Twitch Drops - don’t forget! WATCH, ENJOY & GET REWARDED

  • More drops-a-coming this week!

    Loot yourself some Obsidian goodies and best of all you can watch anyone who has drops enabled and is streaming Sea of Thieves!

    Starts 10 a.m Friday 24th September - 10 a.m Monday 27th September

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  • How about they drop new items. The capstan should be a drop for twitch if your idea is to boost views that item would do it! With these drops i will not have to waste time watching as i already have them. Long term pirates need a lil love to they seem to forget about us quite often. There is nothing "Fresh" about these drops!

  • @fast-420 I still think they messed up big when they decided to remove the obsidian capstan from a charity event a few years back. Everyone would have bought it.

  • @fast-420
    Couldn't agree more. Can we please get this set done, and on to more!?

  • @o-t00l-o said in Twitch Drops - don’t forget! WATCH, ENJOY & GET REWARDED:

    Couldn't agree more. Can we please get this set done, and on to more!?

    they just spent months giving away the guilded phoenix set and before that it was the frozen horizon and before that it was the ancestral and mutinous fist

    a majority of the drops have been giving people new stuff for free

    it's not a big deal or them "forgetting their long term players" to give away stuff some of us already have from time to time

  • @fast-420 said in Twitch Drops - don’t forget! WATCH, ENJOY & GET REWARDED:

    How about they drop new items. The capstan should be a drop for twitch if your idea is to boost views that item would do it! With these drops i will not have to waste time watching as i already have them. Long term pirates need a lil love to they seem to forget about us quite often. There is nothing "Fresh" about these drops!

    capstan is exclusive to competitions and will not be a twitch drop. Lizalaroo gives them away herself here on the forum weekly so ye best start competing soon.

  • @fast-420 The capstan would be one of the last things to go on drops, with the black dog if they ever decide to do that.

    Currently partners only get one capstan per month and this drives in at least 100 viewers every stream. Adding this as a drop would push that number to 1000+, but it’ll only last a couple days. With the current system they have set up, a partner gets more views over time, and the game gets more players overall.

  • Black Dog, Obsidian Blunderbuss, and Ferryman are specifically tied to purchases of their respective products.

    Capstan doesn't have to be contest exclusive but that's how you get one for now.

  • can't wait to make these available to everyone who doesn't have it . thanks for this opportunity

  • @personalc0ffee said in Twitch Drops - don’t forget! WATCH, ENJOY & GET REWARDED:

    Black Dog, Obsidian Blunderbuss, and Ferryman are specifically tied to purchases of their respective products.

    Capstan doesn't have to be contest exclusive but that's how you get one for now.

    Having a capstan currently means you won either a giveaway or a competitive competition. Would be a massive kick in the teeth for anyone who put the time in to compete for it just for them to make it a twitch drop.

  • @illbushido305 No one said the capstan is ONLY exclusive to giveaways or a competition. That's just what they are doing with it currently. That can change at any time.

    I have the Obsidian Capstan, I don't care if others get it easier.

  • It’s not about them saying it. Every time there’s a Twitter contest winners are offered a capstan. The only way it’s been acquired has been contesting. Like I said, if that is changed it’s not the hugest deal but still a bit unfortunate because so far everyone who has it, had to win a giveaway or a competition rather than pulling up a twitch tab for 20 minutes.

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