Unrightfully Banned On SOT Discord

  • So i accidently clicked the wrong emote while taking in tavern and your "mods" Ip banned me no warning please help me! I am very sorry for doing that i did not mean too. I should mention that i was once timed out for saying a joke that i shouldnt have ai learned from it but this was an accident Rare i am sorry i love that discord server!:(

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  • @danbeardluff is this a lost casue i love this game with all my heart

  • @tridyl I'm not sure, but I think this'll get locked because it's the wrong place for it. More of a support thing.

  • @danbeardluff i dont seea support forum but i did appeal so thanks tho brothaaaaa

  • I doubt the forums has any control over discord. It just discord anyways, silly place

  • You have to contact support about bans and appeals.

    They are who handles that.

  • @Tridyl As your post goes against the Forum Rules, it will be locked.

    Discussing Disciplinary Actions

    Discussion of disciplinary actions taken against individual players is not permitted on the Forums. Topics and posts with this content will be locked, deleted and the users involved warned. Ignoring the warning will result in a temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action continues, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

    If the person involved wants more information or to appeal then they would need to contact Support as it is not something that can be discussed on the Forums.

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