Community In-game Event: The Tavern Crawl

  • Tavern Crawl

    Thinking about community events that can be accomplished without needing to be on the same server, the idea of a Sea of Thieves Tavern Crawl came to mind. As, regardless of the people on your server, you and your crew can sail to every outpost and get absolutely sloshed, vomit & have a laugh. The main point of this “event” is to have fun! But the fastest crew, regardless of what obstacles they encounter, will get a special & elite prize thing! (?)

    You are free to start over (reset your time) if you are sunk or repeatedly killed, as long as you abide by the rules of the crawl that I post below. Completing the tavern crawl and sinking ships, drinking a ton of grog, or making allies along the way definitely earns you bonus points! So, keep that in mind. There is no dishonour in starting over and trying again, there is only dishonour in lying about your accomplishments!

    The Rules

    • Time your participation and share your time below!
    • The Tavern Crawl starts with your, or your crewmate’s, first sip of grog
    • You are welcome to start at any outpost, choosing whatever route you want
    • At every outpost, you need to drink 3 tankards of grog inside the tavern
    • You are only allowed to drink your required 3 tankards of grog inside the tavern
      It is entirely optional to take a 4th grog for the road, or continue drinking on your ship
    • You may only leave the tavern if you, and your entire crew, have finished your grog intake
    • When you share your time, you must indicate the size of your crew.
    • You can also mark bonus points
      Bonus points for:
      Fast times, sinking ships, spotless runs (no holes, not being sunk),
      making friends (extra points if they join you on the crawl) and total grog intake.

    If you don’t want to go solo
    If you want to do try the Sea of Thieves Tavern Crawl with a larger crew then I would recommend checking out the find-a-crew sub-sections of the forums:

    Or you can use the find a crew thread that the Deckhand @lizalaroo usually posts before active sessions. You can follow her to get a notification when she creates one of these threads.

    Or you can join the Unofficial Official Discord: they have a channel that also lists fleet/clan/guild recruitment, as well as a LFG channel.

    Or, you can join the Sea of Thieves Community I’m a part of and join the Fortune Discord

    The reason I mention Fortune is because unlike some more formally structured guilds/fleets/clans in SoT, Fortune is simply a community for likeminded players who want to enjoy the game and/or talk about it without breaking NDA. Being a member of Fortune doesn’t mean you can’t be part of other fleets/communities. Rather, the intention is to provide a place for a likeminded yet diverse group of people from around the world to find other players to play with. Everyone is welcome to join, regardless of your other community associations.
    Another reason is because Fortune is also running another event for the beta!

    The Prize Thing
    Ehm… you.. ehhh.. you get the honour.. absolutely nothing bragging rights!!!

    Thank you all for reading, and I hope you have fun if you decided to partake in the crawl!
    I look forward to hearing your stories.

  • This sounds amazing and I invite everyone to come try it! :D

  • Sounds like me on a weekly basis anyway lol

  • What better occasion than the beta! Time to grab a new player and get drunk.

  • Issues starting voyages?

    Take your mind off it by putting on some rose-tinted glasses, and participating in a tavern crawl!

  • super :)

  • I will drink and crawl like nobody you've ever seen before. / P**p

  • Sloop - 2 man
    Time: 42 minutes, 26 seconds
    Grog consumed (excluding tavern grog): 17

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