[On a small hiatus, will return with more art soon!]

    • This is a permanent art thread, where I will be giving out free art to fellow pirates and community members! I'm currently offering animated pixel art.
    • [On a small hiatus, will return with more art soon!]

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    Post below with the following forum for a chance to be drawn. I may not draw everyone who posts in this thread, but I'll try and do as many pirates as I can.

    To prevent excessive bumping and to keep the thread alive: Feel free to tell me a bit about your pirate, give me music suggestions to listen to, or just strike up a conversation!

  • 34
  • @lvl100-mage Pick me :D I'd like one of my character I play as and I even am writing a story about her on the forum


    I can send you a pic of the character or you can just do your own interpretation whatever is more fun :D

  • @revanjstone said in Creating Free Animated Pixels for Pirates!:

    @lvl100-mage Pick me :D I'd like one of my character I play as and I even am writing a story about her on the forum


    I can send you a pic of the character or you can just do your own interpretation whatever is more fun :D

    I'm more of a visual person, but if you gave me a few descriptors for her I could go off of that. :) I know she has dark eyes and hair, and dark skin. Skin has so many shades, so would I go off of a color similar to #7B3F00 which is more of a chocolate tone or a tad lighter? Could you describe her outfit? :) I know she's wearing a black and bronze dress, but could you maybe go into a bit more detail for me? I will get started on it right away and show you my progress! What kind of animation would you like?

  • @lvl100-mage https://ibb.co/nPjpAS can't figure out how to post the pic of her but heres a link to her and shes wearing the dress! *** nevermind i figured it out haha


  • @lvl100-mage Wow love the work if i win make me a B. I love the lil anime char just make one thats cute with a pirate hat n hook and shooting a little pistol c: That spills coin! lmk if i win :D great work

  • LunaPic has a way of getting rid of the white BG if you dont have photoshop (:

  • @arg-m8y its a website aswell, no download needed

  • @lvl100-mage both paint.net and G.I.M.P are capable of removing backgrounds.

    GIMP is the poor mans (me :D) Photoshop

    alt text
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  • @triheadedmonkey said in Creating Free Animated Pixels for Pirates!:

    @lvl100-mage both paint.net and G.I.M.P are capable of removing backgrounds.

    GIMP is the poor mans (me :D) Photoshop

    alt text
    alt text

    WOAH, thanks so much! I appreciate you greatly! I will definitely invest in those programs, thank you thank you!

  • @arg-m8y Thanks for the suggestion! I would be lost without you guys!

  • @lvl100-mage both are free :)

  • I like style A! If you could have his mug waving that would be awesome, and the white background is fine with me! Sorry that the image was small this is the best I can get the pic for some reason... sorry hopefully this works


  • Oh please pick me!✨

    My pirate has light tan skin, dark as night eyes, dark hair that goes to the side.. she’s a very intimidating pirate. I wanted her to be someone people would be afraid to mess with.

  • @revanjstone alt text Here's your completed pixel! Hope you like it!

    @triheadedmonkey Gimp was stressful to figure out, but I finally got the hang of it! Thanks for suggesting the program to me!

    @XxPapaWardxX That image is a tad too small for me to see, would you mind linking me a larger picture of your pirate?

    @LovelustDoll How would you describe her hairstyle & length of hair? And would you like me to design her outfit or do you have one in mind?

  • I am the old c****r o' the sea!

    I would love a Style A; with a lopsided grin, if you think you can do my decrepit old mariner justice.

  • Could I get a humanized version of this character of mine?
    alt text
    alt text

    Humanized skin is more of a pale-ish color. I'd like style A, possibly swinging his sword around? No background needed.

  • @capt-gnashmaw I can draw the anthro version if you'd like. I have plenty of furry OCs of my own, so I've gotten a bit of practice with them. :p Unless you'd like the humanoid version, I can do that. Just let me know your final decision!

  • @lvl100-mage ah then anthro works fine for me. thanks. I don't really have a theme song for him (yet) but he's basically a pirate captain who eats those that cross him. Yep, full on cannibal lol

  • Her hairstyle length is to her ear, and it parts to the left side, her other side of the head is shaved. And the outfit she wears is the black dog outfit! So if you could base it off that, that would be awesome

  • @lvl100-mage I edited the post unfortunaly this is as big as I can get the pic dont know why hopefully its enough sorry.

  • @lvl100-mage holy snap its amazing! you're amazing mage!

  • @revanjstone Aww, shucks! Glad you like it! ^_^ It was fun to make!

  • @triheadedmonkey hey there, how the heck do i post my gif mage made? haha i am struggling so hard. i did the [alt text] (url) i did {alt text} (url) i did alttext nothing seems to be working for me.

  • @revanjstone upload it to something like imgur first and then either post the link on its own line or click the picture icon above the text box here and post the link where it says link url and add .gif on the end of it

  • ![alt text](https://imgur.com/uX92f1D.gif) makes alt text

    https://imgur.com/uX92f1D.gif on its own line makes

  • @triheadedmonkey alt text oh my god youre the greatest haha now i can post this sucker all over my story haha thank you!

  • @xxpapawardxx changed it for you :)

  • @lvl100-mage Thanks again mage, and if you ever get through with everyone else's requests there are some other characters in my story i'd love to see come to life like you did for brandy! thanks!

  • @lizalaroo Thank you! I can be dumb when it comes to technology.

  • @lvl100-mage These are awesome! :D Would love to have my pirate animated :)

    My Pirate:
    alt text

    Style: A
    Animation: Waving a sword
    Background: Default or Transparent

    Thank you :)

  • Wow these look great! I'd love to have one for me to show off!
    My Pirate:
    alt text
    alt text
    Style: B
    Animation: Waving a sword
    Background: Transparent

    (I'd prefer the eyepatch to be all black)

  • Thank you so much!!!

    Style: (A)
    Animation: waving sword
    Background: (transparent)

  • AHOY, mateys!
    I'm currently taking a break from pixel making, as I'm catching up on some art commissions.
    I will return within 1-2 weeks while I handle my work load.
    The main post will be updated with recent pixels I've made.
    I will try to get to as many of you as I can! But I have a tablet now, and I'd like to move away from pixels, and make more portraits/paintings of pirates. So, I will update the main post with new information on different styles as soon as I can!
    Thanks for being patient with me!

  • @lvl100-mage have fun on your break/other work we will be glad to use yo.. i mean see you back soon haha.

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