Time to take a look back and reflect

  • With all of the negativity coming across the forums, with some still trying to shine a light, I thought it would be a good idea to reflect on what has made this game great. The adventures we have had. So for this thread, I would like to hear your stories. Share about the best times you have had in game. They can be short stories or long tales of adventure. Let's take some time to remember what has made this game something we all are so passionate about.

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  • One of my best experiences was soon after my son said "you should get this game, noob." I sailed with him an d two of his friends who I have known for many, many years.

    We went after a skull fort and three other ships showed up. I want to say two were sloop and another galleon. Nobody worked together, yet all were cordial.

    We fought ship, crew and fort for two hours. This was before the spawn change so ships were sunk and back in the mix quickly.

    The fighting was incredibly tense. There wasn't any time to let our guard down and take a breath. Every crew for themselves.

    At the end of it all, we came away with nothing other than memories. I was exhausted from the intensity and I don't think I have ever played any other game where I received no reward and still thought it was the best gaming session I have ever played.

    From that point on, I knew this game was about enjoying the actual playing of it and not gold or achievements. I've played very few other games since.

  • Like gatorwocky's tale, I think the best experiences are centered around the fort (prior to the spawn distance fix) or PvP in general.
    I know that this may sound odd coming from someone who much prefers the tranquil PvE aspects of the game and I do my best to avoid conflict.

    I had been slooping with my regular crew mate for several hours and we were about to call it a night. We had just cashed-in and were blindly sailing away from the outpost whilst talking. I guess it was out of habit more than anything but we found ourselves heading toward the skull fort.

    As we approached the fort one of three galleons sank so we engaged in some target practice. We sailed back and forth on the same line across the face of the fort and sunk both galleons.
    By this time the first galleon returned and whilst in battle with that a forth galleon arrived in PL livery and sails. No sooner were they both sunk when the crews of sunk galleons 2 & 3 returned.
    It was kind of like a martial arts movie where only one advances into the fight at a time while the others stand back waiting, but in this case it was the never ending ship re-spawn and return that separated them enough to be a constant battle.
    Somewhere during the chaos the captain was defeated.
    We saw all four galleons sink at least three times each before my mate decided to swim to the fort.
    Only one other person was on the fort, holding the stronghold key but was soon killed.
    The key dropped between rocks where my mate couldn't grab it.
    I was doing my best to avoid sinking whilst keeping the approaching galleons at bay.
    After some time my mate had given up on trying to grab the key and eventually caught the mermaid back to our sloop. By that time all four galleons had returned and we were out of cannonballs.
    As we circled past them one more time we said farewell in game chat telling them that the key was glitched and pointed out that two placid PvE players in a sloop repeatedly kicked all 16 of their butts.

    In contrast to that time, shortly after the game's launch I was a random on a galleon who found themselves at a fort party.
    The fort had glitched in that the skeleton waves weren't spawning.
    The whole server eventually arrived and everybody was there to have laughs. Drinking, playing music and dancing on each other's boats.
    Before the last few boats arrived someone suggested that we all strip naked so we knew who the good guys were, just in case others were hostile.
    Soon we had 23 naked characters running around trying to find the last skeleton to kill and ultimately activate the next wave spawn.
    I stayed back on the bowsprit watching them all following each other in single file like a conga-line. It was the funniest thing I'd ever seen. It only needed the yakety sax sound track to make it complete.
    Once everyone was back on the ships the party continued until two guys in a sloop started killing people so they were taken out but kept returning to be kill joys.
    After more hours than I care to admit, we finally decided to all leave the fort and let it reset. We agreed upon an island that everyone was to sail around before returning.
    The sloop came from behind us, although we saw it approaching we assumed it was the friendly guys as it had the left front lantern on. It shamefully sunk us as we were slowed down to turn around the island.

