Sea of Thieves or Sea of Bloodshed?

  • @lem0n-curry said in Sea of Thieves or Sea of Bloodshed?:

    @hotklou9848 said in Sea of Thieves or Sea of Bloodshed?:

    PvE players are regularly forced to come into contact with the PvP part of the game. PvP players are not forced to come into contact with any challenging PvE content. I have a problem with that. Perhaps if there were things a PvP player could gather in PvE which they could then use to aid them in PvP? Things that require they do the challenging bits of PvE to empower themselves?

    It's a PvPvE game - stop looking at every player to be either PvP or PvE. Most people are in between. People at either extreme side of this spectrum get disappointed.

    And yet I hardly ever see PvPvE players? All players I see are either full PvP that shoot you just for kicks or full PvE that run at the first sight of anything. Okay perhaps not all, but most.

  • @hotklou9848 said in Sea of Thieves or Sea of Bloodshed?:

    And yet I hardly ever see PvPvE players? All players I see are either full PvP that shoot you just for kicks or full PvE that run at the first sight of anything. Okay perhaps not all, but most.

    Running happens for many reasons not just pacifism/fear. People run out of supplies, people get tired of fighting for the night, lose crew members, lag issues, don't want to engage with a specific crew for a variety of reasons

    Most people eventually fight under conditions they prefer. Some fights are lame and experienced players often know which to pick and choose based on their preferences

    with portal hopping now a person might have already fought 3 or 4 times in a row and all the sudden a hopper is an island over feeling fresh and wanting a fight. All kinds of situations happen, most people engage in both just not to the same degree

  • @hotklou9848

    PvE players are regularly forced to come into contact with the PvP part of the game. PvP players are not forced to come into contact with any challenging PvE content.

    Sometimes I PvE solo and avoid PvP 99% of the time if I want to because I have learned to do that.

    It's ridiculous to suggest that players have a choice of whether they get megged, skellied or krakened, even at the most inopportune moments.. Only time we ever lost a CoL was getting krakened just before a drive by being chased by some real sweats. Luckily we had just sold two more..

    So both your statements are patently false.

  • @wagstr said in Sea of Thieves or Sea of Bloodshed?:


    PvE players are regularly forced to come into contact with the PvP part of the game. PvP players are not forced to come into contact with any challenging PvE content.

    Sometimes I PvE solo and avoid PvP 99% of the time if I want to because I have learned to do that.

    It's also ridiculous to suggest that players have a choice of whether they get megged, skellied or krakened, even at the most inopportune moments.. Only time we ever lost a CoL was getting krakened just before a drive by being chased by some real sweats. Luckily we had just sold two more..

    So both your statements are patently false.

    Unless multiple of these PvE encounters happen at once, or they're engaged in a PvP battle while they happen, the meg, skellies and kraken are trivial to deal with on their own even as a solo sloop.

  • @hotklou9848 said in Sea of Thieves or Sea of Bloodshed?:

    @wagstr said in Sea of Thieves or Sea of Bloodshed?:


    PvE players are regularly forced to come into contact with the PvP part of the game. PvP players are not forced to come into contact with any challenging PvE content.

    Sometimes I PvE solo and avoid PvP 99% of the time if I want to because I have learned to do that.

    It's also ridiculous to suggest that players have a choice of whether they get megged, skellied or krakened, even at the most inopportune moments.. Only time we ever lost a CoL was getting krakened just before a drive by being chased by some real sweats. Luckily we had just sold two more..

    So both your statements are patently false.

    Unless multiple of these PvE encounters happen at once, or they're engaged in a PvP battle while they happen, the meg, skellies and kraken are trivial to deal with on their own even as a solo sloop.

    So are 90% of player crews. Your point?

  • @hotklou9848 said in Sea of Thieves or Sea of Bloodshed?:

    @lem0n-curry said in Sea of Thieves or Sea of Bloodshed?:

    @hotklou9848 said in Sea of Thieves or Sea of Bloodshed?:

    PvE players are regularly forced to come into contact with the PvP part of the game. PvP players are not forced to come into contact with any challenging PvE content. I have a problem with that. Perhaps if there were things a PvP player could gather in PvE which they could then use to aid them in PvP? Things that require they do the challenging bits of PvE to empower themselves?

