Pve server

  • @jusey16842 so your telling me that you would rather do a FOTD PvP than PvE? That is a lie anyone in their right mind would do it in a PvE server it is free loot hence the problem with this concept. And as your point for how the community would take it, just look at the forums. There are hundreds of posts just like this all with the same exact responses

  • @jusey16842 said in Pve server:

    @red0demon0 said in Pve server:

    This game offers many memorable moments, it wouldn't be as memorable if no one was around to challenge you

    My best memorable moments has been with friendly crews who actually chatted, hang out, or even form an alliance with me while we do purely PvE things together.

    My only PvP memorable moments involves me tricking bad players and nothing much more. It's just how I tricked those players. All other PvP instances has been boring due to the gameplay and a complete waste of my time.

    So, I strongly disagree with this specific statement of yours.

    yeah I edited that out cuz that was my opinion and not everyone might have the same opinion as me, to each their own

  • @simplelyricc said in Pve server:

    @jusey16842 so your telling me that you would rather do a FOTD PvP than PvE? That is a lie anyone in their right mind would do it in a PvE server it is free loot hence the problem with this concept.

    Hence the problem with your theory... You think you are always correct and think that everybody will have this exact opinion when that isn't true. As I said before on a different thread, I am a competitive player at heart. In most PvP games I play which has a proper ranked system? I always climb to at least high diamond to Master (usually lose interest for Grandmaster due to it becoming too grindy at that rate)...

    Because at my core, when it comes to decent/good PvP experiences... I love it. It's fun. I take great enjoyment in beating a GOOD PLAYER. Hay! People always wonder why I love going up against literal PRO players who get paid to be good at a game... It's all because I don't mind having a challenge when the gameplay itself is fun, and if I'm going to do a FOTD? It will be on a PvP server because it is going to be fun. Island to ship combat is decent and enjoyable. I just hate how slow and boring Ship to Ship combat is.

  • @jusey16842 my point still stands no matter what 90% of the playerbase will take the easy loot I know I would and I bet if you asked in the official discord they would say they would too. I can almost guarantee it. There is a reason so many of these posts get shut down by the community and it's because it goes against the core mechanics of the game the game was designed to be PvEvP and taking PvP out of that just changes it into a PvE game which is not what it is supposed to be.

  • @simplelyricc said in Pve server:

    @jusey16842 my point still stands no matter what 90% of the playerbase will take the easy loot I know I would and I bet if you asked in the official discord they would say they would too. I can almost guarantee it. There is a reason so many of these posts get shut down by the community and it's because it goes against the core mechanics of the game the game was designed to be PvEvP and taking PvP out of that just changes it into a PvE game which is not what it is supposed to be.

    The fact that these posts gets "shut down" by a lot of players on the forums doesn't raise any concerns about your own theory? Intriguing.

  • @jusey16842 what? It's true the evidence is there, the majority of the playerbase think this is a terrible idea including me, they can see the gaping flaws in it.

  • @simplelyricc said in Pve server:

    @jusey16842 what? It's true the evidence is there, the majority of the playerbase think this is a terrible idea including me, they can see the gaping flaws in it.

    @simplelyricc said in Pve server:

    @jusey16842 my point still stands no matter what 90% of the playerbase will take the easy loot I know I would

    You are contradicting yourself here. If the former is true than the majority of the playerbase will ignore the PvE option. However, it contradicts with your other statement.

    How do you not see this? Like, I can understand having either points of view but they contradict each other way too heavily to have both BACK TO BACK... This is honestly why I tend to stay away from the PvE server threads for a while now. Too many theories and too many holes. Not enough real solid evidence going either way. This is why I think a test should be done ONLY IF we want these threads to die down or stop entirely. Because once a theory has been proven, I don't care which, the other theories can officially be shut down completely.

    I think I'll end my time here because this is just gonna go nowhere at this rate. At least talking about the PvE servers themselves. I personally wouldn't mind them but I do agree we need to test them first in an open beta state before deciding on the idea since any of the many theories can be correct, and one will be correct! But nothing much else can really be said in all honesty.

  • @red0demon0 said in Pve server:

    yeah I edited that out cuz that was my opinion and not everyone might have the same opinion as me, to each their own

    Ye' sir are a good man! I like ye'.

  • @jusey16842 just because they don't like the idea doesn't mean they won't use it if it was implemented. The reasons I have stated are the reasons many people feel this is a bad idea. i dont like this idea but I would use it for easy loot

  • It just hasn't got any sense. This game is unique because you can encounter player threats doing even the simpliest things. You can be doing chicken voyages and get sunk even if the chickens are worthless for the other crew.

    To prevent this I highly recommend you to keep an eye on the horizon every now and then and know that everyone out there is hostile, even though they ask for an alliance.

