Sailing to the moon!

  • So me and my kid were playing and thanks to a server merge got an aggressive Galleon and a Skellie Galleon on our tails. We decide I should take the rowboat and drop off some chests at Daggertooth so It's not a loss lol. When suddenly, my rowboat decides to fly...
    You can see everyone's lamps over to the left lol. I got out and plummeted back into the sea.

    Landed at liars backbone. What the barnacle?!

    So I mermaid back and he's managed to scrub the skellies off on the aggro kids, so we go snag the Athena chest we were working on, and head back and find the rowboat, (and the bit of loot) still just a little ways off of Daggertooth. I wish I would have thought to get a clip of me falling back into the water lol.

  • 5
  • Nice view from there! 😅

  • @pithyrumble said in Sailing to the moon!:

    So me and my kid were playing and thanks to a server merge got an aggressive Galleon and a Skellie Galleon on our tails. We decide I should take the rowboat and drop off some chests at Daggertooth so It's not a loss lol. When suddenly, my rowboat decides to fly...
    You can see everyone's lamps over to the left lol. I got out and plummeted back into the sea.

    Landed at liars backbone. What the barnacle?!

    So I mermaid back and he's managed to scrub the skellies off on the aggro kids, so we go snag the Athena chest we were working on, and head back and find the rowboat, (and the bit of loot) still just a little ways off of Daggertooth. I wish I would have thought to get a clip of me falling back into the water lol.

    lol nice

  • The skellies are getting into my space program too now!

    (we never found their loot)

  • Skelly 1 lift off to Jupiter and beyond xD

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