    It's a PvPvE game - stop looking at every player to be either PvP or PvE. Most people are in between. People at either extreme side of this spectrum get disappointed.

    And yet I hardly ever see PvPvE players? All players I see are either full PvP that shoot you just for kicks or full PvE that run at the first sight of anything. Okay perhaps not all, but most.

    Yet you only see them when they are "interacting" with you, not what they are doing the rest of the time on the I right? So you have no idea as to what they may be doing while away from you.

    Get it through your head, just because someone doesn't play the way you FEEL they should does not make it wrong. As long as they are not being abusive, insulting, or bullying (and sinking on sight or just for kicks is NOT bullying unless they are specifically targeting a person/crew) then they are free to play as they wish. They can sink every ship they see and not pick up a single piece of loot, and there is nothing wrong with that. No different than someone can do all the PvE content they want and not fire a single cannonball or bullet at another player if they choose to play that way. But as others have said, the vast majority of players fall somewhere between the two extremes that people like you keep bringing up as if those are the only types of players in game.

    That is why the game has continued to be a success even now, because it has a healthy mix of players who "get" what the game is about. If it was a majority of either the extremes, the game would not be doing as well - the hunters would get bored due to nothing to hunt or fight (and actual fights are rare in this game, despite what you claim. The only ones I've encountered of late where when I was doing high profile events or something that had my ship marked, such as Reapers Chests or flying an RB Emissary.). And if there were all these big, bad PVPers out there (with no middle ground), the PvE crews would be quitting en masse or flooding Alliance servers...and that isn't happening either.

  • Me and my crew simply do not have the reaction times necessary to constantly be fighting off boarders in close quarters combat. And sadly boarding is currently the safest, fastest and most resource-efficient way of fighting a battle to those that excel at it, meaning that many PvPers simply don't really bother with naval combat. I enjoy naval combat so much more.

    And as I suggested, if there were tools you could collect through difficult PvE events, which could then be used in PvP against other players, wouldn't that help bridge the gap between PvE and PvP? PvE players would want to go after these so they can more capably engage in PvP, and the same goes for PvP players - they would go after it to give themselves an even greater edge and to counter the fact that PvEers are now more capable at defending themselves. And PvEers might now be confident enough to actually seek out PvP if they see a threat to their PvE experience, such as a reaper or someone stealing their event.

  • @hotklou9848 said in Sea of Thieves or Sea of Bloodshed?:

    @lem0n-curry said in Sea of Thieves or Sea of Bloodshed?:

    @hotklou9848 said in Sea of Thieves or Sea of Bloodshed?:

    PvE players are regularly forced to come into contact with the PvP part of the game. PvP players are not forced to come into contact with any challenging PvE content. I have a problem with that. Perhaps if there were things a PvP player could gather in PvE which they could then use to aid them in PvP? Things that require they do the challenging bits of PvE to empower themselves?

    It's a PvPvE game - stop looking at every player to be either PvP or PvE. Most people are in between. People at either extreme side of this spectrum get disappointed.

    And yet I hardly ever see PvPvE players? All players I see are either full PvP that shoot you just for kicks or full PvE that run at the first sight of anything. Okay perhaps not all, but most.

    Just because you see them only doing one thing, doesnt mean they dont do both. The other evening a friend and I were doing DR cargo. We were short manning a brig because its fast and cargo is boring. We were simply doing PvE. She was off getting supplies while I sold a roung of cargo when another brig rolled in to attack. I set the boat in her direction and they chased us past a fort. I used those cannons and made the other brig go away.

    45 min later they came back. We ran and they chased. We double boarded, wiped them, and steered their boat into a volcano.

    At the end of our evening we had 1 delivery left and a galley was at our sell spot. we engaged and sank via long bomb cannons and boarding.

    We wanted to PvE that evening, and yet the most fun and exciting parts were those 3 encounters, moments of pure PvP.

    What kind of players were we that evening? In my book we were PvPvE. We were not mad that we got attacked, we laughed at their lack of strategy. And we had to run, we had bottles to protect.

    So when you see a boat doing an Ashen lord or see a boat launching cannons your way remember that is all you are seeing, you are not watching rheir whole session.