    By the time we had returned to the fort the last two galleons were in battle. We sailed past asking what had happened to the truce and were informed that it had been broken. So we turned around and finished off their battle by sinking them both, claiming victory of the longest active fort scene ever. :o)

  • Mine might be a bit more sappier than the others, but the times that were the best was with me crew. Stealing a ship here or there. Forcing someone not from our crew to be our “little worker” if you may ;). Truthfully it was the experiences I made which brought the most fun.

  • Game is not finished yet. We have the forsaken shores.

  • So my story comes from this week just gone.
    I always play with the same crew and we haven’t been sunk in a pvp battle in over 2 months. We had the entire server in an alliance, which is extremely uncommon for us as we’re normally super bloodthirsty however we were feeling nice that day.

    Okay, so after everyone left I went round trying to donate the Brig to people (the ship had over 100 cursed cannonballs on board) as the whole alliance was close to one another, no one had friends to join though, then I’m sailing over to the last 2 ships I see and the kraken spawns, on them, problem is I was 2 ships lengths away from them, turns out they had a ton of loot left to sell, I’m there trying to save my ship, and manage to keep it alive for a good 5 minutes, eventually it goes down and I have to swim over to them to help them save their ship, it was the newer players we found almost at the start of the alliance and they still have their Chest of Legends on board, they’d been carrying it around trying to find us because they thought they had to sell it at the legend hideout, anyway, we kill the kraken and sell the loot, all in all I made 200k and got 2 Athena’s worth of xp as another ship sold a Chest of Legends earlier in the day and I sold mine before my friends left the game 😂

  • It was my free day but the trading company was drafting merchants in the bar and send me on another noah,s ark adventure.
    Its hard labour 3 days and nights collecting voyages and coops to fill the cargo hold with empty coops and baskets but leaving the pig cages behind since pigs need to much attention for a solo merchant.
    Its a routine to first visit a fort and get some supplies and gunpowder barrels and then continue towards crooked mast my favorit animal rock to catch cargo.
    With some suicide and respawning to order new chickens and snakes to spawn its still a couple of days work to fill all coops and turn the boat into a nice noah,s ark.
    But always keep an eye out for pirates hunt these shipping lines!
    This voyage was doomed to fail when 3 galleons and a brig in turns sailed by and interrupted the chicken hunt and started a merchant hunt. After losing the pirates on the sea it looked save to return to crooked chicken but after a couple of chicks i got suddenly attacked from the island and it turned out the pirates landed on the other side of the island.
    A gunbarrel quikly ended my voyage and they must have been in awe when about 50 chickens floating from the wreck.

    I was not able to quit on the noah,s ark adventure so i tried again.. collecting supplies and coops and sailing to crooked masts.
    This time i encountered a sloop with 2 goldhoarders who allied and even helped catching some chicken! I gave them a crate of silk and offered them my shipwreck skull and then continued the chicken hunt.
    A second sloop approached and i quikly headed out to sea to avoid getting boarded. Again it turned out to be a friendly who was going to quit and helped me with 2 chest and some supplies.
    I went back to crooked chicken but when i died from a snake bite and on the ferry i walked in the portal the screen was black and the game crashed...

    I had to give it another try since people need chickens.
    Again getting supplies and empty coops and en route to crooked chicken! Finally i got lucky filling all coops and baskets without interruption but when i left a sloop started chasing the chicken boat with now more then 50 chickens aboard and the chase took long but he catched up on me and finally after some talking i raised the sails to surrender. I got boarded and the pirate counted my chickens.. then he turned friendly and gave me supplies before he quit.
    So much luck! I got to a outpost and i got lucky with a 5 golden chicken order! I went from outpost to outpost avoiding pirates and cashing in on selling my cargo. After hours i have sold everything and felt a sleep a rich and happy merchant.

  • @sharkbaitmorgan This isn't about the game being finished. Just about the best story you have so far. Just a way to look at how awesome this game has been, to get amp'd up for what is to come.

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