What's the fastest way to row a boat?

  • I've been having troubles rowing, What's the fastest way to row a boat.

  • 11
  • @honestauntyelle
    With both hands.

    Thank me later.

  • @nwo-azcrack said in What's the fastest way to row a boat?:

    With both hands.

    I thought it was... go downhill :)

    Seriously though it all about practice, getting into a rhythm, timing your rowing strokes at the right time.
    I don't think anyone of us can really advise... you'll work out something that works for you.
    Depends on sea conditions, weather... your coordination.

    However... If you can find a matey that is a fine rower... might be best to get some in game driving lessons.
    It's practical ( hands on ) advice you need.

  • I've also wondered from time to time if it's best to alternate paddles, use both at the same time, wait for a full stroke between rowing again?

    I tend to use both at the same time and do full strokes, at least it gives me the impression to be at the fastest.

  • @nwo-azcrack sagte in What's the fastest way to row a boat?:

    With both hands.

    Thank me later.

    i go with the flow of the sound of a full stroke with both hands and i'm fine.

    remember using Q+D or A+E to turn on spot - at least for keyboard, idk what the keys for breaking is on a controller.
    One side break other side forward rowing turns you around nearly on spot. Like ehh in reality :D

  • For controller:

    RB+LT for a sharp left turn

    LB+RT for a sharp right turn

  • @honestauntyelle
    I was just kiddin with ya mate. I dont have any advice to give. I dont use rowboats often. I like my big boat much better

  • Go the full stroke. On a xbox controller there's a vibration at the end of the stroke.
    If you're like me and conserve battery life by not using the vibes, there's a bit of a click at the end. But hold both triggers down for the whole stroke.
    You can also see the stroke end if you look towards the stern of the rowboat, get used to the rhythm and go!🧜🏽‍♀️

  • The serious answer:

    Full stoke, release a half second before end of stroke and repeat as fast as you can. It's all in the timing. Let go too late and the oars hang for a second.

    The snide answer:

    Harpoon something faster than yourself!

  • @viperishemu2992

    I find you need to wait a second for the ores to "reset", you can hear them as they his the end of the stroke and when they reset, I use the sounds as they help alot

  • Hasnt anyone but me noticed that the rowboat is broken? It is often glitching out when pulling on the oars, more often than not completing the pull animation really really fast but with no speed. It seems to glitch on mid stroke.

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