  • @captain-coel said in Sea of Thieves or Sea of Bloodshed?:

    @hotklou9848 said in Sea of Thieves or Sea of Bloodshed?:

    @lem0n-curry said in Sea of Thieves or Sea of Bloodshed?:

    @hotklou9848 said in Sea of Thieves or Sea of Bloodshed?:

    PvE players are regularly forced to come into contact with the PvP part of the game. PvP players are not forced to come into contact with any challenging PvE content. I have a problem with that. Perhaps if there were things a PvP player could gather in PvE which they could then use to aid them in PvP? Things that require they do the challenging bits of PvE to empower themselves?

    It's a PvPvE game - stop looking at every player to be either PvP or PvE. Most people are in between. People at either extreme side of this spectrum get disappointed.

    And yet I hardly ever see PvPvE players? All players I see are either full PvP that shoot you just for kicks or full PvE that run at the first sight of anything. Okay perhaps not all, but most.

    Just because you see them only doing one thing, doesnt mean they dont do both. The other evening a friend and I were doing DR cargo. We were short manning a brig because its fast and cargo is boring. We were simply doing PvE. She was off getting supplies while I sold a roung of cargo when another brig rolled in to attack. I set the boat in her direction and they chased us past a fort. I used those cannons and made the other brig go away.

    45 min later they came back. We ran and they chased. We double boarded, wiped them, and steered their boat into a volcano.

    At the end of our evening we had 1 delivery left and a galley was at our sell spot. we engaged and sank via long bomb cannons and boarding.

    We wanted to PvE that evening, and yet the most fun and exciting parts were those 3 encounters, moments of pure PvP.

    What kind of players were we that evening? In my book we were PvPvE. We were not mad that we got attacked, we laughed at their lack of strategy. And we had to run, we had bottles to protect.

    So when you see a boat doing an Ashen lord or see a boat launching cannons your way remember that is all you are seeing, you are not watching rheir whole session.

    Good points. I will try watching other players more closely from now on.

  • @hotklou9848 said in Sea of Thieves or Sea of Bloodshed?:

    Me and my crew simply do not have the reaction times necessary to constantly be fighting off boarders in close quarters combat. And sadly boarding is currently the safest, fastest and most resource-efficient way of fighting a battle to those that excel at it, meaning that many PvPers simply don't really bother with naval combat. I enjoy naval combat so much more.

    And as I suggested, if there were tools you could collect through difficult PvE events, which could then be used in PvP against other players, wouldn't that help bridge the gap between PvE and PvP? PvE players would want to go after these so they can more capably engage in PvP, and the same goes for PvP players - they would go after it to give themselves an even greater edge and to counter the fact that PvEers are now more capable at defending themselves. And PvEers might now be confident enough to actually seek out PvP if they see a threat to their PvE experience, such as a reaper or someone stealing their event.

    So you are wanting a buffed weapon that gives an advantage to you. That isn't going to turn out well (especially for those you think you are helping with this idea). All you would be doing is introducing a new meta and would do absolutely nothing to relieve you in your quest for peace. All you are doing is giving another, more powerful weapon to those who play the game on a regular basis, which puts newcomers at a distinct disadvantage. You'd be on the receiving end of this new weapon more than you'd be using it, I guarantee this. You fail to realize this because of your close-minded view of the community, thinking of it as binary instead of a spectrum in regards to play styles. It is rather naive of you to think only PvE leaning individuals would only do this to get the weapon, as I said earlier the vast majority of players fall between these extremes.

    You have all the resources you need already to be successful in the game, you just need to develop them and figure out what works best for your play style. And some weapons like this already exist - the flame skull and Siren Tridents. Yet neither of those are accomplishing what you want, so why do you think another uber weapon would do this? Nor why you don't think you'd be on the receiving end before you even unlocked it? Or why you'd be better with it than a seasoned player in a one on one?

  • "Fortnite Gamers") Logical and atmospheric game is not for them.
    Shoot, interfere, trying to taunt the alien pirate and compliment yourself.). You are immortal and you have nothing to worry about. You will not be banned or fined.

  • Even if you only engage in pvp. You still no matter what engage with pve.

    The argue is flawed. If u run reaper that in general means I'm doing pve because technically I'm engaging with the game mechanics and ultimately its up to you to pay attention wether you have loot or not.

