PVE & PVP Servers Please!!!

  • I've played this game since early beta and read many post about people feeling passionate about this issue. If I want to jump on the game and do my rep building adventures in my sloop and not contend with a jerks who just want to blow my ship up because they were coming pass and saw me on an island fighting skellys and thought it would be cool to make things difficult for me then i'm not interested in playing with griefers. Why not be both things to both people? Have your PVP servers were you guys can go around fighting each other until your heart is content. PVE servers for the players who are interested in story and enjoys the adventures of the game. In it's current state, people who come to this game who are PVE players are really being turned off by the griefing that occurs in this game. It would be so simple to have servers. Even if it was invisible to players, just a menu that asked the player "Do you want to sail the high seas or Test your abilities against other pirates" this gives the player base options.

  • 195
  • I don't know game making let alone when it has an online aspect but I imagine making servers is never 'simple'. Let alone figuring out how the varying content is supposed to play out for the varying playstyles being catered to on each server. As it stands now they can just throw it out and everyone has their fun/misfortune but once separated I imagine some aspects won't work as well(coop specific on a pvp server and any future vice versa scenarios). But like I said I don't know game making so I'm just theorizing.

    Before things get too heated around here...and it will. I'll just say if it happens it will happen. As a pve player I don't want it to happen but at the end of the day it will be someone within the companies decision not ours. -shrug-

  • @gamemaster0613 I invite you to read this post made by @Xultanis-Dragon https://www.seaofthieves.com/forum/topic/66474/hopefully-this-will-help-you-learn-something
    Then after you read it we can speak with the same things in mind. Actually PVE servers will increase the griefers (the real one not the one you think) what's stoping me to log into a pve server, jumping on ur boat, take all your loots and selling it under your noise?

  • @arkhais I don't know, but maybe on a PVE server you have to be granted permission to board a vessel. Additionally, trying to fire cannons on another vessel would prompt a message saying that pvp is not permitted on a pve server. Just theorizing here. I will take a look at that link.

  • @john-hatter I'm not a game developer either but I can see that the game already has servers under the hood. Those servers could be tagged for PVP or PVE. You can still have the same events/adventures going on both server types. Just in PVP the ability to attack other players would be turned on and PVE turned off. It's programming, not saying it's easy but it's something that would give the player base options.

  • I like the idea but I have to agree I see It being problematic
    Plus It breaks the real ness of the game because pirates didn’t get to choose when they got in a fight with people It just happened

  • (When people get salty) stop being the lamb and become the wolf.

    And its not grefing to attack a player, and If your not smart how you park your boat, then its your own fault, this is not a feel safe game,

    This game is about loot and plunder,

  • @gamemaster0613 I never saw it in any discussion on this topic, but what do you want from a PVE server? What's your vision of the gameplay and the epxerience playing in those server? I'm really curious

  • @gamemaster0613
    As has been mentioned in previous variations of this topic the problem usually comes down to the specifics. If you switch the pvp off in pve servers then you have to incorporate a way to lock down loot from others taking it. As the game stands now it is just a world item you are dragging along. This would need changed.

    Having a standalone pvp server in theory would cause the pve players to go to the pve server thus removing any form of potential reward to the pvp side. As there is already little reward for pvp players in it's current model this would need changed.

    Most events I imagine could be played out across servers without problem. The theoretical problem then becomes if all the blood thirsty's are in one server then can that server cooperate long enough to do the event or do we end up with the varying issues of Hungering Deep amplified. These could need changed.

    Flipping a switch on a server is easy. Going in and fine tooth combing the mechanics in order to make an enjoyable and rewarding experience on those servers would require a lot of work and completely different approaches in order to make both groups happy.

    Now I don't want a split in servers but I'm not one who will fight violently to that end. It could be done sure...I just don't see the logic in going that route given the games current model as well as some of the above points.

    But whatever they do they will do and I will judge it then should the day come versus getting worked up over it now.

