Mountains of GOLD!

  • Just posted this in the Insiders page, but thought it would be good out here in open discussion as well. Basically I would love something that gives you gold instantly, without the need for an outpost. Hear me out:

    Imagine making use of the island caverns and underwater cave system by randomly dropping in a pile of gold coins. I don't mean the usual trinkets or treasure chests, I mean full on, massive heaps of pure gold coin.
    Here's the kicker - you pick up one gold coin at a time from the pile and it will then gradually decrease in size as its monetary value lowers.

    How do we track such a beautiful bounty to stop a single pirate or crew from gathering this wealth? - you have a system like the skull cloud, only slightly more subtle, such as a tavern keep providing a daily/weekly riddle leading you to the treasure hoard (like with Merrick it could be a tale from the sea),or perhaps a storm cloud (that doesn't grow or move) hovering ominously over an island.

    Why is this a good idea? First of all it's accumulation of wealth, but not rep, so folks won't be able to moan about it being used to farm progression like they do forts.
    Second of all, it's an obvious pvp draw and would be exhilarating as you race to gather as much loot as you can before another crew stabs you in the back or steals it for themselves.
    Thirdly, it's a break from the main game wheel, so people have something different to draw them into the game, add to this that it could be limited to once per day, or week, at random times (to cater to all time zones) and you have a beautiful new game mechanic.

    The only final question would be whether it could be a shared resource streamed across all servers, like the time, waves and weather currently are? Now THAT would be a fun race across EVERY server for EVERY Pirate!

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  • It's a No from me.

  • @zippyjarl Short and to the point, care to explain? What would put you off?

  • @sshteeve said in Mountains of GOLD!:

    @zippyjarl Short and to the point, care to explain? What would put you off?

    I kind've like the idea of a risk reward type event. It would be interesting/fun to see how greedy Pirates would get and risk losing it all. ^.^

  • @sshteeve
    I guess it could work, but it has to be shared with the crew otherwise you'll get mutiny.

    I like the idea of riddles that would indicate where to find it. Maybe the NPC's random banter could actually give these riddles in between their normal empty chatter. If the list of locations/riddles is big enough there won't be any use of constantly checking the same location and you can still have few active at once on the same server.

    It would give some more incentive to explore and unlike the normal events people won't share the location because if someone beats them to it, they won't have gold.

  • @ath3na-cr33d said in Mountains of GOLD!:

    @sshteeve said in Mountains of GOLD!:

    @zippyjarl Short and to the point, care to explain? What would put you off?

    I kind've like the idea of a risk reward type event. It would be interesting/fun to see how greedy Pirates would get and risk losing it all. ^.^

    You know? That could be another mechanic to the idea - if you die while trying to leave the cavern/hoard area, you drop your pile of collected coins! :O

  • @sshteeve said in Mountains of GOLD!:

    @ath3na-cr33d said in Mountains of GOLD!:

    @sshteeve said in Mountains of GOLD!:

    @zippyjarl Short and to the point, care to explain? What would put you off?

    I kind've like the idea of a risk reward type event. It would be interesting/fun to see how greedy Pirates would get and risk losing it all. ^.^

    You know? That could be another mechanic to the idea - if you die while trying to leave the cavern/hoard area, you drop your pile of collected coins! :O

    I don't like that idea as it would actually give more incentive to kill everyone you see. Plus the gold is currently the only thing you never lose.

  • @fishst1ck said in Mountains of GOLD!:

    I guess it could work, but it has to be shared with the crew otherwise you'll get mutiny.

    This would have to be how it worked as you say, otherwise someone who can't mash their button as fast, or someone brigged would be mightily annoyed!

    I like the idea of riddles that would indicate where to find it. Maybe the NPC's random banter could actually give these riddles in between their normal empty chatter. If the list of locations/riddles is big enough there won't be any use of constantly checking the same location and you can still have few active at once on the same server.

    There's certainly plenty of areas left that we can use that have little hidden knooks and crannies for hiding a treasure pile!

    It would give some more incentive to explore and unlike the normal events people won't share the location because if someone beats them to it, they won't have gold.

    EXACTLY - no more guides on how to find the event content or helpful maps - you find it, you won it! Well done crew (until another turns up!)

  • Just doesn't float my boat. So many ideas aired on here and not all will appeal to me personally. All I want to do is hunt real treasure with varying difficulties and then pick up the loot and cash it in.

    Running back and forth with full pockets isn't my idea of fun BUT I bet others will like it.

  • @zippyjarl Good man and cheers for a fait comment! As you say the forum is flooded with content at the moment, just like to hear honest answers. Again, appreciated and fair winds on those treasure hunts matey!

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