Private servers

  • Is rare planning to make private servers for sea of thieves in the future. Because I’m fed up of getting attack by online players.

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  • @xxxelitekb As much as the soccer leages are engaging into private soccer games. There is rumour all those soccer teams are tired of collecting goals all the time.

  • @xxxelitekb
    Why would you like to play a game that is not SoT?
    This game is based on how good are you to collect stuff to sell and don't get them stealed.
    This is all the game goes around.
    By creating private server this game would be not SoT 'cause you will never have any trouble except from PVE mobs like Meg and Kraken...
    It would be so boring...

  • About Sea of Thieves:
    "Exotic islands. Hidden treasures. Riddles, battles and shanties. The essential pirate experience.
    Sea of Thieves is a new type of MULTIPLAYER GAME that delivers all you need to live the free-roaming pirate life. Whether adventuring as a group or sailing solo, YOU'LL ENCOUNTER OTHER CREWS... but will they be friends or foes, and how will you respond?
    " - Source HERE

  • @xxxelitekb private servers are already here. You just gotta get your foot in the door of a discord server/friendslist.

  • @XxXEliteKB how many times are you going to ask? I know this is a new profile but it's still the same person asking for the same change.

    @Goedecke-Michel we call it football ;-)

    @TargasBR Amen

  • They might create private servers eventually for having fun with your friends, but you robably won’t be able to earn gold or rep in them. Why should someone who doesn’t take the risk of other pirates be able to earn the same rewards as someone who does?

  • "Hate online games. Buy an online game. Try to change the game."

    This people have a name, but is against the forum rules...

  • @targasbr

    Dont you come in here with that logic and make sense!

  • The only reason i see a need for private servers is so we can start community events. The game is a community driven game, and the core gameplay is but one aspect, many other games can be created on the seas. To not give players the ability to freely make events in this type of game would be a big loss in my opinion.

  • sounds like you want a scavenger hunt and not a pirate game.

  • Are you tired of being chased and sunk by other online players?

    Sorry, but then you're in the wrong game.
    And this is easily solved, as long as you stop running and confront who is bothering you, the practice of PVP will make you get victorious from the fighting, and even with more profits if you sink someone who is full of treasures.

    This game has no offline campaign mode and we hope it will never have, because it does not make sense anyone who enters PVE or PVP who suffers to be able to increase their levels have the same rewards and levels of someone who only plays private because it has fear of entering into combat with other crews.

  • I feel that the vast majority of the comments against the OP are negative here.

    Instead of attacking the OP, it's better to suggest a way that they could have what they want in a fair manor. The game is a Shared World Adventure Game, private servers do not stop that being a fact, it just means you can share the world with crews of friends. If people want to use that to sail without any other crews, then they lose out on that, no one else loses anything.

  • @dumy2008 sagte in Private servers:

    I feel that the vast majority of the comments against the OP are negative here.

    Instead of attacking the OP, it's better to suggest a way that they could have what they want in a fair manor.

    I don't attack the OP. I attack his demand. I don't think about how to make it possible to play an MPORG game with yourself.

  • @goedecke-michel That is the mistake, the game is a Shared World Adventure Game... With the adventure game being at its core, the fact that the world is shared is an extra add on. Their demands may be made in the wrong way, but the fact that private servers could open up a whole new way of playing the game is still relevant

  • whats the point of playing a "pirate game" in private ????? go find a solo pirate game for that sorry.

  • @hynieth It was the same thing with with subject and optional crossplay some people just kept posting the same idea and of them just copied n pasted their posts.

  • @outbackgamer868

    Sorry, but comparing crossplay with private server option does not make sense.

    While the game continues with the great idea of ​​not owning KD, I am totally against crossplay, even though mouse and keyboard have much more precision, I still find it easy in xbox to sink many PC players, but if they start recording KD will then complicate, because there will surely be a lot of hacks in the game, so yes I will prefer to stay with Xbox alone, so yes I will be in favor of crossplay.

    But private server is something totally different. Where have you ever seen a multiplayer game that the person is afraid of finding other players? Not always are all enemies, I think the developer has many more important improvements to make than an unnecessary thing of this.

    The game is losing the player base, what will Rare do about it? How will she encourage who's Athena 10 to return to the game? bringing private server is that it is not, this will just drive away the other part of the player's still playing with hope that new things will come up.

  • @hynieth sagte in Private servers:

    @Goedecke-Michel we call it football ;-)

    I thought you call it voetbal. Or "this game in which other nations win world championships". Giggle, sorry, my friend. Couldn't resist making a poor joke... I regret doing so, but ... lol.

  • @goedecke-michel Yeah I'm ashamed of the National team as of late. It's horrible. At least we've still got the best speed skaters in the world :-P

  • @hynieth sagte in Private servers:

    @goedecke-michel Yeah I'm ashamed of the National team as of late. It's horrible. At least we've still got the best speed skaters in the world :-P

    Well, I'm glad you didn't mention "Die Mannschaft." Concentrated arrogance in a bus. Dutch football is always entertaining. Fair, challenging, exciting and technical at the highest level - with high commitment and a willingness to take risks. Always nice to look at.

    We will soon be banned for hijacking a thread, won't we?

  • @goedecke-michel Nah if it derails too much they will just lock it. It's dead anyways.
    And it's a double post by (obviously) the same poster.
    This is that "Pirate legends ruin my fun gief privat serv plx" guy

  • @hynieth sagte in Private servers:

    @goedecke-michel Nah if it derails too much they will just lock it. It's dead anyways.
    And it's a double post by (obviously) the same poster.
    This is that "Pirate legends ruin my fun gief privat serv plx" guy

    There was some buzz it is allways the same guy again... You think so? Well, then he has to create a new Xbox account for each new post. Respect for the effort involved in such a dull idea.

  • @goedecke-michel
    I'll just leave this here, he's like a broken record.

  • @hynieth Maybe there's a special nice nightgown for that in one of the outposts? The "placed one hundred times the same question" award.

  • I’m fed up of pvp and I want a private server so I’m happy.

  • @xxxelitekb disse em Private servers:

    I’m fed up of pvp and I want a private server so I’m happy.

    I’m fed up of complaints and I want a submarine, flying ship and a giant robot so I’m happy.

  • @targasbr other people complain it’s normal and all I want is a private server so I’m not worried about online players.

  • I hate being sunk by the rocks, the storms, the barrels, the bad crews and all their mistakes. I hate being sunk by my bad decisions. Rare, please fix this.

  • @xxxelitekb disse em Private servers:

    I’m not worried about online players.

    @xxxelitekb disse em Private servers:

    I’m fed up of getting attack by online players.

    alt text

  • Sick of being pirated in a pirate game?

    What did you honestly expect? Shiny happy fun time, where all pirates got along and sang Kumbaya together?

  • It’s not just me but other people do want private servers.

  • @xxxelitekb disse em Private servers:

    It’s not just me but other people do want private servers.

    Many people want many things. Some people want SUBMARINES in a PIRATE GAME, and that's not a good idea.

  • @soopavillain420 that’s name calling

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