick's camp that I could hear him from my sloop and pick up his shanty. This led to the rather harrowing experience of letting another player sail my boat as we all headed for the coordinates. But she ended up being super cool, and we friended each other afterwards.

    Once we reached the coordinates, a bunch of us piled on my boat and were able to summon the megalodon. This is where things got good. Imagine, if you will, three ships firing their cannons like mad at a creature they can't properly see, all while said creature is leaping up out of the water and flinging the ships into each other. Pure chaos. I was the first one to get seriously attacked by Meg and ended up with six holes in my sloop. On an ordinary voyage, this might have been the end of me, but I had loaded up my sloop with all the supplies I could find on Galleon's Grave before setting out. I had more than enough planks to fix my boat and get back in action.

    We probably fought the Meg for about 10 to 12 in-game hours. I just remember it was close to dusk when we started and a little into the next day when we finished. I managed to get several good shots in, despite being unable to use one of my cannons for a while on account of the front of the galleon being pushed into it. By daybreak we had all managed to get far enough apart. I'm a bit further away from the other players. The galleon and the other sloop have taken multiple hits from the Meg at this point and look like they might be starting to struggle. Meg circles back around to me. I'm not the best with the cannons, but I have a clear shot now, so I hastily load up another cannonball and fire.

    And...KILL SHOT.

    Meg goes belly-up, and I go crazy on that "Brody at the end of Jaws" feeling. Thinking back, I'm not sure anyone else saw it, but that didn't matter to me. For a few seconds, I felt like I'd reached the triumphant end of my day-long hero's journey. From scruffy solo player getting picked on by the other sloops to savior of the fleet and slayer of the Hungering One.

    We all sailed back to Shark Bait and hung out for a while, firing ourselves onto each other's ships. I even manage to make a friend using the pirate salute. After I decide to call it a night, I message my new friend and tell her how grateful I am for the great time I was able to have. It was easily the best and most fun experience I've had in the game so far, and I suspect I'll remember it for a while.

    And you bet I'm flaunting that awesome new figurehead wherever I go now. :)

  • No tale. Just a wake for a dead shark...

    Dead Meg

  • @khaleesibot Had a blast playing this the other night. I joined a party via the xbox club and logged into the session. They had three sloops and deicided to only bring one to the fight, so we gather all the supplies onto one sloop and set forth for adventure. So playing merricks shanty we arrived at the location and put on a little sea concert with the megalodon didn't like too much and showed his ulgy head and the fight was on. We began firing at him straight away and it wasn't long before he came charging at out little sloop giving it quite the battering. Myself and another seadog got to repairing and bailing while the other thyree kept up the fight, after a few minutes about ten to fifteen maybe we ran out of planks to repair the sloop. We fone what all good pirtaes would do we stood ourt ground and while we fought the megalodon on a sloop we could no longer repair, as we fought too of our crew mates kept bailing the water from the sloop barley keeping us afloat just long enough to slay the beast. Victory was ours but at the cost of our Sloop.

    Most fun boss fight i've had in a game in quite a long time.

  • @khaleesibot WHEW. Just finished trying to help three other players in a galleon while I was hanging around t26 then cruised over to Merrick. A galleon with three other players wanted to know if I would help them with Meg and I said sure.....
    That is when I found out how little other players know about the voyage. I was thinking lets head over to t26 and all of them said what? They were just starting with Merrick and even after talking to Merrick and then having to show them where the journal was all three of the other players were saying HUH? so what do we do now? I tried to have them figure it out but no one could figure it out. LONG, LONG, story short, after each visit to the tavern and each journal entry I didnt say anything for awhile and tried to let them figure each clue out even giving them clues now and then. Hours later we ended up finishing the quest and the other players picked up the drums and we headed to t26 after a long explanation about needing to carry the tune all the way and hand it off and all, The tune was lost I volunteered to carry all the way there but no problem we sat and waited for another ship to come by and none did. I told them about the feed back board and where to get the tips and updates because they said they were on xbox so I mentioned it ends Tuesday and they said, What? Why? and all. I dont have xbox but do the xbox players have the same chance to get info and visit the boards because No Disrespect to them but the whole crew was clueless about anything to do with The Hungering Deep voyage except it existed. Dont know what Im trying to say except should the clues be easier? Being older, my wife and I picked the clues off and had a great time doing it but seems like lots of people are having trouble. What are your guys thoughts?

  • @telzin-nailo Awesome, Love hearing the tales of fighting to the end. Nice job keeping it afloat.

  • @cakerrie Another awesome story, It took us ten hours of play time to finish the deep one and I agree completely with the final shot and kill, we all went nuts with cheers and hollers for quite awhile. Im in my fifties and let out a few yells and smile you son of.... you know the jaws movie. Great story and good job on Meg. My whole family had a blast and thank Rare for the great time.

