The Hungering Deep Tavern Tales

  • @HeroicEel239688 @WBa Freeze @Shigogo @JustVinnyZee @mo2970 @NuTzInUrA5591 @SnoMonkey129 @schubydoobyJDS

    Epic sail and ridiculous meet up for meg with 3 galleons! Two young tortured souls already in the brig, desperately needing serious parental involvement - my word!

    We left them to their ways and carried on, one shipmate defected and they were released shortly after Meg was down.

    We stayed to pummel them a bit, then two galleys left with all aboard minus the young ones and defector.

    They slowly followed to shark bait and were promptly annihilated by two combined crews on an 8 volley smattering.

    All were slain and nothing left but a whisper from the ferry.

    Too bad for you young lads, had you needed the achievement or not, you didn’t get it - and only succeeded at making yourself bigger targets in the future...

    To all who rallied together on this crazy sail, with many first time Meggers, a very satisfying sail with many more to come!


  • Got a great video clip of the Kraken and megladon hitting at the same time add me to see it 👍🏼

  • @khaleesibot

    Got a great video clip of the karaken and megladon attacking at the same time on my profile

  • Great dlc, especially for the start. I'm excited for the cursed sails tomorrow. Maybe we should still be able to summon it, as I found meeting new people quite exciting.

  • I have a tale to tell just recently I might add.
    Sailing the waters around Dagger Tooth,alone as I usually do,I spotted to my stern a Galleon black and dark like the sea itself.
    I thought I'd just turn to starboard and see if they follow. They did.

    I thunk to myself,I can either make the first move or get sunk. So I swollowed my fear and turned hard to portside as the Galleon came beside me I rammed it, our vessels locked which allowed me to man a canon and fire two shots into its side before our ships broke free. Avoiding their musket fire I ran back to the wheel.

    As my ship began to turn I looked back to the Galleon as the Megalodon attacked it to my surprise the Galleon started to keel before sinking. I smiled to myself at a fortunate victory until I noticed the giant fin of my helper coming my way. The massive shark circled me before leaving as I reached the shores of a small island.

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