Please make our Pets Worth..!!

  • Dear all, I really like the way Rare designed the PETS (in game cosmetics) which we can buy from Pirate Emporium. May it be Monkeys, birds, Cats & Dogs. All of them have some distinctive feature along with their adorable cuteness.

    For making their presence in game more realistic, & feasible, I would suggest giving them some ability to show their loyalty to us. A few such suggestions are as follows:-

    1. How it would be like if they can carry the smaller stuffs like skulls, relics, caskets etc. back to ship from the island & even can carry them along with us to the sellable tents in an outpost?
    2. How about if they see any other player anywhere on our ship or on the island , we are present into, will start giving specific indications for us to be alerted (BIG RED alert for Tuckers) ?
    3. May be we can have bonding levels with our pets, like higher bonding levels with pets will unlock specific activities for the pets to perform.
    4. Might be higher bonding levels can be achieved by patting, adoring, feeding & spending more time with the pets.
    5. Might be Pets can fight or distract the Skeletons too.

    This features will not only make the game more interesting, but will also raise the selling & using rate of Pets in the game.

    Come on Guys, lend more sensible views & add more points.. & Please don't forget to Upvote this post for Highlighting it to Rare. Please RARE.. Make it happen..!!

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  • Would be fun and encourage people to support and buy pets but it's pay to win. Rare would need to give one free pet to everyone. Also only one pet would be allowed to be used per ship for balance.

  • @aceherock

    Pay 2 Win, is a no-go. Your money will not make you better than anyone else.

  • @cotu42 said in Please make our Pets Worth..!!:


    Pay 2 Win, is a no-go. Your money will not make you better than anyone else.

    May be Rare can give one Default Pet for buying with 500 Doubloons?? Come on, its just a part of the game...

  • I can already hear the complaints from upset tuckers. Besides that are there any online multiplayer games with AI sidekicks? It sounds like it would be very difficult to ballance the PvP combat, like if they are able to kill skeletons and carry loot, then they must be able to be killed? How strong is too strong? And how weak is too weak? Opening up a whole bucket of worms here.

  • @one-eyed-curly said in Please make our Pets Worth..!!:

    I can already hear the complaints from upset tuckers. Besides that are there any online multiplayer games with AI sidekicks? It sounds like it would be very difficult to ballance the PvP combat, like if they are able to kill skeletons and carry loot, then they must be able to be killed? How strong is too strong? And how weak is too weak? Opening up a whole bucket of worms here.

    It can be like, the pets can get killed but, they will be re spawning in 3 minutes timer. The skeletons with swords or pistols can kill / reduce health of a Pet. Not the empty handed one.. :)

    That's something interesting.. XD

  • @aceherock said in Please make our Pets Worth..!!:

    @cotu42 said in Please make our Pets Worth..!!:


    Pay 2 Win, is a no-go. Your money will not make you better than anyone else.

    May be Rare can give one Default Pet for buying with 500 Doubloons?? Come on, its just a part of the game...

    And by doing so, depriving themselves of real life monetary sales? If everyone has a 'free' pet (I know you said 500 doubloons, but it's free to earn doubloons), why would they buy one from the Emporium?

    Like @CotU42 said, making pets 'do things' is pay-2-win. No thanks.

  • @withmyapologies As I told early, Pets will have special levels for performing activity. The default Pet with 500 doubloons, can do the basic thing of carrying skull/ gems/ artifacts/ etc.. But, PETS bought from Pirate Emporium can have higher ability skills with higher bonding levels.. Like distracting Skeletons, Indicating presence of other players on ship or on island (Only if the Pets have seen/spotted them). Like sniffing around & help in spotting 1dig spot at least per Map.. More activities can be added to Pets from Pirate Emporium..

  • @aceherock said in Please make our Pets Worth..!!:

    @withmyapologies As I told early, Pets will have special levels for performing activity. The default Pet with 500 doubloons, can do the basic thing of carrying skull/ gems/ artifacts/ etc.. But, PETS bought from Pirate Emporium can have higher ability skills with higher bonding levels.. Like distracting Skeletons, Indicating presence of other players on ship or on island (Only if the Pets have seen/spotted them). Like sniffing around & help in spotting 1dig spot at least per Map.. More activities can be added to Pets from Pirate Emporium..

    aka pay-2-win... do you not realize what that means or what that is and how horrible of a practice that is for the players?

  • How about permadeath if your insipid pet dies.

    Of course you would have to buy another pet and it is still Pay-to-Win.

    Just not going to happen, pirate.

  • @aceherock Numbers 1, 2 and 5 are off-limits because the pets are only for sale for real money, and this would convey an in-game advantage to players who spend more (pay to win).

    Bonding with pets would be cool. It could be that the pets learn to perform certain tricks after having travelled with them a while. Then again, since people paid for their pets, they might well expect the pet to just be able to do whatever it does from the outset.

  • @aceherock

    But, PETS bought from Pirate Emporium can have higher ability skills with higher bonding levels.. Like distracting Skeletons, Indicating presence of other players on ship or on island (Only if the Pets have seen/spotted them). Like sniffing around & help in spotting 1dig spot at least per Map.. More activities can be added to Pets from Pirate Emporium.