  • @arkhais Okay, I've read the link and it sounds like there is different interpretations of the word grief or the act of grief'ing. I can't say that I subscribe to his line of thinking. Maybe for the sake of discussion we take the word grief out and center on PvP. I just can't see the world coming to an end for this game or being less fun for all involved if they provided options. PvP players can battle other PvP players and consider the game fun for what they consider fun to be. PvE players can enjoy the adventures and sailing the seas as their idea of fun. No one has to stop playing the game if they have a complaint on either viewpoint (which is what i'm seeing as advice to player unsatisfied with the current state of the game). The game should have more range than that. In the current state, PvP players are simply praying on PvE players because they are easy kills and in rebuttal simple fall back on the premise of it being a pirate game, so what do you expect! I happen to think this game could provide options for both.

  • @gamemaster0613
    I understand your line of thinking, in the sense that you just want to adventure without the risk of someone else coming along and taking that adventure and turning it into something unpleasant or unwanted. But, that is what makes the adventure as well. You can control, to a certain extent, how your adventure pans out. Other players might, or might not, intervene. Sometimes they might even offer you treasure. Sometimes they might backstab. That is the nature of the game. Because this is a Shared Open World Adventure Game. Your treasure isn't yours until you turn it in. That is, to me, part of what makes this game so enjoyable.

    No, the world wouldn't end if they provide more options. At the same time, that is a major compromise on probably the most fundamental aspect of Sea of Thieves; something I'd describe as "You don't know what that sail on the horizon will do".

    Don't get me wrong, I love doing the quests, sailing around and minding my own business. I am not someone who goes out of their way to attack other ships, unless they shoot first. But, to me, without the "threat" of other players in the world the game would grow increasingly stale because there's nothing to be afraid of. Knowing that the ship I spotted on the horizon could come my way, to try and take the loot, is something I don't experience in any other game.

    Adding these options would also have consequences. People would go to the "PVE" server in order to grind out the trading companies until they reach legendary status. And when they want to PVP, and only sink other ships, they'd just switch servers and do that. It would, the way I see it, likely turn the PVP servers into a sort of battle royale. Sea of Thieves is, and always should be, a mixture of the two. And it would turn the PVE servers into something where ships just mind their own business, and essentially boil SoT down to a co-op game.

    "In the current state, PvP players are simply praying on PvE players because they are easy kills and in rebuttal simple fall back on the premise of it being a pirate game, so what do you expect! I happen to think this game could provide options for both"

    Players who like to PVE aren't neccessarily easy kills, or perhaps they are because they never try to learn from their mistakes. If all you do is get killed, and then get angry because you got killed without trying to get better. Then I can imagine you'd get frustrated with the game. I've gotten sunk, killed, spawncamped (before the scuttle function was introduced), and yet I kept playing and kept getting better because I wanted to learn. I didn't want to be afraid when another ship approached me, I wanted to learn exactly what to do in those scenarios (or rather, know my options in how I could react). Ever since I practiced, actually practiced, my "skills" and through just playing the game a lot I've learnt how to deal with those situations. And now, perhaps because of my playstyle, I rarely encounter situations that leave me frustrated with the game because I've tried so many different "answers" to player encounters.

    My advice to you, matey, is to switch up your playstyle. You don't seem like you enjoy PVP, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't practice it. Spend some time on a solo sloop, and do nothing but go up to other ships (or the rowboats on crescent) and practice your aim, close quarters combat, sneaking aboard, boom boom-ing them, or running away, or whatever. I honestly don't think a PVE server would make the game more enjoyable to you, because that adventure you speak of would turn rather stale after a while because there is nothing that switches up the gameplay for you besides the occasional Karen and Megan spotting. To me, the other players are part of what what make the game interesting, and not knowing what they do only adds to that.

    Wow.. that was quite the wall of text. Sorry!

  • One day pve server posters will be banned on sight, I can only dream.