  • @thagoochiestman I agree, chainshot and boarding is honestly too heavy and powerful a meta. Purely naval is possible, but it takes an efficient crew and nothing but constant pressure to accomplish, otherwise, you need to board to prevent repairs and keep pressure that way. My point originally was that the techniques used in naval and in ground combat are both things that require learning and practice.

  • @captain-coel said in Sea of Thieves or Sea of Bloodshed?:

    @madfrito99 You are very clearly playing the wrong game if thats what you believe. I would love to see the list of actions you percieve to be toxic It sounds like you are forgetting about the fact that its a sandbox game, that there are tools not rules, and that you do not get to control how the other pirates play.

    so does that mean YOU get to be the sole decider of other people experience?

  • @leftypirate99 said in Sea of Thieves or Sea of Bloodshed?:

    @captain-coel said in Sea of Thieves or Sea of Bloodshed?:

    @madfrito99 You are very clearly playing the wrong game if thats what you believe. I would love to see the list of actions you percieve to be toxic It sounds like you are forgetting about the fact that its a sandbox game, that there are tools not rules, and that you do not get to control how the other pirates play.

    so doesn't that mean that YOU get to be the sole decider of other people experience?

    As has been told to me, no we're perfectly free to decide to uninstall. If I weren't so obsessed with 100% a game (base achievements, not dlc), I would've.

  • Risk vs Reward & Time Lost vs Time Spent

    A guy doing PvE got himself a quest to do. He spends 20-40 minutes doing the quest. Once he is done he loads his loot onto his ship and heads for an outpost. Along the way he gets attacked and gets sunk. He just lost the time he spent doing the quest and his loot.

    A guy looking to do PvP collects resources at the outpost and sets out. He finds the guy doing his quest and kills him, gaining all of his loot. PvP-guy has comparatively MUCH less to lose, both in terms of time spent and in terms of what treasures they might have onboard which they could potentially lose in a conflict.

    On top of that, most players that seek out PvP specifically are much better prepared for PvP, both in terms of skill/experience and likely what supplies they foresaw they would use during conflicts.

    This confuses me.

  • @hotklou9848 said in Sea of Thieves or Sea of Bloodshed?:

    Risk vs Reward & Time Lost vs Time Spent

    A guy doing PvE got himself a quest to do. He spends 20-40 minutes doing the quest. Once he is done he loads his loot onto his ship and heads for an outpost. Along the way he gets attacked and gets sunk. He just lost the time he spent doing the quest and his loot.

    A guy looking to do PvP collects resources at the outpost and sets out. He finds the guy doing his quest and kills him, gaining all of his loot. PvP-guy has comparatively MUCH less to lose, both in terms of time spent and in terms of what treasures they might have onboard which they could potentially lose in a conflict.

    On top of that, most players that seek out PvP specifically are much better prepared for PvP, both in terms of skill/experience and likely what supplies they foresaw they would use during conflicts.

    This confuses me.

    It confuses you because you are assuming a lot of things that are not necessarily correct and you have no proof of, only your "belief" that this is the way it is - much of this because you continue to pigeon-hole people into one of two camps instead of looking at it as a spectrum.

    Let me address the fallacies you are continuing to spread. You assume that someone attacks has no treasure or less to lose - how do you know? Did you board their ship? Did you sink them and find no treasure? No, you just ASSUME that because it fits your narrative or you "heard it on the internet" it must be true. True some will limit their losses (aka playing smart) by not carrying much and turning in often, but this is not true of all players as you continue to claim.

    Now let's address your time investment claim. You have no idea how long they have been on the server and looking for prey (much less if that was the only thing they were doing in that time). Do you honestly think that all players just sail around doing nothing but looking for other players to attack? If so, then I'd say they have invested MUCH more time than any PvE leaning player as ship encounters are typically rare and my experience bares that out. In fact, a purely PvP player is at a much worse disadvantage in terms of gathering loot due to the rarity of encounters and the fact they have to win and survive to claim it. Running a Reapers Bones Emissary makes it worse since their location is displayed for all to see, making that sort of play even more difficult to profit from.

    Now you bring up that PvP players are more prepared for battle. I'll give you that they may be more battle ready in terms of looking for a fight, but in reality many of those that engage in mainly PvP are not as good as you seem to think - many are just younger players having fun and a lot will turn tail if you show that you are capable of defending yourself. But YOU have the same option to be ready for battle by keeping alert. And there is nothing stopping you from gathering the necessary supplies to defend yourself - whether it be from players or any other threat in the game like skeleton ships. If you aren't doing that, then you are only hurting yourself on both fronts.

