Quitting SOT 'til Macros Fixed

  • I did the same, like 15h a friend convinced me back to do an athenas with him and some skellieships and up came a brig full with doubleshotters and i said: That's it.
    We can thank exploiters for destroying the gameplay and all the twitch streamers as well that's marketing it.

    I wont be coming back anymore, that was it :) - Im butthurt AF and toxic as i loved SoT alot and played it everyday but all great things has to come to an end.
    I'll just get mad about talking about this, time to play even more Battlefield 5 were they actually do something about exploiters and cheaters.

    PS: I can easily do the doublegunning without using macros, just spam the 1 and 2 button on pc while you shoot your first shot and VOILÁ.
    But as i hate when i get doubleshotted i ain't using that c**p.


  • @realstyli A mapping is not a macro :)
    A macro is a script, a change of key does not merge several actoins :)

  • @lapinnoux said in Quitting SOT 'til Macros Fixed:

    @realstyli A mapping is not a macro :)
    A macro is a script, a change of key does not merge several actoins :)

    Oh, yeah, I understand that... I had hoped this paragraph had made it obvious that I wasn't talking about macros by the time I got to the end of my comment:

    And, as for the macro argument, it's a small amount of PC players actually using it. What is more likely is that you seeing their ability to switch loadouts and fire quicker, which is possible on a K&M by default.

  • @th3xr34p3r
    I don't want to play the pc version, as i stated that is in my office & i play on my xbox in the lounge.
    If i do decide to play on my pc i use my controller & KB+M as that offers the best of both worlds. I can use my controller for sailing, restocking, treasure hunting etc, & when i encounter some combat i switch over to KB+M.
    Mouse & Keyboard give a huge advantage over controller, you can't use KB+M on an xbox & shouldn't have to just to try & compete.
    Hence why the argument is not a moot one at all.

  • @th3xr34p3r said in Quitting SOT 'til Macros Fixed:

    @p0pc0rnh3mer01d said in Quitting SOT 'til Macros Fixed:

    @th3xr34p3r said in Quitting SOT 'til Macros Fixed:

    Care to elaborate on what specific issue you are having with the game and what you can suggest they do to fix it? a post saying "screw this I'm out until x is fixed" is not the best way to have something resolved in the long term.

    almost positive its the double gun .. I have found a effective way to counter it but there are the cases like what just happened to me which will also make me quit until they fix it (10 mill sailed and I love PvP ) two guys board you you have no treasure and they jsut keep you dead with essentially what is now 4 guns shooting at you everytime you spawn FORCING YOU to now scuttle your ship .. just because you are trash at the game doesn't mean jump on and grief ppl , maybe practice a sword fight. I don't play with anyone I use to as they all want to be like that one toxic person everyone knows about and one shot everyone no matter how new to the game/friendly/no loot. It's literally a boredom thing though. it's the same people complaining the game had no content that are now on double gunning ppl for fun to watch them get mad because they cant accept that some people are playign the game and having fun. and Even though joe neat confirmed they will fix it and its not intended to work the way it currently is , EVERYONE defends themselves when they use it calling the other player bad at the game and rude names , all while using an exploit that was never intended to work that way (yes i will repeat that over and over )

    Ironic thing is, yesterday morning we had a brig that kept coming back for a fight with the fleet I am in since I had to cover one of our sloops against it and we just kept using one gun and a sword on them killing and sinking them a total of 6 times in the span of an hour they also use the general double gun against other players and were toxic as hell.

    Wow! That sounds like a lot of fun.......not!

  • @hynieth said in Quitting SOT 'til Macros Fixed:

    @mcgovery said in Quitting SOT 'til Macros Fixed:

    I think this summit guy that everyone keeps talking about should have his account banned.
    It's one thing to find an exploit and report it but to share it with the whole community and brag about it surely goes against Rares ethos?

    To be completely honest all he did was popularise the exploit. We've known about it for a long time, Rare has probably known about it for a long time. But because of the fact that this is such a beardy tactic you'd never see it. While we're often called toxic and rude we'd generally never lower ourselves to the dual gun meta level. But with Sunmit and his followers massively delving into this exploit the true problem comes to light.

    I don't like doing this but I fully blame Rare for this, people have been posting it since day 1 and Rare has ignored it. I myself have often told people not to worry too much since it wasn't regularly used. Now I hate myself for it because the people complaining were seeing a problem I didnt.

    His followers.....the dudes a joke and so are they! Watch him play the game??? I'll pass.

  • @lapinnoux said in Quitting SOT 'til Macros Fixed:

    @realstyli A mapping is not a macro :)
    A macro is a script, a change of key does not merge several actoins :)

    Get with the discussion mate, we're not talking about key changes here.