  • @gamemaster0613 said in PVE & PVP Servers Please!!!:

    @arkhais Okay, I've read the link and it sounds like there is different interpretations of the word grief or the act of grief'ing. I can't say that I subscribe to his line of thinking. Maybe for the sake of discussion we take the word grief out and center on PvP. I just can't see the world coming to an end for this game or being less fun for all involved if they provided options. PvP players can battle other PvP players and consider the game fun for what they consider fun to be. PvE players can enjoy the adventures and sailing the seas as their idea of fun. No one has to stop playing the game if they have a complaint on either viewpoint (which is what i'm seeing as advice to player unsatisfied with the current state of the game). The game should have more range than that. In the current state, PvP players are simply praying on PvE players because they are easy kills and in rebuttal simple fall back on the premise of it being a pirate game, so what do you expect! I happen to think this game could provide options for both.

    "PvP players are simply praying on PvE players because they are easy kills"

    let me fix this

    PvP players are simply praying on YOU because YOU are easy kill.

    I am a PvE player (meaning I won't start a fight) but may your deity of choice have mercy on your soul if you decide to attack me. I am NOT an easy target and not only will I make sure I survive I will make sure you go down HARD and possibly lose everything you have. And you can't complain because you took the first shot.

    Now... if you remove the PvP from the game (make PvE servers) what is the point of the game... it becomes Fetch Quests on a Boat Online. might as well download Euro Truck Simulator you will have more fun with that.

    The potential of PvP is what makes PVE FUN!

    Edit: Though I will agree that PvP needs some tweaks to the mechanics and rewards as PvP without any gain is just done for pure malice.

  • @squalzell said in PVE & PVP Servers Please!!!:

    The potential of PvP is what makes PVE FUN!

    let me fix this for you..

    The potential of PvP is what makes PVE FUN! for YOU.

  • @dragonsire2016 said in PVE & PVP Servers Please!!!:

    @squalzell said in PVE & PVP Servers Please!!!:

    The potential of PvP is what makes PVE FUN!

    let me fix this for you..

    The potential of PvP is what makes PVE FUN! for YOU.

    yes, and I picked a game that has PvPvE because i think it's fun FOR ME!

    why did you pick a PvPvE game when it's NOT FUN FOR YOU?

  • @erinom3
    Good points. I would add to it with the reality of Sea of Thieves PVP. It isn't so black and white as two crews fighting each other.

    While the pvpers don't approve I enjoy out sailing people over combat. It's my strength and I stick to it. But where does such a tactic fall? It has no use within a pve world (racing I guess but I'm not one for racing so would argue a difference) but at the same time would be silly to go into a pvp server with the sole intent of just running for several hours straight.

    While not hostile I would still consider this a tactic of pvp but within a split server game would have no place to call home. Only in the balance can this and styles like it exist. The biggest thing lost as you touched on would be the unknown. That sense of uncertainty is what makes every aspect of the game exciting. Without it we have a cool pirate game...but one I will realistically just replace down the road with something else. Right now it is unique and unique sticks.

  • @gamemaster0613 said in PVE & PVP Servers Please!!!:

    @arkhais Okay, I've read the link and it sounds like there is different interpretations of the word grief or the act of grief'ing. I can't say that I subscribe to his line of thinking. Maybe for the sake of discussion we take the word grief out and center on PvP. I just can't see the world coming to an end for this game or being less fun for all involved if they provided options. PvP players can battle other PvP players and consider the game fun for what they consider fun to be. PvE players can enjoy the adventures and sailing the seas as their idea of fun. No one has to stop playing the game if they have a complaint on either viewpoint (which is what i'm seeing as advice to player unsatisfied with the current state of the game). The game should have more range than that. In the current state, PvP players are simply praying on PvE players because they are easy kills and in rebuttal simple fall back on the premise of it being a pirate game, so what do you expect! I happen to think this game could provide options for both.

    I can't say that I subscribe to his line of thinking. Maybe for the sake of discussion we take the word grief out and center on PvP.

    Dude that simple sentence right there is proof that you are someone who can have an understanding conversation. No lie I want to try to help you.

    So first lets try to get to the underlining issue. PvE players are not easy pray. It is just that people who engage in PvP regularly have more experience. We all have the same capabilities. A legendary pirate is no different than someone who is level 20 in all his reps. The only difference being experience and knowledge which can rectified by reading, asking questions, learning.