    But in the end it is irrelevant if attacking players carry any loot or not, nor should they be punished or forced to do so by some arbitrary rule. For all you know they may have just cleaned out a fort or have a haul from another player on board when you encounter them, but you will never know unless you board or sink them. Tactically it makes sense to limit your losses by carrying as little loot as possible, why do you feel the need to punish/limit players for playing smart? You have the same opportunity in limiting your losses by not carrying more than you can afford to lose, I do it all the time since I primarily solo when I'm on.

  • @leftypirate99 said in Sea of Thieves or Sea of Bloodshed?:

    @captain-coel said in Sea of Thieves or Sea of Bloodshed?:

    @madfrito99 You are very clearly playing the wrong game if thats what you believe. I would love to see the list of actions you percieve to be toxic It sounds like you are forgetting about the fact that its a sandbox game, that there are tools not rules, and that you do not get to control how the other pirates play.

    so does that mean YOU get to be the sole decider of other people experience?

    Nope, I do not get to decide how people play, however I do get to decide how I react to people attacking me, being nearby, or in way way. They can react how they want in game and that randomness is magical. However the way I play and the interactions with others isn't toxic and that is what the back and forth was about. The perception that pvp is toxic is incorrect and it is a designed aspect of this game.

  • btw just because someone runs as a reaper doesnt mean they have to sink ships…i dont…i can get anything i need without having to sink anyone…i run reaper simply for ledger reward…i feel its just laziness when people attack to steal your loot because they dont want to put the work in

  • @madfrito99 the idea that pvp players are just lazy is the most hilarious idea. "earn your own loot" mentality is just so pervasive. Like we are supposed to clock in to our pirate jobs at the riddle solving factory. If you think doing pve is somehow harder than doing pvp you should try solely getting loot from pvp one night and compare it to how much you make doing pve.

  • @madfrito99 said in Sea of Thieves or Sea of Bloodshed?:

    btw just because someone runs as a reaper doesnt mean they have to sink ships…i dont…i can get anything i need without having to sink anyone…i run reaper simply for ledger reward…i feel its just laziness when people attack to steal your loot because they dont want to put the work in

    You are joking right?

  • @captain-coel out of all the things in this thread, THAT made me actually laugh.

    I mean, it’s a pirate game. Sinking people/ getting sunk is half the fun! As long as both sides are chill about it that is.

  • @captain-coel its just how i play. i personally dont want to ruin someones day unnesecarilly…so i play the way i play

  • @ninja-naranja fun being sunk? nobody enjoys being sunk! now that made me laugh lol

  • @madfrito99 Wrong. I got sunk in a mash up of OOS ghost fleet, in a storm, fighting a duo sloop on my brig and we got kraken'd. It was hilarious.

  • @madfrito99 That's how you choose to play, that's fine. Don't tout it as superior, morally or otherwise, to anyone else's preferred style of play.

  • @madfrito99 as long as both parties are cool about it, it doesn’t have to be frustrating. If I have a good fight with someone, win or lose, I send them a GG. Most of the time they’re pretty cool about it, and that in turn, makes me feel better.

  • @ninja-naranja said in Sea of Thieves or Sea of Bloodshed?:

    @madfrito99 as long as both parties are cool about it, it doesn’t have to be frustrating. If I have a good fight with someone, win or lose, I send them a GG. Most of the time they’re pretty cool about it, and that in turn, makes me feel better.

    I absolutely loathe the morons who mock and insult you after completely smashing you in PvP though. It'd be much better if more people were just respectful like you about getting the victory, especially if I was not the aggressor (if I were the aggressor it would be a bit more understandable if they saw me as the moron instead of the other way around). :)

  • @madfrito99 , I wouldn't say toxic , perhaps immature. Game "rules" allow basically anything...unfortunately.

