Please fix reaper / alliance flag issue or lock it out so that it cannot be done

  • There needs to be a warning or confirmation or both about putting up the alliance flag with the reaper. I hate the reaper. It serves no purpose in the game anymore and I want it dead. It's never used for its intended purpose and when you do have to use it for these fun events, you've forgotten what the unwritten rules are... Suffice to say, I wasted 5 doubloons trying to get into the spirit of the game and want to punch a small pony.

  • 51
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  • @drizkillz
    What exactly is the issue here?

  • @drizkillz sorry to say, but it's your own fault, others can spam "lets make an alliance" how often they want to...
    maybe they just trolled you 🤔

    Anyway, next time tell them to wait for the voyage to be finished

  • @thor-von-blitz sagte in Please fix reaper / alliance flag issue or lock it out so that it cannot be done:

    What exactly is the issue here?

    When you have the reaper flag on (or any other regular flag) and you want to allie with someone, the regular flag goes down and you have to put it up again after allied...this way the game thinks, you didn't make the voyage with the reaper flag, because interrupted, so it doesn't count

  • @thor-von-blitz said in Please fix reaper / alliance flag issue or lock it out so that it cannot be done:

    What exactly is the issue here?

    He probably put up the Alliance flag after already having the Reaper's Mark flag up for the Mercenary voyages. When you do this, it cancels the Reaper's Mark, so you won't get certain commendations that require that you complete voyages while flying the Mark. You have to, in this order:

    1. make an alliance;
    2. fly the reaper's mark;
    3. vote on a voyage;
    4. complete said voyage.

    If you don't do it in EXACTLY THIS ORDER, you get squat for the Reaper's Mark-based commendations.

  • @galactic-geek he explained it better 😅

  • @drizkillz

    I agree that the reaper flag is pointless. The only reason why this new accommodation is up because they are trying to get more people to use the flag.

    After this event, I am not using the reaper flag anymore. It is solely for PvP players. For the record, you must put up the flag before the mission starts and keep it up until it’s over. You must make an alliance before that

  • I thought it was common knowledge that the Reaper Flag has to stay up for the whole duration of the voyage.

    Alliance up before the voyage, then raise the Reaper.

    I would entirely disagree that the Reaper Flag is pointless.

    It works as intended - in signaling to other people/ships that you are down to fight. It is then up to those people (that see you on the map or the horizon), to take you up on that offer or not.

  • @galactic-geek That's it exactly, and if anyone on the boat forgets it, then there's 5 dubz out the door. I think it would be nice if a confirmation prompt came up or similar.

  • @drizkillz написал в Please fix reaper / alliance flag issue or lock it out so that it cannot be done:

    @galactic-geek That's it exactly, and if anyone on the boat forgets it, then there's 5 dubz out the door. I think it would be nice if a confirmation prompt came up or similar.

    And who's problem is that?
    Its how game mechanic work deal with it.

  • @nefrit-od Well thanks, Capt. Obvious. Man, if you weren't here to help I don't know what I'd do.

    Sarcasm, and your condescension aside, if other people on the boat don't know the rules, which are NOT explained, my post is relevant. Just want a warning or something before a change is made that affects an entire boat. Savvy?

  • @theunionjames написал в Please fix reaper / alliance flag issue or lock it out so that it cannot be done:

    @nefrit-od Rare's. No in-game explanation is given that the reapers mark voyage is affected by joining/leaving alliances. If I didn't visit these forums so much I'd just assume the game was broken. Makes me wonder how many people out there will jump to that conclusion.

    Really ?
    System - You need to do quest UNDER Reapers Marks

    Players this days - Hmm Let me begin quest with reaper mark then i will switch up to a different flag, coz i don't wan't anyone to see me on a map ... oh w8! Am i abusing system right now ?! Wow I'm so cool.

    System - haha that's will not work !

    Player - Then I'll go on a forum and Make post where i call it "an issue" bcoz thats didn't work 4 me :(

    P.S. I'm just tired of crying babies on a forum.

  • Lol i sailed legend sails and visited every reaper tonight and all just immediately linked up to the alliance :D

    Does that mean i wasted all their reaper quests?

  • The reaper flag work pretty much as intented and its already been said several time that you need to put up the flag before you start the actual quest. Not only will you get more than enough doublons for your quest when all is done , if you do have cursed cannonball you can get even more by having a little fun shooting them at players boat. In my opinion its a 2 for 1

  • @theunionjames написал в Please fix reaper / alliance flag issue or lock it out so that it cannot be done:

    @nefrit-od Did you read my comment? I said No in-game explanation is given that the reapers mark voyage is affected by joining/leaving alliances. Alliance flags are in a completely separate menu to normal flags and since both can be up at the same time its completely logical to think they can be used separately.