  • It was amazing! Arrived at shark bait cove with a galleon present.. A tense feeling of scepticism arose as I peered towards the southwest edge of the isle. No one to be seen so I took the chance to talk to Merrick and sought out his journals only to find the other crew there. With my pistol hand ready I greeted "Ahoy!" And they replied the same.. Long story short, they helped me understand the riddle and was off to peruse the other journals. As I made my final approach back there, two galleons and a sloop were collecting their items from Merrick. After greeting the other ships with what I call the Meglaphone, we grouped up and sailed to the infernal ridge. After realizing we needed to go back for Merricks shanty, we all pilled onto one galleon and the party began. 10 people on one galleon drunkenly carried the shanty back to the sea and then the great beast rose. Cannons firing, pistols blazing, planks cracking, and frantic improvising ensued. Finally the beast screamed out and sank and we all jumped into the sea to get a good look at the giant. Cheering commenced and back to the ship though some of us took note of the beasts eyes following us back aboard. Only one galleon left but the beast was conquered with only 1 plank to spare. We sang shanties, took group screenshots, and got our reward and man I don't think any one of us will forget that awesome time we had. Good times indeed! Big thanks to The Hungering Deep dev crew, Rare, and an awesome mega-crew for the unforgettable memories. Cheers!

  • I have to say: the best experience was the first time Meg attacked. We were at least 6 men on a galleon on the first day, nobody knew what will happen and suddenly Meg took a bite. Everyone was screaming, some started shooting on Meg instantly, other ran down and got busy repairing and bailing water.
    When Meg finally died, we were so happy that some of us forgot to reload our guns before jumping into the water to have a look at the aftermath. Little did we think of the remaining sharks and how they greeted us. 3 of us promptly met up on the Ferry.
    So we sailed back, I got back to my trusty sloop and met with the Galleon again in front of Merrick.
    We had a bit of fun, someone told me to end this meeting the right way and put a gun into his face. After some interruptions of skeletons and my doubt in doing such a thing, i grabbed my blunderbuss and took the honor, only to see him surviving and hearing many laughing pirates. A second shot did the trick, we got back to our ships.
    But for some of us this wasn't the n*d of the journey and we ended up at Plunder Outpost, mounting the new figureheads to our ships and then ending up in the Drowned Rat fooling around. What a ton of fun!

    Two more times I got into a fight with Meg, one time as support to start the summoning, another time just because i was nearby. On this occasion i probably wasn't welcome, as cannonballs from the other ship started flying my way as soon as Meg was defeated. Fair enough, nobody asked for help, so i set sails again.

    On several days i took a break from the sailing trips and visited Merrick, looking for other people to help, but without success.
    I'm looking forward to see how we can meet Merrick again and if Meg will be hungry for revenge.

    Good night, THD

  • @khaleesibot

    This is a Tale of a Colonel and a Guide who both sailed the seas in search for crews to help them defeat the hungry One.

    For days on end few ships in sight and most of them mute pirates with twitchy trigger-fingers and unpleasant demeanor.

    The two friends were angry. How come we sail the same sea but can't see eye to eye. Except for the blind or those who wear double eye-patches but still.

    After the 3 day the two friends were so mad, furiously staring out their monoculars, and they found it, a ship with a new crew unfamiliar with the sea of thieves.

    Fast the lowered sails, chased them to the ends of the seas and screaming on the top of their lungs, "Friendly! we're friendly!". But no responce. Until in the back of their minds the heard, "Aye".

    Avast, another group of mutes, but atleast they were not running away anymore nor shooting with their guns. We told them the myth of the giant shark haunting the sea, the listen and nodded that such a beast would be a trophy indeed.

    Smiling we went, taking control of their ship, with our clear voices and happy shanties we guided these souls to the Shark Bait Cove. Who by a mircle had another crew now waiting for us.

    And as of that moment we were 8. A Captain with someone elses ship, a first mate with Merrics tune, and 6 pair of arms wunning to the Captains every order.

    One of the four new to the seas, finally got a voice and spoke up. "I don't wanna hear this shanty no more, can't we play something merry?" He was promptly thrown over board.

    For 3 crews on one ship we sailed fast as the wind carried us. Waves broke as we came to that gastly place, T26. Anchor down, we all joined in on the shanty. And so began, the last fight of the Hungering Deep.

  • @moonshot-guide said in The Hungering Deep Tavern Tales:

    One of the four new to the seas, finally got a voice and spoke up. "I don't wanna hear this shanty no more, can't we play something merries?" He was promptly thrown over board.

    I laughed heartily out loud at this part! Why Merrick's tune is the merriest of them all!

  • @khaleesibot

    Thanks that you enjoy our story. :)

22 out of 40