    I play dual sloop regularly and almost prefer it to 4 man galleon crews. I have no trouble defending myself against galleons or even other sloops. So implying that dual sloops have no advantage over galleons is untrue do to people having successfully and regularly sinking galleons in 2 man sloops. Now the issue with SOLO sloops is a different matter. This is definitely something that is a lot harder to do. In a 2 man sloop my rate against galleons is about 10 to 1. I sink about 10 to every 1 that I might have to run away from. Solo sloop that number is like 1 to 20. I have to run away from a significant if not all the galleons I come across solo. I have sunk galleons with my solo sloop still intact and floating but the conditions to make that happen have to be perfect. However I have yet to be caught by a galleon on a solo sloop. I have gotten away and turned in my stuff with drive by's every single time.

    What I think and I could be wrong but think about it for a second. I think the main issue with PvE is not that people are rolling up on solo sloops. I think the issue is the quests themselves for solo players. Higher level quests even for an experienced galleon crew can take anywhere between 10 to 20 minutes to complete. The location of where the skeletons spawn when digging loot or fighting for OOS makes it difficult to fight against solo. If you are at the top of plunder valley and got armored skeletons where half have pistols and the other half have blunderbuss then you are in a fight that could last for a significant amount of time with the majority of it being in the ferry of the damned. Thus making it very difficult to near impossible to defend your ship properly to anyone who sneaks up on you.

    If you suggests that solo quest difficulties should be fixed to make it easier for solos to do quests I couldn't agree with you more. However if all you are having trouble with is the fact that there is a mechanic in the game that is frustrating you because you do not wish to use it, then this is where we will be at an impasse.

  • @gamemaster0613 well, what you suggesting kinda takes most of the danger away. This would take out a giant aspect of the game that makes it so great. So what if some players a meanies? They play the game how they want and if you don't like that, then you should keep a better lookout in case one of them tries to sneak up on you!

  • I feel bad for this topic. It's the dead horse everyone insists on beating into the ground. In my personal opinion, if there is no PVP, there is no risk or challenge. Some people think there will still be enough challenge to be fun, but it will really just become too repetitive and lose its appeal.

    PVP is really the only risk and real challenge in the game. Without PVP, you could die a thousand times to skellies, but you'll never lose your loot. The risk of losing your loot, and all the additional strategy and planning that leads to, is what keeps the game exciting, surprising, and ultimately fun.

    As stated before, this is my personal opinion, but I believe if you think about it, it could be your opinion as well.

  • Also, if they did make PVE servers, they would have to be achievement-disabled and commendation-disabled, as it would completely ruin the value of both.

  • @squalzell said in PVE & PVP Servers Please!!!:

    @dragonsire2016 said in PVE & PVP Servers Please!!!:

    @squalzell said in PVE & PVP Servers Please!!!:

    The potential of PvP is what makes PVE FUN!

    let me fix this for you..

    The potential of PvP is what makes PVE FUN! for YOU.

    yes, and I picked a game that has PvPvE because i think it's fun FOR ME!

    why did you pick a PvPvE game when it's NOT FUN FOR YOU?

    I picked a PvPvE because it is mostly PVE content with option to PVP, and I have faith RARE will eventually take more drastic actions like almost every other similar sandbox game that started the same way has.

  • @dragonsire2016 said in PVE & PVP Servers Please!!!:

    @squalzell said in PVE & PVP Servers Please!!!:

    @dragonsire2016 said in PVE & PVP Servers Please!!!:

    @squalzell said in PVE & PVP Servers Please!!!:

    The potential of PvP is what makes PVE FUN!

    let me fix this for you..

    The potential of PvP is what makes PVE FUN! for YOU.

    yes, and I picked a game that has PvPvE because i think it's fun FOR ME!

    why did you pick a PvPvE game when it's NOT FUN FOR YOU?

    I picked a PvPvE because it is mostly PVE content with option to PVP, and I have faith RARE will eventually take more drastic actions like almost every other similar sandbox game that started the same way has.