  • @letslipthedogs said in Quitting SOT 'til Macros Fixed:

    His followers.....the dudes a joke and so are they! Watch him play the game??? I'll pass.

    Yeah, watching someone ELSE play video games is about as exciting as watching grass grow or paint dry. And Mr. Summit taking pleasure from causing others angst....poor parenting I'd imagine.

  • Macros are not really that big a deal in this game. XBoX is not at such a huge disadvantage as everyone thinks. The game has been optimized for cross platform and they did a really good job on. I've tested and tested and tested. I've even stated what real differences there were but no one will listen.

    Console players saying PC's just want easy kills.
    PC players saying consoles need to get better.

    The macro problem isn't even an issue. There is nothing in this game that would need use for a macro. Macros are usually used in place to combo a set number of talents together in efficient order. There is nothing in this game that requires a macro.

    "BUT PC MACROS FOR PISTOL AND SNIPER" - If there are, they are such a small population that it warrants to not even be considered. Double gunning does not require macros. Just because it looks instant, does not mean it was a macro. Its just the animation lag. I've seen console players do it as fast as PC and it looks instant to me.

    All the different console crew mates I have can double gun. Both shots are fired before the gun is switched. Console can do it too.

    Next on the whole PC will always win. I love how advice from PC players is completely ignored just because we are the ones who said it. Then when actual console players confirm it true, they are labeled liars. That anyone who says they play console AND agrees with PC, is really a PC player.

    I've been rekt by pure console crews, not because I was bad, but because their team work was solid. Even 1 on 1 if I could even get them separated, they would kill me. They new how to fight. Its not about shooting as fast as you can or waving your sword around repeatedly. Its positioning, awareness of your surroundings.

    In this game, it is immediately noticeable how good a crew is when you fight them. How they move, how they react, the decisions they make. Its not an issue of Console vs PC. There are more hardcore PC players than hardcore console players. Even though consoles do have a hardcore presence, its not the the degree of PC players.

    There are proper ways of fighting in this game. There are proper strategies that will help you survive. The console players who listen and adapt get better. The ones who do not, just run to the forums and complain.

  • @xultanis-dragon
    Macros could & probably are being used for many tasks, how would either of us know?
    Now onto the advantages - an easy one for you - can you hit an enemy with your sword & jump over them 180 degree turn & hit them again before hitting the floor? If you are on pc yes you can, if you are on xbox no you cant. That is one small example, pc players can even 180 switch weapons & shoot you while still airborne 180 again & keep running, again not possible on xbox.
    There is a literal gulf between the input devices that cannot be bridged, thats why EVERY OTHER CROSSPLAY GAME gives their players a choice of disabling crossplay or playing with the same input device!
    Are all the other crossplay games wrong??

  • @sort-out-xplay

    No, they all have it correct.
    This game has it wrong for forcing crossplay on everyone.. It should always be optional..

    And before we get into the topic of why buy a crossplay game?
    I have other crossplay titles and all of them have an optional choice.
    I expected the same again..

  • @sort-out-xplay How about you give me a list of cross plat form games. I only know a few, and unfortunately for you PC has no extra advantage to console. For this post I'm mainly talking about the main form of combat. Which is close quarters on ships.

    EDIT Also before you make a list, don't list anything with headshots or damage mitigation. If you list a game that cross platforms like this one, then it has to have the same rules of combat. No different types of weapons that 1 player has access to and another does not, no seperate damage for limbs or body or head. No armor. No talents or skills or abilities. ANNNNND go. Id be surprised if you can list one.

    How would any of us know if macros are being used or not? Easy, there isn't a reason for it. There is nothing in this game that requires a macro or could be macro'd cept for dual guns. If you actually understood the mechanics behind macros you would understand why what I am saying is right.

    Next your 180 turn scenario. I love how in every scenario of PC vs Console, every PC player has god like abilities but console players are just bad. In what universe is a PC player playing with such a high sensitivity that they can 180 in mid air, no scope someone and then 180 again before touching the ground and keep running? Possible in a regular basis? Maybe if the person he is fighting is an idiot. If that ever does happen then its a lucky shot, BECAUSE THOSE HAPPEN.

    Lets go over your scenarios.

    A PC player jumping over you and sword swiping.

    Are you standing in place? - Great you are bad at the game, learn and get better.

    Everytime the scenario "jumping and 180 degree turn sword swiping" is used I already know you are bad. Side step. Just side step backwards or in any direction and problem fixed. I know such an odd concept. Using something they put into the game to help with blocking AND moving at the same time. It actually works and I've seen people use it. I'm pretty sure lots of people don't even bother learning how to use side step properly.

