New Player Looking for Friends

  • I'm completely new to Sea Of Thieves i play on PC and don't have any friends that have this game. If you have space in your crew for a noob of the seas then please either post a reply on here and we will talk or add me on steam my name is Amaphatkid :) I'm also from UK

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  • @amaphatkid send me a friend request on Xbox live. I personally love playing with new players. Hope to see you on me crew!

  • Getting a crew together at 5:45 (us CST.
    Try to be free. See you on the seas!

  • Welcome! Come have a look at MST and see what you think.
    alt text

  • Hey @Amaphatkid you can find our crew in this discord..

    We're small time about 20+ members but always looking for more crew mates to sail with!

  • @amaphatkid

    Ahoy there,
    Welcome to SoT
    We have many new pirates that are learning and we would be very happy to show you the ropes.
    If a crew ye be looking for, look no further.
    We be a friendly bunch of pirates. Come and check us out.

  • I'm looking for a few people to sail with. I'm a casual player, I can only play every other night, at most, and only for a couple hours at a time, max. Also, I pretty much suck at H2H combat on consoles. And to sweeten the deal, I'm a 30+ married father of 3, so I may have to jump off at the most inopportune times. It sounds too good to be true, I know! Xbox One, CST, and I usually get on around 8pm.

  • @foxgod1
    We have a large community of parents that play with us so we understand rl.

    Come check us out. We always have like mined players online.

  • I got a new Discord server
    you may find someone there

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