  • @hotklou9848 I think it all boils down to it's just a game and people will play it however they want to and they should because what may be enjoyable to you may not be enjoyable to them and that's okay because everybody has their own unique playing style and how they want to play a game. I think people rely too much on other people to make them happy instead of making themselves happy. What I mean is if this seems to be frustrating you then you should do something else that makes you happy. When I first started playing this game I was happy but then I got frustrated because of similar things that you pointed out. I changed my way of thinking and told myself that I would not allow other people and what they did to have to have an effect on my experience. If they want to attack me go right ahead I will just leave the game and find another server. Did I lose time or lose some loot? Maybe, but if I'm not happy with what's going on I need to remove myself from that and put myself in a more happier environment. Find another server or play another game. Whatever you do your happiness is important and only you can make yourself happy by your choices don't expect other people to make you happy. Wishing you safe sailing. 🙂

  • @madfrito99 said in Sea of Thieves or Sea of Bloodshed?:

    @captain-coel no you are 100% wrong just because you are a pirate doesnt mean you can do whatever you want whether its toxic or not

    It's not toxic to pvp in a pvpve game as long as you aren't yelling slurs then it isn't really toxic

  • @nickoisbeast said in Sea of Thieves or Sea of Bloodshed?:

    @hotklou9848 I think it all boils down to it's just a game and people will play it however they want to and they should because what may be enjoyable to you may not be enjoyable to them and that's okay because everybody has their own unique playing style and how they want to play a game. I think people rely too much on other people to make them happy instead of making themselves happy. What I mean is if this seems to be frustrating you then you should do something else that makes you happy. When I first started playing this game I was happy but then I got frustrated because of similar things that you pointed out. I changed my way of thinking and told myself that I would not allow other people and what they did to have to have an effect on my experience. If they want to attack me go right ahead I will just leave the game and find another server. Did I lose time or lose some loot? Maybe, but if I'm not happy with what's going on I need to remove myself from that and put myself in a more happier environment. Find another server or play another game. Whatever you do your happiness is important and only you can make yourself happy by your choices don't expect other people to make you happy. Wishing you safe sailing. 🙂

    Thanks! Me and my crew have been trying to change our way of thinking, but it's hard to do with all the immaturity and rudeness some players exhibit in PvP. One thing we've found to be quite entertaining is taking any potential attackers on a wild goosechase. Here's some things we do, while we let them chase us across the map:

    • "Want my loot! Here! Catch!" As they follow us we clearly start dropping all our loot right in their path, leaving them torn between catching the loot and following us. Most ignore loot drops though. We should actually try some explosive kegs as well one of these days.
    • Summon the megalodon! If a megalodon follows us, ride close to them so it can focus on them, then go away quickly while they're trying to evade the thing so they stay the only viable target. The same can be done with skellies.
    • Lead them through ghost/skeleton fleets. It is great fun if the AIs get some good hits off, or just happen to turn all their focus to our pursuers.
    • Lead them through a storm/misty area and use our superior sailing skills to lose them. We even very nearly sunk a poor solo slooper once this way, as he just couldn't keep up with bucketing and following us for some reason and he even ran into a random rock, breaking his momentum and forcing him to run away with his tail between his legs.
    • Lead them through particularly rocky areas, or areas like Thieves Haven which require careful manoeuvring if you want to make it through in good time (them going around would give us a head start).
    • Lead them to other PvPers, especially ones that are busy in a battle already or ones running a Reaper emissary flag or Reaper's Mark (as these tend to be quite aggressive if they're out to get you).
    • And lastly, lead them across the edge of the map, threatening to lead them into the red sea. Chasing crews seem to become incredibly nervous when you sail right on the very edge of the map, just before crossing over into the red sea, and most just give up.
  • it just seems clear that alot of people dont understand what toxicity is. some only think saying things over mic is the only possible toxic thing you can do lol just because the game allow you to do something in the game doesnt mean its not toxic

  • @madfrito99 said in Sea of Thieves or Sea of Bloodshed?:

    it just seems clear that alot of people dont understand what toxicity is.


    "People attacking other player's ship, and people stealing items off players and making their getaway and stuff, it's obviously, that's absolutely acceptable as part of Sea of Thieves, it's a shared world, its always been a shared world, it's always been the intent that there is gonna be risks when you are out there on the seas. And so that kind of player behaviour is absolutely within the spirit of Sea of Thieves."

  • what you outlined i agree with. spawn camping just to kill is toxic. following a ship around for hours is toxic. sinking a ship just to sink is toxic… doing anything just to do it without a purpose is toxic i.e. hiding on board with a keg with no intention to steal anything, etc

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