Treasure disappeared

  • Tried searching for this, but couldn't find anything similar.

    We were just about to finish a Legend of the Veil voyage, while running a Reaper emissary flag. We picked up a Ghost storage crate, and when it was put down on the bottom deck of the ship, which had a small amount of water, all of the treasure we acquired up to that point on the ship simply disappeared. We had several chests, Athena's loot, flags, log books, Ghost storage crates, and an actual storage crate or two. Everything was gone, only leaving what was left in our barrels. Very strange... Has anybody else had this problem? I hope it isn't a new bug we have to worry about...

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  • Did anyone clip it? I'm curious to see it.

    The only loot disappearing bug I know of is leaving loot in the chests you get during the Veil voyages will sometimes cause the loot to disappear from the chests. I've never heard of everything disappearing.

  • @pithyrumble Unfortunately we weren't recording, because we weren't doing PvP, and we were so distracted by it (We were trying to do a challenge while doing the Veil) that I forgot to record a clip of it... It was pretty crazy

  • Just happened us aswell after picking up a phantom storagechest on legend of the veil

  • I've had this happen exactly once in the years i've been playing. All of our stuff just simply vanished....I reported it, but I guess it still isn't fixed : /

  • Looks like I am having the loot vanishing bug on my captained sloop. Recently, I noticed that supply crates that I bought and placed in my usual spot below deck were vanishing. I tried placing them elsewhere and the issue seemed to stop. Tonight, I had a couple of skelly ships worth of loot on board, along with 3 storage crates. They were all placed on the top deck. I went into a shipwreck, came back on board, and all my loot and the storage crates were nowhere to be seen... it was just all gone!

  • This just happened to me and two friends. While destroying the forts all our treasure and storage crates disappeared. Instead of quitting we picked up a phantom supply crate and continued after completing before we collected the treasure the phantom storage crate also disappeared. We believe when we sunk a phantom ship nearby and it exploded it erased everything onboard. This happened to us twice and would explain why our stuff was deleted twice in one mission. We were not recording however so this is just a hypothesis.

  • This has happened to me twice now, I was simply running forts as a reaper emissary for rep and ledger progress. First time it happened after clearing one fort and by the time I went to load the second forts treasure downstairs the first pile had just vanished. The second time happened tonight after looting 3 forts, I had encountered a Megalodon and while trying to grab the loot I noticed what I hadn't harpoon'd had just disappeared, I thought it had sunk but when I checked below deck to make sure my treasure was still there (I've been really paranoid after the first instance it might happen again) and lo it was all gone. I dont know what could be causing it, it just seems to happen randomly.

  • This just happened to a friend and I last night. We were doing a legendary voyage and when we finished the last part, we noticed all of our treasure was gone. This was really disheartening considering we lost about 3-4 hours of progress between voyage, fortresses, and skeleton ships. Only to come out with having broke even on buying supplies.

    The fact this seems to be months old without a response is concerning to me.

  • @gentlemandiva I had a similar experience today when we were fighting other ships with the new hourglass after going down in the water our loot we had just disappeared it happened at least three time, it's a game braking bug but no one seems to address it.

  • @reliktsyrex Loot will despawn when diving, just like it does when going through portals.

  • @xshirahx how can you ramp up your fractionloot on board then?

  • @reliktsyrex That's for playing defender. Meaning you are the one getting invaded, not the one invading (diving).

  • @xshirahx oh okay my bad thanks for clearing things up:)

  • Back to Ashen Athena I guess

  • This happened to us a month ago and just happened to our two-person sloop Jan 2023. Doing a Veil and all of our loot prior to the Veil just vanished, maybe it happened when we put our ghost crate below deck? There was a little water down there. Then later we were on a Veil and had placed a Veil Stone into the mask and it cancelled the voyage. The whole mask disappeared. Rare please fix the game. It's bad enough that its a coin flip to see if the loot I turn in will actually count.

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