[Mega Thread] In Game Customisation - Part 2

  • Will ship customization let us colour sails and the icon?

    Like so.

    For the founder sail, We can colour the sail black instead of white and we can colour the icon on the sail too.

    (I didnt made this, Found it on reddit) Would be awesome that we can buy the sail and it will unlock the colour scheme that the sail had and the symbol it had so we can change sails to that colour and swap the symbols to the sail like the commendations.

  • This is a must i believe. The Rare team said, "we want the sails to mean something." Without color schemes introduced the sails are all the same. I completely agree with you....more customization.

  • I wouldn't mind seeing something under Pirate Options (before you join a game) to change your physical appearance, scars, fat, tall, gender, etc. I think Rare said they were working on something like this already, but in the meantime, perhaps an option to use the Random Pirate Generator again without wiping your progress?

  • @unfound Honestly this. I mean lol the lanterns on your ship are just the same as the ones you hold. Yet they only have one type? They should have lamps that not only look different. But many different light colors. That's just one small thing. Your right, sooooo many options for ship customization. They really have endless content to create. It's just a matter of laziness honestly.

  • Seems kinda small, but one of the Gold Hoarder merchants has fingerless gloves. I've shown then to everybody that will listen, and almost everyone agrees they'd be awesome to own.

    In addition, I'd propose that you add some seemingly random designs. In terms of non-set pieces.

  • Agree totally with increasing customization options. I want my ship to look COMPLETELY different from everybody elses. Same with my pirate. I don’t want to be another paper cutout! By the way, really enjoying the game. Thanks!

  • -Sail/clothes being able to be recoloured.

    -Being able to name your pirate, sloop and galleon.

    -Being able to create your own unique logo for your flag. (Best system would probably be using shapes and being able to create your own logo with them.)

    -The ability to have several pirates/characters. (3/5 character slots that share everything. Ranks, gold, etc. But just to get another pirate to play as. Playing with 3 different crews takes 3 different pirates. :p)

    -Thinner belts! XD My character is a pretty big woman, and the belts are so huge that they totally missuit her! It would also be great to have belts that go under your coat, not over it. :p

    Seems like the top 3 ones are the most suggested things, while the last 2 are some things I'd really like to see in the game.

  • @fullmetaljakee ha detto in [Mega Thread] In Game Customisation - Part 2:

    •More clothing options.
    •More hair styles/beards.
    •Option for Two peglegs and hooks( lol)
    •Hair dying
    •Clothes dying
    •Axes and different styles of melee weapons
    • More unique items which aren't part of a whole set
    •Smoking pipes
    Think I'm going a bit off topic here...back to it.
    Ship section:
    •More ship skins
    •Options for different colours and symbols on sails(same with Hull)
    •Custom pirate flags or many options for the flag you want to fly
    •Cannon customisation
    •lantern customisation
    •ladder customisation
    •Helm customisation
    •capstan customisation
    •Floor board wood options
    •captains quarters customisation
    To save me from saying Customisation once again...and from people reading it.
    Just options to pick and choose for every part of the ship.
    Just add a whole lot more options in every section, they don't need to be unlocked with achievements in the game/levels in trading companies. Just generic items so people can be more creative and look different to one another. Most of the time the people I come across are rocking the same set.

    I would just add "Tattoos" to the list. It would be cool unlock new tattoos while you play, one for each style (Admiral, Ceremonial Admiral, Sea Dog, Rogue Sea Dog, etc etc...) and at least one for each company, there shold be those which you unlock with rep and those you can buy from beginning (as all other cosmetics works). And if by the end when you unlock legend you can tattoo your "custom" pirate flag on the character skin would be a treat.

  • @miky-il-defiota said in [Mega Thread] In Game Customisation - Part 2:

    @fullmetaljakee ha detto in [Mega Thread] In Game Customisation - Part 2:

    •More clothing options.
    •More hair styles/beards.
    •Option for Two peglegs and hooks( lol)
    •Hair dying
    •Clothes dying
    •Axes and different styles of melee weapons
    • More unique items which aren't part of a whole set
    •Smoking pipes
    Think I'm going a bit off topic here...back to it.
    Ship section:
    •More ship skins
    •Options for different colours and symbols on sails(same with Hull)
    •Custom pirate flags or many options for the flag you want to fly
    •Cannon customisation
    •lantern customisation
    •ladder customisation
    •Helm customisation
    •capstan customisation
    •Floor board wood options
    •captains quarters customisation
    To save me from saying Customisation once again...and from people reading it.
    Just options to pick and choose for every part of the ship.
    Just add a whole lot more options in every section, they don't need to be unlocked with achievements in the game/levels in trading companies. Just generic items so people can be more creative and look different to one another. Most of the time the people I come across are rocking the same set.