    Also if you think people offering QoL suggestions like a confirmation windows are 'crying babies' maybe try a forum that isn't literally titled 'Feedback and Suggestions'

    Did you read MY comment ? Commendation define - EQUIP REAPERS MARK and DO Voyage.
    That's explanation - after this text use brains and add 2+2
    Changing flag from Reapers mark to another its allready UnEquping RP.

  • @ruigtand-nl sagte in Please fix reaper / alliance flag issue or lock it out so that it cannot be done:

    Lol i sailed legend sails and visited every reaper tonight and all just immediately linked up to the alliance :D

    Does that mean i wasted all their reaper quests?

    I'd say...YES

  • @theunionjames just looked into your profile...
    As a not new player you should have known this...
    For new players it's bad, but they will learn this too

  • @theunionjames in this case, where you have to use doubloons to buy the voyage...ok, maybe a bit unfair not to tell the people...

  • @theunionjames написал в Please fix reaper / alliance flag issue or lock it out so that it cannot be done:

    @nefrit-od So your position is that choosing an Alliance flag is the same thing as changing a non-Alliance Flag and that that should be obvious to everyone playing. I can accept the first part but the second? That's like saying changing your character's hat is the obviously same as changing you character's shoes cause you do it in the same menu. The alliance flag has always appeared separately to the main flag. It is holds a separate equipment slot. Both flags can be flown separately or at the same time. When you put up an alliance flag under the Reapers Mark you are still under the effects of the Reapers Mark because the Reapers Mark is still equipped.

    It is a design flaw that these requirements are not made clear to the player and getting huffy at people who point out design flaws only makes that game worse in the long run

    Any Flag - its Flag
    If you switching flags - you switching it.
    No matter alliance or not. They going in same slot.
    So your "Hat\Shoes" is a bad example

    • The alliance flag has always appeared separately to the main flag. It is holds a separate equipment slot.

    No its not, are you new to the game ?

    • When you put up an alliance flag under the Reapers Mark you are still under the effects of the Reapers Mark because the Reapers Mark is still equipped.

    Lie №2... All flags going in 1 slot - Its on top of your main mast.
    By your logic i can equip 2 flags:
    1st any what i want from main flags window
    and 2nd is Create/join/or leave alliance in second.
    But no that't not how it working.

    The only exception is "Allready in Alliance" flag that will appear below your main flag with random color/pictures on it, ONLY after you create of joined to alliance.

    It makes me sad when Pioner (!) talking about stuff like that not knowing basic mechanics of game. Dude your Tester - learn how game works pls. Don't shame your title.

  • But ACCEPTING an alliance should not drop the reapers mark! The alliance flag will be in slot two. Why does this drop the flag in slot one?

  • @garv3 написал в Please fix reaper / alliance flag issue or lock it out so that it cannot be done:

    But ACCEPTING an alliance should not drop the reapers mark! The alliance flag will be in slot two. Why does this drop the flag in slot one?

    Here we go again ...

  • @nefrit-od said

    P.S. I'm just tired of crying babies on a forum.

    Bad form, Sir.

    Try to be more open minded before replying. I ran into a situation tonight where someone made a mistake, however; after hearing them say they had no idea I had to agree that there is no formal instruction on how the flags work, nor how they can or cannot work together. Asking for a simple confirmation of changes that can affect an entire boat is not crying, it's common sense, and perfectly reasonable. Your replies, on the other hand, have no argument and make no contributions other than a child's "I'm right, you're wrong."

  • @drizkillz said in Please fix reaper / alliance flag issue or lock it out so that it cannot be done:

    Suffice to say, I wasted 5 doubloons trying to get into the spirit of the game and want to punch a small pony.

    Sorry, that last bit tickled me. Please don’t punch a small pony xD

  • @drizkillz написал в Please fix reaper / alliance flag issue or lock it out so that it cannot be done:

    @nefrit-od said

    P.S. I'm just tired of crying babies on a forum.

    Bad form, Sir.

    Try to be more open minded before replying. I ran into a situation tonight where someone made a mistake, however; after hearing them say they had no idea I had to agree that there is no formal instruction on how the flags work, nor how they can or cannot work together. Asking for a simple confirmation of changes that can affect an entire boat is not crying, it's common sense, and perfectly reasonable. Your replies, on the other hand, have no argument and make no contributions other than a child's "I'm right, you're wrong."