    PvE is just a farming game without any kind of value. What makes SoT special is knowing every time you go out there you will have different interactions with players.
    In fact, the first time I brought a friend into the game we were on a empty sloop and fought a galleon until we had no more cannonballs. They had no cannonballs too, so we truced and started a Grog competition in the tavern. Those are things you can't experience in any PvE game.

  • I agree, Alien93. I'm pretty new, and when I'm already trying to deal with Skeleton Ships and megladons, the hostility from other players really ruins what is already a thrilling game. It feels like they should just take out the Pirate Code at this point, because it just seems like no respect for other players, and no real sense of community.

  • @alien93 That's kind of the game. It's a PIRATE game, open world... and full of pirates.

    My suggestion is to hoist your alliance offer flag ALWAYS, and when a ship comes close, type in area these words, "Join up and we all get PAID."
    I've found that most times they join up and before you know it, you have almost a full server making bank off of each others' loot and XP.

    Now... once you have a solid alliance and are sticking together, anyone who thinks they will just come by and sink other players just to be crummy will get sunk FAST, and you'll have help in repairing/restocking.

    Trust me, it works. Sea of Friends!

    if all you're going to do is play alone and not interact until attacked, well... you'll get attacked a lot -especially if you have loot.
    If that is your preferred mode of gameplay: GET GOOD.

    Anticipate that EVERY ship you see is an enemy, and either attack or avoid. I've outfoxed a lot of bigger and better crewed ships by just knowing how to sail.

    An anchorball helps, too. hahaha

  • @kizzaster Sea of Thieves not Sea Of Friends

  • @alien93 a PvE server would ruin what is most important about Sea of Thieves, which is the freedom to do whatever you want. And in a game about pirates, that includes acting like a pirate. And while it is likely frustrating being attacked frequently, there are some things you can do to help out your experience:

    1. Keep an eye on the horizon! Enemy ships can be spotted from a long distance away, so as long as you glance around every so often, you can see what might be coming your way.

    2. Sell often! Especially for beginners, selling often is a good way to practice ship handling when parking a boat (the closer you are, the faster you can turn in) and allows you to restock at an outpost.

    3. Once you sell your loot, try your hand at some piracy yourself! Once you sell and stock up at an outpost, you should be ready to try your hand in combat without risk of losing everything. It may be rough the first couple of times, but once you get the hang of it, you can turn it into a loot source all its own!

    You may find it takes a bit to become accustomed to the game. Leaning how to sail effectively and as a team may even take up most of your early experience (I recommend browsing some youtube videos on the subject) but once you get it down, you will find this game MUCH more rewarding than you would have if you had a PvE only server.

  • @nuklrghandi how many times have you copy and pasted that XD

  • @kizzaster

    It feels like they should just take out the Pirate Code at this point, because it just seems like no respect for other players, and no real sense of community.

    The pirate code really doesn't do what you think here. I imagine you are referencing Article 6, but their is plenty of ways to respect someone's journey without just letting them win. For me treating someone with kids gloves is disrespecting them. We are equals are we not? Therefore, I will treat you like I treat everyone on the seas. If I sink all ships, that would include them as well. Equality. Something even as simple as dropping a hint after you sink them is also passing on knowledge, a simple "Might want to watch your ladders next time," is quite the valuable lesson. I've also done more than my share of passing on knowledge in this game, respecting someone's journey is a two-way street as well. That also means my journey should be respected as well.

    The code is more what you’d call “guidelines” than actual rules.
    --Captain Barbosa, Pirates of the Caribbean--

  • @simplelyricc I havent yet, you can bet that this is gonna be #1 tho, lol

  • @nuklrghandi the amount of these i've seen, i have probably said the words "Sea Of Thieves not Sea Of Friends" like over 100 times in these forums by now

  • @simplelyricc I just find it disappointing that so many people look over what makes the game so great, and instead beg for a diluted, linear-style game that offers pretty much no risk whatsoever. Even forts are no challenge when there is no fear of competition.

  • @nuklrghandi my point exactly! Anyone could easily get pirate legend in less than a week because you would just be able to do FOTD after FOTD then while you are waiting to a few forts. The game has no challenge without the fear of PvP any kind of challenge is squashed by the fact you just respawn on your ship.

  • Just go to the roar. Usually pretty empty over there. A pity, really.

  • @marsmayflower too much risk for so little reward
    why risk your life with volcanoes and such when you could just be safe doing normal forts for near enough the same loot

  • @alien93 said in Pve server:

    I only see hostility at the moment and this point really ruins my pleasure of playing sea of ​​thieves...

    I agree, you'll find that both in game and in forums. It saddens me to see Insiders and Founders be insulting and not offer some sort of support. Except - get over your own inexperience.