    You can also, I don't know, position yourself so the person can't get behind you? As in, have your back to a wall?

    Ships are narrow with obstacles in the way. If you just use basic "Bottle Neck" strategies you'll be fine.

    PC does not have that significant of an advantage over console for this game. THIS GAME. I could care less about your argument for any other game that is cross platform. This game is not like the other games you are going to list. There is not any other game on the market like this one at the moment.

    The advantages PC would have in this game they have removed. This game has been optimized for cross plat form. The thing is your argument and every other persons argument is fundamentally flawed. Even when we have other console players on our side calling you guys out, you just dismiss your own community calling them liars and "anyone who says otherwise is a PC player, even if you say you are on console. If you agree you are on PC."

    How is your argument flawed? Easy. If they made this controller only. You would either agree or still want "options."

    If they made this M&KB only, you would say no period.

    In your head having a PC just fundamentally makes you better at everything. I've seen summit get trashed by console crews. He gets so triggered. The difference between them and the people who keep up this "we want options" nonsense, is that they know they have to change up the way they play and adapt.

    How is it possible for other people to do something and you claim it to be fake news?

  • I’ve been playing since June 2018 and I’m Pirate Legend (earned the hard way). I use to think being spawn camped was bad, but now it’s this double gunning and being shot what seems to be once, but no it was twice.

    Last week we played Monday through Wednesday and came across a bunch of crews that were just ramming our sloop to board us and then shoot us in fast succession. And they kept our sloop afloat just so they could do it again and again. There’s no fighting back for this. At least for spawn camping we had a chance to spawn and not die as fast.

    My sloop partner and I are not going to play again until the next update. Yes, we are PLs and don’t really need treasure anymore and when we get sunk with treasure on board, we just shrug our shoulders and say oh well. We just don’t like not having a fair battle with double gunners. We suck at ship to ship and pirate to pirate combat. But if attacked we’ll fight until sunk. At least we don’t hear much trash talking while we are being killed over and over again.

  • Hi, Drayman - I was sailing with you the first half of that night (it was night in the UK), and I can only imagine how the other half went.

    I can also say my enthusiasm has been dampened for SoT at the moment due to the double gun thing. Not the biggest fan of pvp, but that just sucked the fun out the whole game. You don't want to bother with or be bother by other ships at all at the moment with that kind of thing hanging over you.

    The next patch can't come soon enough, if you ask me!

  • @xultanis-dragon said in Quitting SOT 'til Macros Fixed:

    Are you standing in place? - Great you are bad at the game, learn and get better.

    Everytime the scenario "jumping and 180 degree turn sword swiping" is used I already know you are bad. Side step. Just side step backwards or in any direction and problem fixed. I know such an odd concept. Using something they put into the game to help with blocking AND moving at the same time. It actually works and I've seen people use it. I'm pretty sure lots of people don't even bother learning how to use side step properly.

    ^ This

    Watch any good player in a shooting game and what's the one thing they have in common? They keep moving, making it harder for them to be shot. They don't stand still for too long to line up shots.

  • @xultanis-dragon
    ALL other games that are crossplay offer the players optional crossplay or crossplay based on input method except Sea of Thieves & the now outdated Minecraft Bedrock Edition. All of them m8, even driving games & the likes. I don't think i need to list every single crossplay game so you can try & point out why they need optional crossplay & SOT doesn't do I?
    There isn't a reason for macro use in your opinion, that makes it so does it?
    I am fully aware of how macros work & are implemented, i play on pc as well my friend ;)
    The 'scenarios' i gave were examples of a couple of things that just aren't possible using a controller, it's not something that happens to me. Yes there are ways to prevent these scenarios, but my point is if one group of users can do these moves, & the other group cant then that equals an imbalance.
    As i said i play both formats, i can plainly see the differences & notice the issues. I play mainly on my xbox, because as you said this game isn't ultra competitive & i prefer to relax in my lounge.
    You can go on kidding yourself all you like m8, just go & watch some more summit, he's a gem of a pc player too ;)

  • @needsmokes
    Exactly my argument too m8. The pc folk always throw the 'it was advertised as a crossplay game' reply, but it wasn't advertised as a Forced crossplay game was it.
    Like you say, every other crossplay title gives you options to toggle it, or matchmake via input method etc, so i also assumed this would be the same. I'm sure a lot of people who purchased the game would have also expected it to be optional.