    I would just add "Tattoos" to the list. It would be cool unlock new tattoos while you play, one for each style (Admiral, Ceremonial Admiral, Sea Dog, Rogue Sea Dog, etc etc...) and at least one for each company, there shold be those which you unlock with rep and those you can buy from beginning (as all other cosmetics works). And if by the end when you unlock legend you can tattoo your "custom" pirate flag on the character skin would be a treat.

    I'm just going to continue adding to this! There was also an early post about using pirate clothing, colors, styles, etc., from around the world. I feel like some of the customization options are pirate cliches and it would be neat to see Latin, Oriental, etc., forms of clothing customization; this also applies to the ships.

  • @il-blazze-li sagte in [Mega Thread] In Game Customisation - Part 2:

    I really think that some kind of progression system for fighting should be improved,
    I had an idea where if you hit, for example, level 25 order of souls you get a ammo bag of some kind so you get more ammo whilst you fight the skeletons on islands.

    At level 25 Gold hoarders, you get a kind of Hot Cold system, which shows you when you get near an objective and when tou are looking in the right direction, because some of the higher level gold hoarders quests are a bit annoying with their descriptions.

    At level 25 merchant alliance you have something like a dog whistle where the animals you look for come towards you, like a homing beacon.

    Just a few ideas to improve, like if you agree and Rare might just see!

  • Not meaning to sound negative, but I'm not happy with the pirate I chose and nothing I buy looks good on him. I don't want to buy anything else until I can re-pick my pirate without loosing all my gold and progress. At 50'000+ I don't want to delete him and start again. I'll hold out for Rare giving us this option eventually.

  • Hi!

    I would love a tricorn hat! especially if it had feathers ! and maybe some bandannas that the Skeleton crews have when doing Order of the Soul voyages

    The figure heads seen on some of your posters please ( Unicorn, skeleton holding a lantern, kraken/ Octopus and lady) as they looked amazing! Thanks :)

  • @papasohan said in [Mega Thread] In Game Customisation - Part 2:

    @khaleesibot Bottom line, we need WAY more customization options in this, a cosmetic only, game

    Yes. Quite apart from more clothes (which I suspect are already in there, but held back for the update), we could really use some more detailed ship customization. How about these cosmetic areas?

    • Floors
    • Furniture
    • Cannon
    • Bells
    • Helm
    • Flags
    • Lanterns

    I'm sure we can think of more, but these are all pretty much no-brainers in my book.

  • Love this game! Would appreciate the ability to change character appearance that was originally chosen for X amount of gold. Tattoos should be purchasable! As well as certain tattoos that are obtained from doing certain voyages, obtaining levels/gold. I'm not too worried about Sea adding more clothing, hairs, etc... earrings, rings, necklaces! Plundering pirates should be able to adorn themselves with the treasure and tales they played for.

  • Save some of the ship customizations for the AI ships.

    That way you would have to capture that ship to get that type of sail, etc.

  • Love this game! It's amazing but is lacking some features...

    Complete Ship Customization:
    -More skins
    -customized Ship Decals or insignia on flags to represent your own pirate gang
    -captains room: table/captains chair/decor (perhaps even some form of trophy wall based on accomplishments)
    -Cannons, Wheel, ladders
    -Ability to name ship and place name on hull

    • Ropes and cargos nets should be included for sails/crows nest and boarding.
  • Vanity is ok but what made me stop really playing was we couldn't upgrade weapons! Just the look of them.

  • https://www.reddit.com/r/Seaofthieves/comments/8emn30/pirate_legend_sloop_concept_by_walkiejvc/

    Add this in.

    Also add this

    Custom sail creator!


    Please, Add this in. And look at what awesome stuff the community made like rewards when you slay the kraken like a kraken wheel. Take notes rare.

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