    This sounds like its extra pay to win? So what your saying, is if I pay a premium with real world money, I get a pet that can do superior things than what a non-premium purchased pet? Those superior powers include.

    -Player radar
    -loot radar
    -PvE skeleton advantages

    When a games goes Pay-2-Win, its a sign they are more of a cash grab. I don't know a single person who gets excited over Pay-2-Win, in fact, they usually will drop the game out of their interest.

    Pay-2-Win is bad, no thanks.

  • I think a set of toys and non rewarding mini games that you can do and mess around with when your sailing would be cool

    Right now we are limited to making them dance pet and feed and shoot out of a cannon

    Oh and making them sleep at a spot of our choosing

  • @withmyapologies said in Please make our Pets Worth..!!:

    @aceherock said in Please make our Pets Worth..!!:

    @cotu42 said in Please make our Pets Worth..!!:


    Pay 2 Win, is a no-go. Your money will not make you better than anyone else.

    May be Rare can give one Default Pet for buying with 500 Doubloons?? Come on, its just a part of the game...

    And by doing so, depriving themselves of real life monetary sales? If everyone has a 'free' pet (I know you said 500 doubloons, but it's free to earn doubloons), why would they buy one from the Emporium?

    Like @CotU42 said, making pets 'do things' is pay-2-win. No thanks.

    Same reason you buy ship skins from emporium, you want it to look different. Honestly I'd love pets to have a function. But they would have to add them to the base game first to avoid P2W. If they do that then the emporium ones are just flahy skins.

  • @expsnailer said in Please make our Pets Worth..!!:

    @withmyapologies said in Please make our Pets Worth..!!:

    @aceherock said in Please make our Pets Worth..!!:

    @cotu42 said in Please make our Pets Worth..!!:


    Pay 2 Win, is a no-go. Your money will not make you better than anyone else.

    May be Rare can give one Default Pet for buying with 500 Doubloons?? Come on, its just a part of the game...

    And by doing so, depriving themselves of real life monetary sales? If everyone has a 'free' pet (I know you said 500 doubloons, but it's free to earn doubloons), why would they buy one from the Emporium?

    Like @CotU42 said, making pets 'do things' is pay-2-win. No thanks.

    Same reason you buy ship skins from emporium, you want it to look different. Honestly I'd love pets to have a function. But they would have to add them to the base game first to avoid P2W. If they do that then the emporium ones are just flahy skins.

    They are currently just flashy skins. That is all they were meant to be.

  • Pay to win is a no-brainer: it's not going to happen. That said, I'm all in for more interactive opportunities with our pets that don't affect gameplay, similar to what we already have.

    In addition to the aforementioned issues, having pets become free because they effect gameplay would force everyone to carry a pet in order to stay competitive. Those who choose not to will be at a distinct disadvantage.

    Furthermore, are you sure you want 4 pets on a ship at the same time howling, meowing, barking, and cacawing all of the time (not to mention taking up vital interactive spots that can mess you up)? I certainly wouldn't - I came to play Sea of Thieves, not Zoo of Thieves.

  • @ghostpaw True, but they don't have to stay that way. If they avoid the P2W then it's just another new feature. What good or bad it will bring is questionable for sure, but I doubt it would be seriously game changing.

  • @aceherock said in Please make our Pets Worth..!!:

    @withmyapologies As I told early, Pets will have special levels for performing activity. The default Pet with 500 doubloons, can do the basic thing of carrying skull/ gems/ artifacts/ etc.. But, PETS bought from Pirate Emporium can have higher ability skills with higher bonding levels.. Like distracting Skeletons, Indicating presence of other players on ship or on island (Only if the Pets have seen/spotted them). Like sniffing around & help in spotting 1dig spot at least per Map.. More activities can be added to Pets from Pirate Emporium..

    go back to roblox with your pay to win pets

  • This has been brought up a few times.

    To be honest im against it.
    I origonally was all for it and even once said you can negate the pay to win aspect by giving everyone a free pet... But then...

    Ever heard the screams when a full crew with all their pets is out?

    If pets are more than cosmetics and actually useful. Theyll always be out. They'll always be screaming and yelling whenever a shot is fired, a ship is damaged.

    Your ship will sound like feeding time at the local zoo. Every trip out because pets are now useful.

    It would be torture on the ears.
    Absolute nightmarish torture.

    Youd become a solo slooper just to get away from the noise of monkeys howling in fear.

    Youd form crews with the title (No Pets allowed) on the xbox crew finder.

    Now imagine that but also with the occasional hot mic player or fuzzy mic or sqeeky player. Those noises accompanies by screaming pets on a 4 man gally, fighting another ship with their pets out?
    The horror... The unspeakable horror.

    Because of that reason alone i suggest we burn this idea haha

  • I would love to be able to teach my fleet of cats tricks. Nothing that adds an advantage just fun little things. Then again I had cats so they just want to nap.

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