Bad SOT's experiences last two times out!

  • The other day I played 5 hours with my clan and all they wanted to do is sink ships. I got almost zero loot and XP at the end of the night. Then last night I tried to do two OOS voyages alone and I got sunk three times with no loot on my ship. It's getting old and I am not excited about playing this game like I use to be.

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  • @letslipthedogs sometimes it’s just luck of the draw. Some nights it’s plain sailing and adventuring. Some nights you seem to get hounded.

    Though I have noticed an increase in attacks over the last week. People practicing for a The Arena?

  • @letslipthedogs if all your clan mates want to do is sink ships, then just skull fort hop and sink ships there, knock the fort out and cash in. Easy money if you are dominate in sinking everyone.

  • ahoy there! I can help with your predicament. Come sail with me for a bit and see if this is what ye are looking for.

  • Yeah it's all about luck. I've had days where nothing seemed to work right or nothing to show for hours played. Next time you might be thinking how lucky you are to get so much loot.

  • @qtrmaster-zeta Just added you, thanks!

  • @darth-hinkle said in Bad SOT's experiences last two times out!:

    Yeah it's all about luck. I've had days where nothing seemed to work right or nothing to show for hours played. Next time you might be thinking how lucky you are to get so much loot.

    Darth is absolutely right here. One of the big things that I had to get over in playing this game was the fact that progress isn’t guaranteed for the hours you put in, and sometimes it’s just not your day. Once you can let go of that, and know that ultimately you are always chipping away at a larger goal even if progress isn’t as steady as you would like, the game becomes much more enjoyable. This is doubly true if you regularly play solo like myself ; )

    I feel your pain matey, but it’s part of the journey.

  • @letslipthedogs Yeah sometimes it can be frustrating. I play solo more often than not and have days like yours. Other days it not bad at all. I get to do what I want and not be hounded by those intent on sinking me and relieving me of my booty. When I am cornered and there is no way out I scuttle my ship and start again. Hate to see someone pack in the game out of pure frustration.

  • It happens. Sometimes you are the predator, sometimes the prey. But remember there is no progression in Sea of Thieves. The only thing that actually matters is the now! If someone wants to fight you, then do what you want to do. But at the end of Pirate Lengend is a really rubbish cosmetic set, and guess what! At the end of anthena 10 is more another single rubbish cosmetic set. So who gives a toss!

    Dump the loot out of sight and then fight to the death. They get nothing other than fun, just like you.

    Fight them with your ship full of 10,000 gold so you have more to fight for.

    Drop off your valuables at outpost and then mermaid back to you ship and fight.

    Ride out into the Red Sea and all go down together.

    Whatever is your poison.

  • If your crew just wants to sink ships then you can be sure it will be a unprofitable session. Stealing from ships (the thieves part of the title) can yield something, but just sinking ships is only about fun if you enjoy that sort of thing (vandalism and murder). Like others have said, scope out and ambush ships likely to have treasure or are on the end stages of a fort or skeleton fleet.

  • the other night I was sailing and minding my own business and a brig came along and sunk me for no reason, so I respawned, sailed to them and same event happened again, so since they wasted my time, I spent the next 3.5 hours finding them, ramming their ship, killing them and hounding them and even taking their treasure and throwing it overboard. if my times going to be wasted, I made sure theirs was equally wasted. turns out they left the server empty handed. I don't understand why people cant understand the concept of if I'm not bothering you don't bother me. now before the stupid comments come along about this works this way and that, my time is limited, I don't have all day or night like most the kids that don't have jobs or nothing to do with they're lives, so my time in game is important to me.

  • @letslipthedogs mate tuff luck I don't mean to be mean in this topic!

  • You win some. You Lose some. I played for hours the other night. Got sank a few times but I started the fight. If you had no loot on your ship it is there loss. They use up supplies sinking you.

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