Tomes of Curses and Power

  • Ahoy!
    We've been enjoying raiding forts to get ashen chests & keys lately to unlock the ashen ship customisations. I was wondering is it still possible to get the older tomes as we are only getting tomes of resurrection?


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  • @nemesis-ninety6
    It's possible. I'm continuing to find a wide variety of all the previously released tomes in the ashen chests I encounter. The tome(s) you receive in a chest are determined randomly- there's currently a lot of different tomes that can be chosen, so it may take a long time before you complete the ashen dragon set.

    I don't know if ashen chests received from different sources (forts, ashen guardians, skeleton ships, or Duke's voyages) contain a different probability of containing new/old tomes, so I recommend being patient and collecting them as opportunities arise while you do other things, because if you set out to grind chests, you're going to have a bad time.

  • Perfect, thank you!
    We weren't specifically chasing chests, we just did a couple forts in a row and found a few extra by chance so had an excellent session for ashen tomes haha, I'll bear your advice in mind

  • It seems that all of the 20 tomes (not "tombs") appear with equal frequency in Ashen chests. Every chest, I think, contains at least one tome; sometimes two. When you are down to needing at last one or two tomes, the hunt may seem frustrating, but stick at it.

    If we assume each chest contains exactly one tome, and you need just one more to complete the whole set:

    • There is a 5% chance it will be in the next Ashen chest you find.
    • a 23% chance it will be in one of the next FIVE chests
    • a 40% chance it will be in one of the next TEN chests
    • a 64% chance it will be in one of the next TWENTY chests
    • a 92% chance it will be in one of the next FIFTY chests
    • a 99.5% chance it will be in one of the next HUNDRED chests

    However, don't fall for the gambler's paradox. If you open 20 chests without success, there is not a 65% chance that the tome will be in the very next - your twenty-first - chest. It will still be just 5%.

    Just stick at it. There is no rush. There is no time limit. You don't get any new cosmetics for completing the set, but you do get some gold and/or doubloons for every chest you open. Stop at every small island you pass and check for a Ashen Captain to try to get a chest or a key. If you end up your voyage with extra chests (or keys), consider buying an "Ashen... Stash" quest from Duke to get the matching keys (or chests) for the outpost you are on (except Morrow's Peak).

    If you cannot afford an "Ashen... Stash" quest, you can sell an unopened chest or spare key; but think about leaving it on the outpost for the next pirate that comes along. You might help them get the last tome they need, or a "stolen item" commendation.

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