    I suppose the only way MS can be sure of crossplay with PC working is to force it on console players.
    All in order for them to boost pc game sales & try to get a slice of Steams pie, sad really :(

  • @sort-out-xplay said in Quitting SOT 'til Macros Fixed:

    ALL other games that are crossplay offer the players optional crossplay or crossplay based on input method except Sea of Thieves & the now outdated Minecraft Bedrock Edition. All of them m8, even driving games & the likes. I don't think i need to list every single crossplay game so you can try & point out why they need optional crossplay & SOT doesn't do I?
    There isn't a reason for macro use in your opinion, that makes it so does it?
    I am fully aware of how macros work & are implemented, i play on pc as well my friend ;)
    The 'scenarios' i gave were examples of a couple of things that just aren't possible using a controller, it's not something that happens to me. Yes there are ways to prevent these scenarios, but my point is if one group of users can do these moves, & the other group cant then that equals an imbalance.
    As i said i play both formats, i can plainly see the differences & notice the issues. I play mainly on my xbox, because as you said this game isn't ultra competitive & i prefer to relax in my lounge.
    You can go on kidding yourself all you like m8, just go & watch some more summit, he's a gem of a pc player too ;)

    This whole post gives nothing to the argument nor adds anything to it. All you did was a "I'm right and your wrong" post.

    You failed to list 1 game. Which means you knew you lost that argument. Thats fine, you did.

    Judging from your response you have no idea how macros work. "My opinion?" You couldn't even give 1 example to prove me wrong.

    You gave examples of "scenarios" that just aren't possible with PC or Console. The 360 no scope without touching the ground? Really? If we are just arguing whether or not its physically possible, then its possible on console. Just raise your sensitivity. Get it high enough so that you can spin 360 while doing a single jump. There you go. Console can do it too. So I guess console is just as good as PC with your logic.

    Please actually use evidence next time for your argument. The "your wrong I'm right" is just juvenile.

  • @xultanis-dragon said in Quitting SOT 'til Macros Fixed:

    Macros are usually used in place to combo a set number of talents together in efficient order. There is nothing in this game that requires a macro.

    Um, sure there is. Here's a quick tutorial. Macro created that, with one push of a button:

    -Fires the weapon.
    -Switches weapon.
    -Fires again.

    "BUT PC MACROS FOR PISTOL AND SNIPER" - If there are, they are such a small population that it warrants to not even be considered. >

    Right...they are SO insignificant that Joe Neate specifically called out this macro on Monday's Dev update, and promised a fix.

    There are proper ways of fighting in this game. There are proper strategies that will help you survive. The console players who listen and adapt get better. The ones who do not, just run to the forums and complain.

    Ah, the old "get gud" argument.

    Sorry mate, you're arguments don't hold grog. :)

    Macros are an issue. Macros have been created for SOT for double gunning as described. And no, it's not animation lag.

  • @xultanis-dragon
    I am not your mum who will list them all for you. You have a nice pc, try & use google on it & search for yourself.
    I don't need to prove anything to you, & judging by your response i'd say you're about 15!
    Have fun in your own personal delirium my young friend :)

    Just an FYI, it is definitely not possible to 360 no scope with a controller, even at max sens! Unless you do it from the crows nest ;)

  • @drayman86 If you actually got the rest of the quote at the end I said that there was nothing in this game that required a macro and thats true. You can switch weapons and shoot just as fast as you would with a macro. Its not neccessary. You can do it, but its not necessary. It is an animation lag.

    Joe Neate called an issue to macros because he thought it was a huge issue. He himself has not actually ran into this issue. Console players and PC players can shoot just as fast as a macro. Most of the time its not a macro, its just fire-mouse wheel-fire, or its -fire-change weapon key- fire. Its not like macros are everywhere.

    Again no macro required. Should they change it, yes I never said they shouldn't. However, I am against people exaggerating over its use, as if its something they run into ALL the time when they do not.

    Yes it is the ol "git gud" argument because thats what it is. Why is it that there are actual Console players that completely rekt PC players? Should we ignore them or is it because they disagree and say statements that are contrary to popular belief, that they must be lying? Obviously any console player who says they can beat a PC player must be a PC player in disguise and is just a liar.

    My arguments hold more grog than the chest of thousand grogs my friend. :)

  • Doublegun exploit effect happens with other items too.. without any macros :P
    I hate when I'm holding a gun and decide to take a look about the surroundings with spyglass. And if I do it too fast, gun fires while spyglass is being drawn... :(

  • @sort-out-xplay Its your job to prove your argument. If you make a statement back it up. I'm not your mum, do your own work.

    So judging by your response you are a troll. Whats funny is that there are a lot of you now in the forums posting specifically on threads for PvE servers or cross platform options. I wonder if you are the same troll just repeatedly making accounts? Whatever it is, you are still a troll.

    Just FYI, you can 360 with max sensitivity so learn how to play the game?

  • @xultanis-dragon There is no point arguing with people like this especially when they have an account name dedicated to it.

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