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  • @sandcracka Your image wasn't showing up so I edited it to fix it.

    That is a lot of sharks! The recent issue of the Pirate Times did mention there were a lot more sharks than usual.

  • @ionei-falcon I still can't see it? I only saw one shark after the update. tried eating me while stocking my ship at the outpost I loaded into. got shot of my boat twice and hit 3 shipwrecks with nothing.......

  • We were doing OoS and trying to lure the metal skells to the shore only to be attacked by 4 sharks coming right up to the waters edge! Nothing like swimming to your ship with loot and having your crew mate yelling, "Shark! Shark! Shark!" because he's calling out each of them as they chase you. I swear I can kick harder with my hands full! If only my pirate could. It is adding a new level of danger to the voyages for sure.

  • @pumpkinkangaroo lol We recently had the exact same scenario.
    Ah the sacrifices we made for the good of the crew. :o)

  • @sandcracka Hahahahaha that's nothing, We had about 10 sharks around our sloop by a fort two days ago

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  • @a-trusty-mango said in Seriously?:

    @sandcracka You ded.

    @PumpkinKangaroo but don't they look so adorable though when they get right up to the beach edge and just chomp at the air and thrash around like silly little fishies

    Just got done playing and taking our last chest to our ship I was surrounded by sharks. One just kept circling me so I've adopted him. His name is George. Somehow (and I thank George) I made it to the ship unharmed.

  • @personalc0ffee said in Seriously?:

    @sandcracka What is wrong with the colors in your game.

    Original image was really dark. Used Photoshop to enhance the image.

  • I see nothing wrong with it....

    The deep, it hungers...

    By the way... did anyone else notice the sharks seem to linger around the surface maws agape and continue to try and eat you for longer than "usual" even after you've boarded?

    I've noticed ages ago a shark tried to eat my scurvy sealegs by hopping out of the water once (head only, obviously)... then diving to seek greener (and likely meatier) pastures, forsaking the escaped meals.

    But now.. I've noticed at least once... 2 sharks that had spawned with me and gave chase.. remained until I clamored aboard my sloop and could look back at them... Where-upon they'd remain surfaced in an effort to gobble up up for more than a few long seconds...

    Just a random thought but is that yet another secondary AI alteration to sharks with HD upcoming release I wonder?

  • Seriously? A screenshot of 5 sharks?
    I am sure you could do better.

    But as far as the danger goes, I like it. They should make the waters more dangerous.

  • We have been having a blast with the increased shark activity, Added a whole new issues that was only minor before... they certainly have our attention now :)

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