    Amazing... everything you just said is wrong.

    there is no option to pvp, you have no choice.
    every other similar sandbox? PvPvE? all the ones i can think of are still PvPvE.
    Rare built this game on PvPvE premisse i don't think this aspect will change anytime soon as they understand that splitting the community will be the death of their game.

  • Another day another pve spam, just find some (canon)balls regards.

  • These seas are not your safespace...perhaps i snuck up on you with your pants down. Lol.

  • @gamemaster0613

    It may be worth in future having a quick search of topics as, I am sure you have guessed, this is a VERY hotly discussed, at length, topic.

    As has been said multiple times PVP and PVE are an symbiotic part of the game, there has been a mega thread on the issue which can be found here:
    oh and here:

    It might also be worth having a look here as well:
    As spamming the forum is classed as breaking the forum rules, which I would say is the case in the constant stream of PVP/PVE threads that we keep getting, it may be worth as I say having a quick look in future.

    Happy sailing.

  • @gamemaster0613 Well the problem is You do pvp to take others loot right(sometimes just for fun but i dont want to be called a jerk :p)
    Now be honest with me. If You like pvp but have chance to do quests without any danger on pve server would you do quests on pvp one?

  • @szawel123 said in PVE & PVP Servers Please!!!:

    @gamemaster0613 Well the problem is You do pvp to take others loot right(sometimes just for fun but i dont want to be called a jerk :p)
    Now be honest with me. If You like pvp but have chance to do quests without any danger on pve server would you do quests on pvp one?

    you bring up a good point and let me put it this way
    Elite Dangerous is an Open world PvP game where you can chose to be PvE only server.
    It's a MESS...
    It divided the community, now you have carebears (PVE) and griefers [PVE] They hate each other, trash talking in forums and all discussions

    Development has no real path as both communities have needs and wants in their content and fixes while the solution to one is to the detriment of the other. Thus Development of features and fixes/changes has been all over the place. They do their best and they do a pretty good job in balancing pvp and pve fixes and features, but you can see an underline of lack of direction.

    splitting the community PvE and PvP this way is just creating a more toxic environment.

    can you imagine now? hey, I'm a Pirate Legend! yeah, but you did it in PvE so it doesn't count... how do you think the rest of the convo will go?

    Splitting the community this way is unhealthy for the game, regardless of how YOU want to play.

  • @gamemaster0613 I agree with you: something should have been done to separate those who play to troll and those who play to find treasures, relax, and enjoy the game. I see the vast majority here blamed post like this because they feel they know the true spirit of the game or they just want to release theyr anger in this game. In every game there is a fair conduct to allow every player to have his fun.I'm not going to change game or to change the way I play because people say so. This game needs to be tuned in terms of gameplay, it just can't be a far west.

  • So I’m on both sides of the fence here no wait I lie just avoid or stand a fight other players when they attack you

  • @squalzell hope gamemaster will find out pve servers ruins game tho.

  • @squalzell said in PVE & PVP Servers Please!!!:

    @dragonsire2016 said in PVE & PVP Servers Please!!!:

    @squalzell said in PVE & PVP Servers Please!!!:

    @dragonsire2016 said in PVE & PVP Servers Please!!!:

    @squalzell said in PVE & PVP Servers Please!!!:

    The potential of PvP is what makes PVE FUN!

    let me fix this for you..

    The potential of PvP is what makes PVE FUN! for YOU.

    yes, and I picked a game that has PvPvE because i think it's fun FOR ME!

    why did you pick a PvPvE game when it's NOT FUN FOR YOU?

    I picked a PvPvE because it is mostly PVE content with option to PVP, and I have faith RARE will eventually take more drastic actions like almost every other similar sandbox game that started the same way has.

    Amazing... everything you just said is wrong.

    there is no option to pvp, you have no choice.

    No Choice? Does the game require you to PVP - NO. Do you need to PVP to progress - NO, I think the person who is wrong is you.

    every other similar sandbox? PvPvE? all the ones i can think of are still PvPvE.

