A Theory: The Mysterious Stranger and The Pirate Lord.

  • While sitting on this theory for some time and thinking, i have come to think the pirate lord and mysterious stranger arnt just business partners, but secretly brothers!

    This thought came to mind when i realized the only thing we know about the stranger is that he is highly trusted by the pirate lord, but there doesnt seem to be any explanation why. So the theory i have is that the pirate lord and mysterious stranger is working for his brother out of respect for his brothers passion, but the 2 keep their relationship secret as to protect each other so their enemies wont know that they would be a vulnerability to each other. Why else would such a serious, gloomy, almost stoic character be the trusted emissary of the pirate lords otherwise cheery bright crew?

    The other thing that brings me to think it even more is they have a similar look to them. They both have the same nose, and broad cheek bones, and what little i have seen of the pirate lord when he was living, he is tan like the stranger.

    Im very curious what thoughts anyone has on my wild theory, and if anyone has any other connections that can be made, possibly from the books if there is anything in them that could add to the theory, and if you disagree, let me know why!

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  • @goldsmen

    Early on there was a girl Mysterious Stranger too.

  • @pithyrumble said in A Theory: The Mysterious Stranger and The Pirate Lord.:


    Early on there was a girl Mysterious Stranger too.

    Indeed! Gloria! Im not sure if she is related as well or not, i have considered it, but im not as sure with her.

  • @goldsmen
    You're going to keep me up at night thinking about this. George only had a brief appearance in Heart of Fire, and if I remember correctly, they never went into specifics about his backstory.

    I think it's definitely plausible, especially considering the points you made in your post.

  • @goldsmen He trusts George because George was part of his crew in the battle against flameheart. George essentially filled the spot Rathbone had left on Ramsey's crew. Go read Heart of Fire.

  • @cptnpotbeard said in A Theory: The Mysterious Stranger and The Pirate Lord.:

    @goldsmen He trusts George because George was part of his crew in the battle against flameheart. George essentially filled the spot Rathbone had left on Ramsey's crew. Go read Heart of Fire.

    It still seems strange that out of his entire massive crew who all seem to hold the same mindset of joy in piracy, he is trusted as the emissary over all others. I can understand trusting him as crew to some extent, but he seems to have a drastically opposite mindset to the pirate lord, yet seems to be the most trusted of the crew.

  • @goldsmen It's because Shan is dead and Mercia is off doing who knows.

  • I have a prediction.
    Once we reach the end game, the PL will be "destroyed" and a new PL must take his place. Turns out to be the Stranger :p and he revealed to be his brother xD

  • Back in the day , The Musterious Stranger's name was George...Never understood why that name needed to go away ...i just call him today TMSFKAG, the Mysterious Stranger Formely Known As George...Thanks Prince for the idea...Rip , man

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