No Word on Cursed Cannonballs yet

  • Avast Maties!
    Ahoy lads & lasses, in all the recent announcements for Cursed Sails:
    Cursed Sails
    We've heard alot about the Brigantine, the Skeleton Ships and the Alliance system.
    Ship to Skeleton Ship battle

    But we haven't heard anything about the Cursed Cannonballs yet.
    Cursed Cannonball

    Now here's my speculation:
    I believe that Cursed Cannonballs will be introduced in the second or third week of the Cursed Sails Campaign.
    Since Rare hasn't brought em up yet, this leads me to believe that they don't want to overwhelm players with all the new content at once.

    Anyways, what do you think of my speculation?
    And what do you think Rare'll add to make the 3 week campaign different each week?
    Until then happy sailing Maties.

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  • @sgt-palooggoo Rare has been pretty clear about the cannonballs, they will be introduced to the player when the AI ships arrive with the cursed sails update, at first the AI ships will be the only one that get a hold of them and are able to fire them at the attacking players. After some time (maybe during maybe after) the cursed sails campaign players will be able to get a hold of them and use them against eachother

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