The Fog sound

  • Today I was travelin peacfully through the fog. On me quest to find meself a Shrouded Ghost. And having heard the tales that the shark could appeare easier if I be travelin in fog. So I did.

    While searchin the fog for the beasty. I hear a strange cry comin from the sea. A cry I have never heard the likes of before. If I where to describe it. I sounded like a whale of some sort. I heard the cry several times before being attacked by a red Megalodon. Which I took down with ease.

    Now tell me laddies, have any of you heard similar sound while in the fog. And could ya tell me what it might be that makes these cries in the fog.

  • 8
  • Probably the kraken.

  • @eric1371 The cry had a higher pitch than the kraken normally has, also it was the middle of the day and the kraken usually cry's around 2 am.

  • I've heard distant shrieks in the fog as well. Ambiance, possibly?

  • @hisdarkestfear said in The Fog sound:

    I've heard distant shrieks in the fog as well. Ambiance, possibly?

    Ambiance? What sort of foul creature be that then laddy? :D

  • @capt-niteshade By ambiance I meant background sound, not a sound coming from a actual creature. =)

  • @hisdarkestfear said in The Fog sound:

    @capt-niteshade By ambiance I meant background sound, not a sound coming from a actual creature. =)

    I know I was being silly ;)

  • I think it was the shrouded ghost

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