Soloing 101

  • This post is for all those who complain about solo being to hard and want PvE only. I'm tired of all the people b*****n' cause they get sunk and loose all there loot. My five step program will keep you safe.
    Step 1:
    After loading in loot the outpost.
    I've heard of people getting attacked right when they log in. This has never happened to me and ive been playing since beta and scale tests. I have however had ships roll up on me after I've been there for a while. So to avoid this, before looting check the horizon, and keep checking it everytime you unload supplies on your ship. Only loot what you need, the more you loot the more time you'll spend giving ships more time to find you. Soloing you don't really need cannon balls, stock up on planks and bananas. If you do see a ship, drop sail and sail away from them not towards them, even if you have to back track to your location. (Shoulda mentioned to leave sails up and pull anchor before looting, this will allow a quicker escape if a ship does come by.)
    Step 2:
    Always pull up your anchor (like I mentioned earlier). When you reach your destination pull as close to shore as possible pull your sails to slow your ship down and then drop anchor when your ships in the right spot. Pull your anchor, once your ship is stopped and sails are up, your ship won't move, just make sure the wheel is locked in the straight postion, so that it doesn't just spin in circles. This will allow you to defend off enemy ships. You can turn the wheel slightly so your ship turns and stays parallel with the other ship allowing you to keep shooting them as they sail by, if things get to hairy drop sails and leave.
    Step 3:
    Keep your head on a swivel.
    Always keep an eye on your horizon, if you see a ship stay away. Scout the island before stopping. Sail around the island and make sure there isn't a ship hiding on the other side, also watch the shore line for mermaids in case some evil pirate is camping. If there is a ship at the outpost your headed to, go to a different one. If your doing merchant and can't go to another outpost, drop anchor off shore a ways away and wait them out. Most of the time if there is a crew at the outpost they will leave if they see a ship just sitting off the island. If they don't leave and your getting impatient, fire a cannon ball or two (warning shots), most of the time they'll run. If your running out of time on your contract sail up to the ship and sink it (they might be afk). If you roll up on them and fire they might just drop sail and run. It's kinda damned if you do damned if you don't at this point. I haven't had much problem getting to the correct outpost, a few times I had to give up and start a new voyage, doesn't happen alot, only a few times.
    Step 4:
    Use the wind
    I've seen several players turn there ship towards there destination angle there sails and then leave and stand at the bow of the ship. Stay on the sails, the wind is constantly changing and the waves will drift you off course. Once your ship is headed in the right direction get on sails and keep them in the wind making fine adjustments hear and there. Every once in a while check the helm to make sure your still pointed where your headed then get back on sails. The ship won't sail it's self. Ive come across countless crews that don't do this and I've been able to run away or run them down almost every time. And remember sloops are faster then galleons when headed into the wind.
    Step 5:
    Use your surroundings
    There are countless rock formations all throughout the seas, use them. If you are being chased and attacked use these rocks to sail around and in-between. Alot of the time it'll give you enough space to get away or I have had the pursuing ship crash into the rocks. There are several small unseeable sand bars in certain spots, if you can learn where these are at, you can make ships crash into them.
    Extra step: (which I don't utilize)
    After clearing a map, just one map not a whole voyage, turn it in right away. Now I don't like this step because I like having loads of treasure on my ship, I'm a decorator what can I say. I hate having an empty hull, it just looks so empty lol. Another reason I hate this step is because if everyone utilized it, I would never get any treasure from sinking ships. (So if you do manage to find and sink me, you'll most likely come away with alot of goods, lol).
    Thats it... all you single playing, PvE only players should follow these steps, and maybe, just maybe will get rid of these "I want PvE only/soloing is to hard" posts. Learn the rules of the sea and you'll be just fine.

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  • Great tips. Same way I go about it. I’ve also utilized storms and brought ships through hell. I love a good chase, I’ve gotten good enough to always get away....for now.

  • @devilettuce not to mention solo play is "hard" difficulty

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