Sea of thieves hurts itself by making content limted time and then gone forever.....

  • I stopped playing Sea of thieves to knock out some other games for a while and then Coming back and finding that there are things that I will literally never be able to do. Holiday events are one thing, but most of the cosmetics and the doubloons and titles and stuff only being around for two-three weeks and then are gone just makes new and returning players feel like they have missed the boat so to speak.

    P.S. as a returning player the game also does a TERRIBLE job of letting you know about what any of the new things in the game are. If i hadnt gone and read all of the patch notes and sought out old patch notes i would have no idea what is even in the game now.

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  • The game is amazing but it shoots itself every time they release a gameplay expansion and then remove the rewards that anybody would even want to take part in the expansion to even obtain in the first place...

  • I like the game as well, but I agree with the expansions and only limiting to a few weeks to do them (knowing good and well most will not be able to do them all), makes the game “forcing” you to do them before it’s completely gone. They should’ve kept the expansions since Hungering Deep still up, along with the ship and attire customizations. Basically play the song “Hit or Miss” and that’s how the game is, you have to get it or do within this time period, then it’s gone for a LONG TIME.

  • Best thing you can do is play the game during the events. No one cares if you miss out while playing other games lol. That's your own decision.

  • Just play the game during the events, problem solved.

  • Sea of Thieves isn't the only game to do this.

  • having exlusive items and mounts etc is something games do during holidays and stuff sure. I have no problem with a couple of things being there. case in point I dont want somebody who just started to be able to get the founder sails. But not being able to get the flaming weapons (an example I can give off the top of my head) sucks so i can have the entire armor set, but ill be damned if i cant have weapons to match. it just feels like forced exclusivity. a better thing to give people would be a piece of gear made in particular for that event and not just hacking apart the set of items that you could get from that xpac and then making them "event items" when they are clearly just part of a set. Also taking away the story parts of the game also just makes the npcs feel pointless. i came across the girl who keeps freaking out about skeletons and i will never know what the hell he deal is because im not allowed to learn ingame anymore. it just kinda puts a damper on a game that while a great game also seems to not respect players time alot of the time when it comes to rewards and just taking things away forever because you werent able to just drop everything and go play nothing but sea of thieves.

  • For me, the time limited cosmetics are a huge reason for me to stay engaged.

    I only play casually, a few times a week.
    But I always come back for an update and get all the time limited items.

    I know I'm on to something when every week I see a thread about salty sailors missing out on something no longer available.

    I'm not special, anyone can do this.

  • No. It makes doing the events worth somthing, if I know I can log on at any point I can get all the event stuff, and any player can get it then what makes me want to come on the game and do it? You find alot more activity during event times because everyone even if they havnt played in a while will all join I'm to get the limited items, then you can tell how long other players have bin playing for judging by their time limited items, just log on and play during an event, they usually don't take too long anyway

  • @deadactionjones well that isn’t really something rare can fix. It’s your fault if you have missed the LT cosmetics. My advice is that you keep up to date with the game etc. Subscribe to rares YouTube channel to get notifications on new events+trailers, agree to receive mail from rare about events. Also rare has confirmed that limited time cosmetics may come back. It’s already been confirmed by rare that the bone crusher gear is coming back.

  • Rare did make some changes so now you can still be rewarded with doubloons when you complete all the commendations. That's pretty great, as you can proactively save up your doubloons for future releases. Some cosmetics are tied to commendations and can be unlocked over time. Some are time-limited to specific events. I don't really see the problem here. Time-limited means time-limited. They're just cosmetics and don't affect game play in the slightest. People who play the game regularly are rewarded for their involvement during the various events. People who don't play don't get the rewards. Everything is functioning exactly as it should. Complaining about other people earning rewards by playing the game when you were doing something else sounds like sour grapes. Everybody has the same opportunity to play or not play. The time-limited stuff isn't difficult to earn. Usually if you have enough doubloons from previous events, you don't even have to do anything but go buy what you want. Or don't. It's entirely up to the player.

    Much ado about nothing.

  • @deadactionjones Oh, excuse me. Next time you leave us, just send us a message. We will leave everything exactly as it is until you come back.

  • @goedecke-michel Almost choked on my beer.

  • @gatorwocky sorry, lad.

  • @goedecke-michel No worries! Happy sailing!

  • @barnabas-seadog its the fact that they arent special items they are just part of an item set that they decided to partition into pieces instead of making unique gear for the event.

  • [Mod edited]

  • @genuine-heather in a game where cosmetics are literally the only carrot on a stick you have it's a lot larger deal than you appear to feel that it is.