    Read my answers above to him, not 1 phrase
    Dude still thinking there is 2 slots for flags...

  • @schwammlgott

    Whoops O.o

    But i was just having fun scaring people and building a neon fleet ally :* i srry (A)aarrr

  • @nefrit-od I stopped reading your comments because none of them are constructive. I made a post that could benefit the community. This scenario is not common knowledge in the least. It's never mentioned in game, there are no instructions, and it's flat out faulty and should be addressed. Stop being so vain and show a little consideration, will ya? Experienced players will scoff & whatnot, but to others it can be a nightmare of wrecking a new found set of stranger's game. What I suggested wouldn't hurt anyone but you, apparently. And that is something you need to address.

  • I did not talk about flying the "Start a NEW Alliance" flag. This should replace the reapers mark.
    Accepting an alliance should not do anything with the primary flag though. The flags indicating you are are part of an alliance are in completely different spots.

    To make sure you understand my intention. I never ran into the problem myself because I know this mechanic is not implemented in a way that makes using it intuitive. The only fact that makes me kind of angry about things like this is that I - being a game developer - will never understand why game mechanics like this one are so unintuitive over and over again in so many games for no reason. It would be so easy to get this done right.

  • @theunionjames написал в Please fix reaper / alliance flag issue or lock it out so that it cannot be done:

    @nefrit-od said in Please fix reaper / alliance flag issue or lock it out so that it cannot be done:

    It makes me sad when Pioner (!) talking about stuff like that not knowing basic mechanics of game. Dude your Tester - learn how game works pls. Don't shame your title.

    Well you are more than welcome to show me up when the Pioneers go opt in. I look forward to your contributions where you tell everyone that that bugs and design flaws are obviously meant to be there and that we're being "Whiney babies" for reporting them.

    Next time read and reply to whole text instead of cutting 1 message from it that you want to reply only ignoring whole other text.
    I gave you facts and showed you that's you lying or not familiar with game mechanics and how it works.
    I tried to explain why and where you made a mistake but your not "hearing" or don't want too.

    I will type it once again:
    All Flags going in ONE slot - TOP of your main mast.
    IF you changing one flag to another, it means that YOU SWITCHED Flags.
    No matter was you in alliance, dead, drunk, or whatever else.

    Next: Read commendation ingame text - its always explaining what you need to do.


    Use search button.

    And yes i still think its "crying baby" post from dude who don't wan't to play game by its rules.

  • @drizkillz написал в Please fix reaper / alliance flag issue or lock it out so that it cannot be done:

    @nefrit-od I stopped reading your comments because none of them are constructive. I made a post that could benefit the community. This scenario is not common knowledge in the least. It's never mentioned in game, there are no instructions, and it's flat out faulty and should be addressed. Stop being so vain and show a little consideration, will ya? Experienced players will scoff & whatnot, but to others it can be a nightmare of wrecking a new found set of stranger's game. What I suggested wouldn't hurt anyone but you, apparently. And that is something you need to address.

    "I stopped reading your comments because none of them are constructive"
    Just perfect, then you shouldn't reply to me at all.

  • @nefrit-od Thanks for proving my point, bud. You're awesome.

  • I'll stop reading his posts too. He does not get the point of "feedback and suggestions".

  • @nefrit-od The reason people get confused is because you can fly another flag while an alliance flag is also flying. That makes people think they are separate things.

  • @drizkillz Litrally just happened to me, bought my voyage, put the flag up, activated the voyage and a crew mate took the flag down for an alliance one. 5 doobs wasted 😭

    Although he replaced the voyage so it’s not all doom and gloom 😂

  • @nefrit-od said in Please fix reaper / alliance flag issue or lock it out so that it cannot be done:

    @drizkillz написал в Please fix reaper / alliance flag issue or lock it out so that it cannot be done:

    @galactic-geek That's it exactly, and if anyone on the boat forgets it, then there's 5 dubz out the door. I think it would be nice if a confirmation prompt came up or similar.

    And who's problem is that?
    Its how game mechanic work deal with it.

    That's a pretty rude response.

    The point of the post, I believe, is to state that there's ZERO information or indication the Reaper's flag will come down when you put up an Alliance flag.

    When it counts toward progression or a specific mechanic, there has to be some kind of warning or explicit documentation of how it works. Many players who have been playing even for a long time do not know this... it it largely never mattered before. Until now, the patch highlight requires proper management of a flag.

    The user experience for it needs to be better.

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