Allow outposts to upgrade base on the amount of treasure sold there.

  • Just like adventures shaping the world, so should player actions going forward.

    It is amazing what has happened with New Golden Sands, I think it would be awesome for other outposts to get upgrades as well.

    I think they should receive upgrades based on how much business is conducted there, we sell millions of gold worth of loot to these places but they all still look the same, so what are they doing with all their profits?

    With each season, each outpost can receive upgrades reflecting the amount of gold they received during the last season. SoT needs a thriving economy and a thriving world to reflect this economy. I think New Golden Sands should be the biggest of all, but others could get some love and attention as well.

  • 4
  • I could also see heists like we see in Pirates of the Caribbean, instead of fighting skellies we fight armed guards, we have to solve puzzles to crack the vault and make off with the loot sort of like the gh vaults we have now.

  • That’s a lot to ask of the art and design team to make incremental changes to all the outposts each season based on the individual economy of each outpost.

    The idea is nice, I like it, but this would be a HUGE drain on the design team.

  • @tek-lt

    @tek-lt said in Allow outposts to upgrade base on the amount of treasure sold there.:

    Just like adventures shaping the world, so should player actions going forward.

    It is amazing what has happened with New Golden Sands, I think it would be awesome for other outposts to get upgrades as well.

    I think they should receive upgrades based on how much business is conducted there, we sell millions of gold worth of loot to these places but they all still look the same, so what are they doing with all their profits?

    With each season, each outpost can receive upgrades reflecting the amount of gold they received during the last season. SoT needs a thriving economy and a thriving world to reflect this economy. I think New Golden Sands should be the biggest of all, but others could get some love and attention as well.

    This seems like a good place for a looping grind. :-)

    Instead of making such upgrades permanent, you have levels require a certain level of consistent donations. At higher levels, outposts offer certain bonuses, or certain tools (tools, not rules) for sale (different for each outpost, to encourage indirect competition).

    Granted, it wouldn't make sense for each outpost to go through a golden sands level of upgrade, then fade back. But, I think that other styles of upgrades (and neglect) would work.

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