[CLOSED] Forsaken Shores Challenge

  • With Forsaken Shores just over the horizon, what better way to celebrate than by challenging our community to create some incredible Sea of Thieves content? You came out in your droves to do battle with the skeleton crews plaguing the Sea of Thieves and had the stories to share. We saw such a wealth of creative talent take part in our Cursed Sails Challenge, we just had to do it again. Allow me to present our Forsaken Shores Challenge.

    Forsaken Shores Challenge

    From September 27th to October 24th, we want you to submit your Forsaken Shores-related content to us. We’re announcing our competition a little early to give you a day to plan.

    As in our past challenges, we're looking to reward our winning submissions with some fantastic prizes. Our friends over at Corsair have provided us with two Corsair Gaming bundles to give to our winners and we'll even throw in a shiny Forsaken Shores T-shirt. Meanwhile our runners-up will receive the same shiny t-shirt and an exclusive Sea of Thieves journal.

    We'll be selecting a total of two winners and two runners-up, comprising one winner and runner-up from each of the following categories:

    • Best Forsaken Shores Video - This can be anything you want it to be. As long as it's themed around our Forsaken Shores content update, we want to see it. Be as creative as you like!
    • Best Forsaken Shores Fan Art - In our last challenge, we were blown away by the sheer creative talent the Sea of Thieves community demonstrated, and we need to see more. We want to see your paintings, 3D art, sketches, whatever you can create!

    We also encourage you to share screenshots of your adventures in The Devil's Roar with us on social channels using the #SoTShot hashtag, but to be in with a chance of winning these fantastic prizes we're looking for video and fan art entries as described above.

    The Rules

    As usual, we'll be judging your submissions based on the following criteria: Creativity, Originality, Hilarity, and things that make us go "Oh wow".

    There are a few rules you must stick to when creating your content:

    1. Keep your videos and fan art family-friendly.
      Please keep your entries free from bad language and inappropriate content.
    2. Keep an eye on video length.
      Please keep your video submissions to 10 minutes or under.
    3. Consider full crew participation.
      We actively encourage you get your crew involved in this challenge. However, only the account that submits the content will be eligible for the prize.
    4. Content must have been created by you.
      Exactly what it says on the tin. Please don't submit clips or fan art that another pirate has made. The content you submit must be your own.

    The Prize

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    One winner from each category will win a Corsair gaming set which includes 1x Harpoon RGB Gaming Mouse, 1x K68 RGB Mechanical Gaming Keyboard, 1x HS60 Surround Stereo Gaming Headset, 1x MM800C RGB Polaris Cloth Edition Gaming Mouse Pad and a Forsaken Shores Foil T-Shirt. One runner up from each category will win themselves a Forsaken Shores Foil T-shirt and a Sea of Thieves Journal.

    How to Enter

    • Tweet your submission to us on Twitter using the hashtag #ForsakenChallenge in your tweet.
    • Upload your submission to Instagram using the hashtag #ForsakenChallenge in your post.
    • Enter on Facebook by leaving your submission on our wall with the hashtag #ForsakenChallenge.
    • If you're submitting video content to us it must be hosted on YouTube. Your upload must include the hashtag #ForsakenChallenge.
    • Submit your content here on the Forums. Submissions posted in this thread will not count as an entry.

    The winners and runners-up will be contacted on October 29th and we'll announce them on our social channels and website on November 2nd.

    This contest opens on 00:01 BST on September 27th 2018 and closes at 23:59 BST on October 24th 2018 inclusive (the “Entry Period”). Entries received outside of the Entry Period will not be considered. Click here for full Terms and Conditions.

    Good luck, pirates!

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  • @realterrortesin said in Forsaken Shores Challenge:

    How to Enter

    • Tweet your submission to us on Twitter using the hashtag #ForsakenChallenge in your tweet.
    • Upload your submission to Instagram using the hashtag #ForsakenChallenge in your post.
    • Enter on Facebook by leaving your submission on our wall with the hashtag #ForsakenChallenge.
    • If you're submitting video content to us it must be hosted on YouTube. Your upload must include the hashtag #ForsakenChallenge.
    • Submit your content here on the Forums. We'll unlock our dedicated submissions thread once submissions are open. Submissions posted in this thread will not count as an entry.

    I need clarification on this. Do we have to post our entries on Twitter AND Instagram AND Facebook, etc, or can you choose to just post your entry on the forum?

  • @hisdarkestfear You can pick what platform you enter on! So if you want to post your submission to Twitter, be sure to include the hashtag in your tweet. If you want to submit it directly to the Forums you can do so in the submission thread when it unlocks.

    Hope that clears it up for ya! ^_^

  • Got my submission ready :)

  • Hi, quick question.

    Can we make more than one submission?

  • Some great prizes.

    I wonder how many entries will include or be entirely made up of bugs like the shark week competition? Not exactly ideal for promotional use. lol :o)

  • @thatloserhype You can indeed!

  • Hello! I’m really excited to participate in another challenge! I just wanted to check, though... Does being a previous winner disqualify us in any way? I read through the rules but didn’t see anything mentioning this so I wanted to double-check.

    Thank you!

  • oh I am so looking forward creating something nice (hopefully).
    Working on something right away :D

  • @smile4therice Not at all! If you've won before there's nothing stopping you doing so again. ^_^

  • I am almost done with the clip, and I am quite happy about it.
    And now here comes my question.
    I used 2 short clips from the official Forsaken Shores Trailer (3-4 seconds long),
    as well as some original music from Sea of Thieves.

    Is that still ok or do I have to remove those two clips?

    Thanks in advance for any help


  • Sooo, no doubloons this time then?

  • @freshfreddy1969 That's fine ^_^

  • @gillegill Not this time...

  • @realterrortesin Thank you very much for you quick answer :D

  • @hisdarkestfear Well, it is done and online, and I hope I did post it correctly on Twitter and so on, but mostly I hope you will enjoy it.

  • Seeing how much people liked the images so much i thought why not!! There a special lady who just moved from XBOX to PC and i think the goodies will make a fine welcoming gift <3 #ForsakenChallenge https://imgur.com/J5pIsHT

  • after you did the update my game keeps freezing on me

  • Here is my submission for the FAN ART category!

    If you'd like to see how the Box of Wondrous Secrets was made, you can check out this video:

  • (Yes, I will be submitting my fan art on the submissions page, I just wanted to post this here in case anyone was interested in seeing it!)

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