What's the point? Trying to do tall tales? Griefed AGAIN!!

  • Just started the 2nd tall tall, hooked up with someone doing the same go there kill the skeleton, get skull and other players sink our ships and takes the skull killed me 3, no 4 times. Yeah what fun:( If I want loot I'd kill skeleton ships. They said they were friendly and joined the alliance. Just to sink our ships over 1 skull????
    This game has the wrong name, it should be griefers of the sea. The game can be alot of fun, when not griefed.
    I don't believe pirates killed and stole from everyone they saw!
    GRIEFERS of the SEA!!
    Ruining the game in my opinion. Playing about 4 weeks. Isn't there a PVP where these people could go?Wait they probably stink at that so they go after new players like me?
    PRIVATE servers WITH progression would be great!!! That way players can enjoy and play the game?

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  • Briggys skull? Tall tales have checkpoints now, if the skull was stolen you can just vote to start the tale again from the checkpoint and you'll get the skull on the captain's table.

  • sounds like pirating was going on, not griefing. you seem to be confused.

  • These posts of yours are starting to sound like tall tales

  • @asphaltscrpr1

    Be a good sport. Sea of Thieves is a pirate game, and stealth, stealing and battles are all part of the fun. All pirates on the seas accept that, but be a good sportsman in both victory and loss.

    The tall tales have check-points and you will never be set back to far, you are a pretty inexperienced pirate... learn from your losses and be graceful in defeat. It is a PvEvP game.... you will lose at times and by the hands of other pirates. The place for PvP is anywhere upon the waves of the seas, if you don't want to deal with that... do not sail near other pirates.

  • It’s your mentality - stop trying to log in and mouse around and do Tall Tales!

    Create a group! Galleon doing Tales - we’re also going to kill every m’n f’er that comes into sight!

    Now log back in and kill anyone and anything. Do Tall Tales in between waiting to kill the next person.

    Stop being so victimy, it’s unbecoming

  • Getting attacked and sunk isn't griefing. No matter what you're doing or how little you desire to be attacked.

    Tales have checkpoints now.. so you've lost pretty much no time, or much of anything in the end.

  • I’d you thought that was bad, you should’ve tried to do it 6 months ago. It wasn’t fun when you lost a Shroudbreaker stone and had to do the entire thing over again, especially if it was Stars of a Thief or Art of the Trickster...

  • tall tales now have checkpoints making them easier

  • Is this all your going to post about is how you allianced up got betrayed and lost a tall tale item that can be reloaded via save points. It's your own Asphalt for trusting other players. You would figure you would have learned the first time. I'm surprised your boat doesn't sink from the tears alone. Learn from your loss my friend.

  • @asphaltscrpr1 if you want to split PvE and PvP totally then that just isn’t Sea of Thieves. I understand your disappointment but the issue here may be your naivety and willingness to trust. I don’t think pvE and PvE should be separated, that just isn’t this game. If that is what people want then I suggest something like FarmVille may be a more fitting choice. This game isn’t a farming simulator, it’s a pirate one.

    Like I say I do sympathise with you I’m not being able to do the tall tales but you just need to focus on what Is happening around you. I’d be happy to help you complete some tall tales if you get stuck.

  • To the people saying its a pirate game, in one of the weekly streams even Joe Neate admited that stealing from tall tales was griefing.

    He even said they were looking at this but nothing ever happened.

  • @music-joe12 said in What's the point? Trying to do tall tales? Griefed AGAIN!!:

    To the people saying its a pirate game, in one of the weekly streams even Joe Neate admited that stealing from tall tales was griefing.

    He even said they were looking at this but nothing ever happened.

    was this before check points? because checkpoints come after obtaining an item so I don't see an issue at all now

    on some tall tales a sink and restart of a checkpoint might even save someone time to take it to where it goes depending on spawn area

  • It's amazing the kind of emergent story telling though that goes through your mind when you spawn in and find Briggsy's skull just lying on the ground in the Order of Souls... this actually happened to me the other day...

    Did the person who stole it think they could sell it but gave up? Or were they experienced and just trying to leave it for a crew they sank so they could finish their Tall Tale? I mean, it was at Plunder Outpost, so either is a possibility.

    As others have already said, at least checkpoints exist now, this was much more of an issue when we did them originally.

  • @music-joe12 sagte in What's the point? Trying to do tall tales? Griefed AGAIN!!:

    To the people saying its a pirate game, in one of the weekly streams even Joe Neate admited that stealing from tall tales was griefing.

    He even said they were looking at this but nothing ever happened.

    They made checkpoints...what else should they do? If someone stole for example, Briggsys skull...cancel the tale and put it up again through checkpoint, the skull appears on the table...

  • me personally i wont fight anyone that is doing a tall tale unless they attack us then fair game and fair fight.

    this one time came across a ship we started attacking then realised they was on the boat so one swam over boarded and confirmed they had a tall tale and so we all jumped over repared and bucketed and same in text chat that we have patched and were leaving them and reply came back "thanks"

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