    Me too , and most have passive modes or safe zones to prevent abuse.

    Rare built this game on PvPvE premisse i don't think this aspect will change anytime soon as they understand that splitting the community will be the death of their game.

    No it won't. The game is dying since launch, they are trying to keep it alive.Making all the PVE players unhappy because of over zealous PVP players who enjoy single sided PVP game play...is PVP still PVP when it is single sided? Will kill the game. Hence most content trying to encourage friendly interactions.

  • @szawel123 said in PVE & PVP Servers Please!!!:

    @squalzell hope gamemaster will find out pve servers ruins game tho.

    he won't, because Rare won't make PvE servers :P and he/she might leave the game

    (and in the off chance they do split PvE and PvP, I give him/her 2 weeks before he/she gets bored and leaves)

    that's what happens when you buy a game that doesn't cater to your likes and dislikes.

  • @dragonsire2016 said in PVE & PVP Servers Please!!!:

    @squalzell said in PVE & PVP Servers Please!!!:

    @dragonsire2016 said in PVE & PVP Servers Please!!!:

    @squalzell said in PVE & PVP Servers Please!!!:

    @dragonsire2016 said in PVE & PVP Servers Please!!!:

    @squalzell said in PVE & PVP Servers Please!!!:

    The potential of PvP is what makes PVE FUN!

    let me fix this for you..

    The potential of PvP is what makes PVE FUN! for YOU.

    yes, and I picked a game that has PvPvE because i think it's fun FOR ME!

    why did you pick a PvPvE game when it's NOT FUN FOR YOU?

    I picked a PvPvE because it is mostly PVE content with option to PVP, and I have faith RARE will eventually take more drastic actions like almost every other similar sandbox game that started the same way has.

    Amazing... everything you just said is wrong.

    there is no option to pvp, you have no choice.

    No Choice? Does the game require you to PVP - NO. Do you need to PVP to progress - NO, I think the person who is wrong is you.

    every other similar sandbox? PvPvE? all the ones i can think of are still PvPvE.

    Me too , and most have passive modes or safe zones to prevent abuse.

    Rare built this game on PvPvE premisse i don't think this aspect will change anytime soon as they understand that splitting the community will be the death of their game.

    No it won't. The game is dying since launch, they are trying to keep it alive.Making all the PVE players unhappy because of over zealous PVP players who enjoy single sided PVP game play...is PVP still PVP when it is single sided? Will kill the game. Hence most content trying to encourage friendly interactions.

    dude, if you are doing a fort/voyage and I show up, you run or you fight... you have no choice but to stop what you are doing to deal with me, player vs player. you have no choice in the matter.

    the game allows passive mode (i'm assuming you are talking about GTAV?) you are FORCED out of passive mode and open to PVP when you try to do Biker/Corporate/Events. Safe Zones is something that if done right might be good for SoT,

    and lastly, the game has been dying since launch because there is 4 quests to do... 4.... a AAA priced game with 4 quests that need to be repeated over and over... think about that... a game that you have seen all content it has to offer 1 hour after you create your pirate. Events might be fun, but those can be finished within 3-4 hours.

    Sea of Thieves may be losing players, but it has bigger issues to look at before tackling the PvP problem (because there is... PvP is flawed and has its issues. however it's not the reason it's losing players)

  • @daemon171179 said in PVE & PVP Servers Please!!!:

    @gamemaster0613 I agree with you: something should have been done to separate those who play to troll and those who play to find treasures, relax, and enjoy the game. I see the vast majority here blamed post like this because they feel they know the true spirit of the game or they just want to release theyr anger in this game. In every game there is a fair conduct to allow every player to have his fun.I'm not going to change game or to change the way I play because people say so. This game needs to be tuned in terms of gameplay, it just can't be a far west.

    It was pretty clearly stated that the PvP is a huge component of the game. If you just want a relaxing sail there are better games for it.

  • I don't agree with having separate servers for pvp/pve only because, frankly, you should be aware of your surroundings. if you are on an island fighting skeletons, than you definitely should be aware of your surroundings.

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