    Sea of Thieves can be quite toxic. The game is a mix of PVP and PVE but I'm starting to see a trend where even PVPers are starting to gripe that everybody runs, nobody has loot, and other such comments. I've been chased for hours, trying to loose a PVPer, I go through active forts, active ship raids, I get tired of spawn campers who repeated kill me just because they can.

    Do hang in there, best of luck to you.

  • @alien93
    Welcome to SOT. It can be awesome and it can be infuriating.
    Keep in mind, regardless of what some people may try to convince you of; There is a difference between honest to goodness PvP and flat out harassment and greifing/bullying. Yes, both of those things exist in SOT.
    Some people, will sink you when you spawn just because.
    They will chase you down and when you sink and they realize you have no loot they will do it again and again without prejudice.
    Some folks like you and I come to play for the fun and to progress and have a good time. We fight if we have to and if were provoked.
    Others play SOT because it's fun to kill the less able and the vulnerable, they became pirate legends by letting others do the work so they can reap the rewards.
    Don't let anyone tell you your concerns are not valid, they are and there are a lot of people who agree with you.

    The game is used and abused by people who think other players can't tell the difference between PvP and Bullying. That is precisely the reason private servers are needed. Because even though the game may be designed in a way that allows that behavior, there are people that don't want to play that way.
    For some reason it makes them red hot angry to think that players that dont want to be bothered can choose not to be.

  • @gothicm3rcy sagte in Pve server:

    @hipsu555 to be honest, i cant imagine how boring it would be, without looking out for other ships... its part of the games' uniqueness. How many other games give you so much time to get away from someone coming towards you in the distance?

    The good thing is you dont have to play that way, added PvE server would take nothing away from you or anyone, it just gives people a chance who dont want to look out all the time for other ships in fear of their loot.

    I would even be fine with private servers without global progression, just enyoing the atmosphere of the game and digging up some chests, I dont need that PvP-stuff. I never attacked someone in this game, I just got attacked way too often. Private servers are probably the best solution for the problem. People cant bi*ch about someone who got PL easier and PvE-players can play in peace.

  • @hipsu555 Very well said man. I don't go out of my way to attack others so why should I have to play that way just because others do?
    The structure of the game and voyages is kind of contrary to this "PvP centric" attitude so many seem to have. They treat voyages as if it's only meant to feed aggressive players and THEIR progression.

  • @simplelyricc said in Pve server:

    @marsmayflower too much risk for so little reward
    why risk your life with volcanoes and such when you could just be safe doing normal forts for near enough the same loot

    Oh, I'm sorry you might actually have to work.

  • Epic intented this mechanic, they said they won't change it. I hope they don't give in to pressure like other devs do in the long run.

    This game is a empty shell without the pvp, the pve Stuff Can entertain you a few weeks at best.
    Glad to see The community both ig, discord and forums are for pvp.
    Be creative, many ways to avoid bad guys if you can't fight.

    From sending your mate to lower their anchor, gettin on board a chasing ship is easy. To ramming them into a rock to using their own cannons to aggro a ghost ship or Shark. Many many more.

    Adapt, like you adapt to the pve, do so to pve in whatever form you desire. By fighting it or avoiding it.

  • alt text

  • @alien93 These PVE arguments are just people who lose to other players.

    Look, losing like that hurts... it's supposed to.

    We got lucky and made a huge alliance when doing the FOTD -AFTER we activated it!
    Six other ships showed up, joined in and we finished it... and all profited.

    We got lucky; you did not.

    Try again, and keep that alliance flag up.

    Suffer your losses, cheer your victories.

    That's life.

  • YES! That and they need to BAN these streamers that encourage the toxic behavior that make playing this game a coin toss on if your going to enjoy your time, most often I leave upset, why would I turn a game back on that I did not enjoy in the end.

  • @usualbarley8154

    You need some new material dude. Even players who never attack other players are pirates in this game.

    Piracy (Noun)
    an act of robbery on the high seas
    also : an act resembling such robbery

    If you aren't robbing ships you can't call yourself a Pirate, its really that simple. This is no different than me claiming to be a car mechanic when I've never fixed or maintained a car in my life. If you don't do the act associated with the title you can't be called that.

    PvE players are Merchants, therefore, they are eligible to be Pirated from. Time for you to find an actual argument.

  • @usualbarley8154 there is pirate attacks and there is just done right none stop sinking repeatedly upon spawning just to ruin somebody's day, not to get treasure.

  • @usualbarley8154
    If you wish to be a Fisher Price Pirate, go for it. I will settle on being something more akin to reality.

  • @usualbarley8154 said in Pve server:

    @targasbr said in Pve server:

    alt text

    You need some new material dude. Even players who never attack other players are pirates in this game.

    noun: pirate; plural noun: pirates
    a person who attacks and robs ships at sea.
    rob or plunder (a ship).

    source here

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