Bosun Bill - Lyrics

  • As per the request of Ms. @KattTruewalker

    Bosun Bill

    Oh, ye ho!
    Come an’ shout with me yo’ ho!
    Come and drink and dance and sing and fight until the morning light!

    Oh, ye ho!
    It goes just like yo’ ho!
    With no time to wait, no time to spare! We need to go!

    Grab your mug, full of grog,
    And find yourself a lass!
    And then from your Outpost,
    We’ll sail, at last!

    We’ll go all the way, to Shipwreck Bay,
    And there, we will drink once more!

    We’ll dance once again, and sing!
    By the fire we’ll drink,
    And then when the dawn has come anew,
    We’re sure to start our journey once again!


    Oh, ye ho!
    Come an’ shout with me yo’ ho!
    Come and drink and dance and sing and fight until the morning light!

    Oh, ye ho!
    ‘ere we go again yo’ ho!
    With no time to wait, no time to spare, we need to go again!

    Thus, drop all the sails,
    Let’s steer far away,
    This time where’ will go,
    No one can say!

    But, one thing we know
    That wherever we may go
    We’re bound to find some loot!

    And together we’ll forever sail,
    Through dangers we will sure prevail!
    And then…at the end of everything….
    Once more together we shall rise and sing!


    Oh, ye ho!
    Come an’ shout with me yo’ ho!
    Come and drink and dance and fight, till the morning dawn is bright!
    And then we’ll all just go away, with everything we may!
    Well, after all, we’re pirates, you and me!

    So, let’s sing…

    Oh, ye ho!
    Come an’ shout with me yo’ ho!
    Come and drink and dance and sing and fight until the morning light!

    Oh, ye ho!
    It goes just like yo’ ho!
    Let’s hear it again! Let’s shouts it again!!!
    You know that I want it, I know that you want it!
    You know that I need it, I know that you crave it! So saaaaay! Yo’ Ho!

  • 33
  • I love it!

  • @mirokor Well, thank you!

  • To all ye scurvy dogs out there, I wanna challenge you to try and sing this. Record yourself and post it here so we can hear! Avast, ye scurvy dogs!

  • Well done! I just sang along at home. My cats are looking at me funny

  • @eredhar I'll have to think REAL hard about recording it though

  • Why doesn't this have more likes?

  • @farmermonty Do it! :D

  • @blam320 Only time can tell

  • @eredhar

    To all ye scurvy dogs out there, I wanna challenge you to try and sing this. Record yourself and post it here so we can hear! Avast, ye scurvy dogs!

    I will give it a go when I get back into the studio!

  • @rgbknights Make me proud haha

  • @eredhar amazing me matey! I’ll be sure to sing it when we be at sea on some voyage, perhaps @KattTruewalker and I can do a duet lol

  • @lizalaroo Aww, thank you, me matey! I will record myself and post it here, for you guys to have a laugh haha.

  • @eredhar @lizalaroo @KattTruewalker

    Took me all day but here is my rendition of your lyrics, had to edit some of them as I couldn't figure out how to make them work. As a bonus here also is my rendition of Becalmed.

    Bosun Bill

    Lyrics: Eredhar
    Voice: Captain Maximillian Zeus


    Lyrics: @Retto-Elbaroda
    Voice: Captain Maximillian Zeus

    ~Captain Maximillian Zeus:
    The Damned Rider of the Ferry
    and Master of the Song of the Dead

    Follow the link to hear my tale

  • Wow!!! Love seeing/ hearing haha the creativity!!!
    Great lyrics @eredhar and awesome singing @MaximillianZeus

  • @stacky-a

    Thank ye, thank ye :D

  • @stacky-a Thank you, me matey. And thank you, @maximillianzeus , for the wonderful rendition

  • @lizalaroo

    Seriously, you do not want to hear me sing.......

    @lizalaroo said in Bosun Bill - Lyrics:

    @eredhar amazing me matey! I’ll be sure to sing it when we be at sea on some voyage, perhaps @KattTruewalker and I can do a duet lol

  • @katttruewalker I thought we could all sing and stream it at the same time. Would go viral? Bwahahahahaha 😂

  • It would be unfair for me to ask you lads and lasses to sing, without me doing the same. I accept my own challenge!

  • @katttruewalker

    When do pirates have to sound good anyways? What matters is that you sing with the crew no matter how cursed you sound.

  • @eredhar
    Put your vid link on a separate line underneath & it'll embed the vid in your post!
    Don't give up your day job ;)

  • @maximillianzeus Exactly haha

  • @logansdadtoo Dang it, I already signed my resignation ...

  • @eredhar As promised

  • @maximillianzeus Hi Maximillanzeus, i would like to post your Soundcloud Bosun Bill on my youtube channel with the original , would you allow me to?
    I would add a link to your Soundcloud and references obviously :)

  • What a lovely soundtrack to my day!

  • @khaleesibot Oh boy...what have I done. Why are you bringing back such mistakes?! runs and hides

  • @keidan-diath

    Sure thing shoot me a link of the video.

    ~Captain Maximillian Zeus:
    The Damned Rider of the Ferry
    and Master of the Song of the Dead

    Follow the link to hear my tale

  • I just want to let you know that in the back of the book tales from the sea of thieves there is the lyrics tiled bosun bill. I don't know if I'm allowed to type out the lyrics from the book. so I'll wait for someone from rare to let me know if I can.

  • I don’t want to burst anyone’s bubble, buuuutttt..... those are not the lyrics.🙄

  • These are the actual ones:

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