  • one of the things i am complaining about is that the limited time items are not even unique to that mission rare just decided to partition part of the item set off and say "these arbitrary parts of the item set are limited time only" it just seems like instead of making actual event gear they just said "meh we can just cut the gear we designed for this xpac into thirds and just make it where you can only get part of it for three weeks and then take it away instead of making it a unique color or something.... either way the "better than thou" attitude in the community members in this post where I voiced my concerns are nothing but condescending and elitist....honestly [Mod edited]... we all sail together. I voiced concerns. [Mod edited]

  • [Mod edited]

  • @deadactionjones all the content stays so that is stupid to say that other then the limited time cosmetics

  • Ahoy there @deadactionjones!

    I have edited a few of your posts as they did not comply with the forum rules, please remember to stick to these when posting in the future.

    Please remember we try to keep these waters family friendly so your help with this would be greatly appreciated!

    Obscene and Vulgar Language
    Swearing is not permitted on the Forums and a profanity filter is in place to block it. Attempts to bypass the profanity filter will result in a temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action continues, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

  • Here's the skinny. SoT has evolved since launch. Each update introduced something new to SoT. Sometimes the new thing had a huge impact in new gameplay during this event. This is when the time limited items are earned.
    When the event ends, the feature is watered down and incorporated into the SoT game experience. The items become souvenirs of the intro event. The Meg we hunted during The Hungering Deep was far more difficult than any of the Megs in the game now. I got the scars to prove it. Scars btw, can only be earned in this way. They can't be purchased.

    I just spent a whole year involved in SoT from the first Scale Test to this last update. I made the effort to earn this swag each time Rare offered it.
    My reward is possession of items OP desires. What he wants would devalue my efforts.
    Excuse me if I feel good about my game.

    Perhaps in the upcoming year OP can stay with the game and earn some cool swag of his own.

  • Everybody should be able to experience everything a game has to offer, regardless of when they purchased it, IMO. The whole "you can only have this now by doing this" is a carrot on a stick marketing scheme to increase sales and nothing more.

    As a game evolves and grows over time, you shouldn't be forced to miss level 1, for example, and be forced to start later in a story simply because you purchased the game later than everybody else, but that's the direction games appear to be headed... Fortnite as popular as it is, is IMO, the poster child for this kind of marketing.

    The downside of this, of course, is why should I purchase a game later if I can't ever enjoy the full value of the experience? It hurts long-term sales and forces developers to constantly churn out new material for better or for worse in a vain attempt just to keep their game's community alive instead of moving onto greener pastures and more original, innovative products. There is no longer a beginning and an end, only the here and now, and while that may be exciting for many as a consumer, it's going to cost you. I'll bet you'll take the bait too, and bite down on the hook, because it's a proven ploy that we all fall for. We're not pirates in this Sea. We're all fish, and we've been caught in their net.

    The real irony is that every game company is so desperate to grab ahold of our attention, and our wallets, that many of them are releasing their games too early in an attempt to sink their teeth in - only to discover that it actually hurts the general public's view of the game early on. Many games have fallen victim to this, and SoT is no exception. If they had waited to release later this year, and with more content, the combination of simply having more content, more eagerly waiting and salivatiung fans, and more receptive critic reviews would've all helped in increasing their sales, and community, quite dramatically, IMO.

    Anyways, just my 2 cents after just waking up on only 4 hours of sleep. Thanks for that, SoT. 😅

  • I posted something similar in another thread, but it should fit here as well...
    Event Exclusive items - Possibility to obtain after event:

    I have mixed feelings about this.
    New players have no way of completing the Bone Crusher or Wailing Barnacle, which kind of sucks. However, I was here during the battle against the Warsmith and her fellow captains to defend the Sea of Thieves while the new players weren't.
    Now that the Skelleons roam the sea's, I could see the possibility of these coming back in some variation for defeating the Skeleton Fleets or many of the individual Skeleton Crews. These variations would match the other items in the set but still be distinct from the original.
    I also like they idea of them appearing randomly in a Seapost and locked until you have the specific commendations, and if the original cost doubloons, so should the variant.

    People who were here during these events deserve the unique stuff that comes with it, but I think variants would be a good idea to allow for set completion. With the Skeleton Fleets defeated in the Cursed Sails event, perhaps a more tattered form of Bone Crusher livery can become available for defeating the remnants that currently sail around? A more patched up sail, the figurehead could have a cannonball hole with the jaw hanging down or gone completely while the hull also looks more worn. It would match the Bone Crusher Theme, but be different than the original reward.

    Something similar could be done for the Wailing Barnacle livery. The outfits are a bit more challenging aside from making them available again straight away.

  • @archangel-timmy this is literally what ive been saying. thank you....

  • @galactic-geek my point exactly...

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