Killer Whale Ship

  • Hello everyone,

    I was just wondering if anyone has any pictures or knows exactly what the Killer Whale ship set looks like for the Hunters Call?

    I know you don’t start unlocking it until level 20 (I’m on my way) but I’m super excited to check it out as I am loving fishing. Also, they still haven’t dropped the cannons or wheels and all for the Sovereign or Hunter sets so I’m dying for some new ship cosmetics.

    If anyone has any pics or links to something online that would be awesome. Thanks for the help!

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  • @oroku its not the best pic but i believe its this one in the back ground here. looks kinda green.

    other evidence this is it would be the things you buy from hunters guild are also greenish color and called killer whale fishing rod killer whale blah blah blah

  • @revanjstone I’d have to guess your right as there’s a swordfish figure head on it as far as I can tell.

    I’ve seen the pic before but in passing glances I thought it was the ghost ship because of the sails. Dark sails with a green circle.

    Just kinda a sucks that the Mercenary ship is plastered on everything but you can’t find a good look at the Killer Whale to save your life.

  • @oroku ah i didnt even notice the figurehead haha. now i havent seen it so i cant say for certain, but im a bit disappointed that it isnt more killer whale like haha. killer whales arent green, they arent swordfish, they are black/white and scary lookin haha. why not just call it the fisher or something haha.

  • @oroku i found it! lol on this site hahaha. go here and scroll down to ships.

    looks cooler than i thought but still nothing to do with killer whales haha. they shoulda just called it the swordfish or something

  • @Oroku Here's a picture of it mate:
    alt text

  • They should have saved the Killer Whale name :D Nothing killer about that green ship.

  • @sgt-palooggoo Hey thanks a lot! It really faint have anything to do with Killer Whales at all, but if it has a full set, cannons and wheel and all then I’m happy.

  • @revanjstone Thanks for all the help man. Not exactly what I was hoping for but new ship none the less.

  • Where and how to get it?

    Ist it from HC Rep at Seaposts, bc i didnt see this at any shipwright!?

  • @sgt-palooggoo said in Killer Whale Ship:

    @Oroku Here's a picture of it mate:
    alt text

    So someone in the art team said ‘Let’s do puke green to match the puke color you see when eating raw fish’...and everyone nodded their heads in agreement.

  • @bugaboo-bill Once you hit level 20 in Hunters Call you can start buying the parts from the Hunters Call people at the Sea Posts.

  • This is a must have, given my screen name and all... I best start doing more fishing.

  • Yea it ain't a very cool skin's always something :P

  • @friedwilly but do you feel it accurately represents you lol

    @Uberkull what you said is more representative lol. i like to think they had a cool black and white whale like ship set and this swordfish green and blue fisherman set and just mixed up the names so i am looking for a cool killer whale set to come named fishermans toil set.

  • @revanjstone said in Killer Whale Ship:

    @friedwilly but do you feel it accurately represents you lol

    @Uberkull what you said is more representative lol. i like to think they had a cool black and white whale like ship set and this swordfish green and blue fisherman set and just mixed up the names so i am looking for a cool killer whale set to come named fishermans toil set.

    Nah, it's just the fact that it is called the 'Killer Whale Set'. I like the idea that this set should be named differently, as you suggested 'Fishermans Toil Set'.

    As design professional, I would have made some vastly different choices if I was designing a set called 'Killer Whale'. A set called 'Killer Whale' and the figurehead is a swordfish, huh?

  • @friedwilly yah its pretty nonsensical. like the kraken set has a jelly fish on it or something. i can guess that they wanted to branch out and not have so many black/white ship skins but this was not the name for it. whats wrong with naming it swordfish even that sounds cool and i dont think most ppl have the preconception that itll be any particular color and then at least the figurehead matches haha

  • @revanjstone Thanks!

    I adore the figurehead, wow.

  • @biter-wylie well its Merricks ship after all

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