Improving the pirate emporium.

  • I have long been a supporter of the pirate emporium because it helps give fair pay to employees and lets the devs continue to make free dlcs and updates which would not be possible without it, but I also believe there should be a limit on what can be put in the pirate emporium. Seeing how Rare has started putting cosmetics that should not be in the emporium into the emporium, I believe there should start being written rules of what they can/cannot put into it. These rules should not be too strict as we do not want them to impede on Rare's ability to sufficiently pay their employees. The following lists include what I believe should/should not be allowed in the pirate emporium and should be earned in game.

    Things that should not be in the emporium
    -Holiday cosmetics
    -Lore-based cosmetics (ones that are purely sea of thieves based)

    Things That should be put into the emporium
    -Non lore-based cosmetics
    -Small game improvements like the character potion
    -Non lore-based curses.

    The lists are short at the moment but feel free to comment with any suggestions.

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  • Again I really want to stress this. Rare is a hard working company that needs the pirate emporium to keep updating the game because a game of this scale that gets large updates every month needs a insane amount of money just to keep running let alone get improved. The pirate emporium is a key feature in this process and without it the game would surely die.

  • I don't really think I have the right to tell them what they can and can't sell lol

    all I care about is that their current pirate emporium system and ancient skelly system is tremendous as far as being gamer friendly goes so I just hope that system stays in place

    Personally I think pretty much all of the best cosmetics have all been able to to be earned in the game so they are on track with that too but that's just my personal preference

  • @wolfmanbush Exactly. We cannot tell them what they can and cannot sell but all I am saying is that the community should come together to show what we believe should be earnable and what should not. But yeah I agree that its not really our choice in the end

  • @cragcat6550 said in Improving the pirate emporium.:

    @wolfmanbush Exactly. We cannot tell them what they can and cannot sell but all I am saying is that the community should come together to show what we believe should be earnable and what should not. But yeah I agree that its not really our choice in the end

    Whatever sells well benefits us all. Keeps the money coming in and keeps it to where we don't start getting micro-transactioned into oblivion

    So i look as it more as wanting them to succeed with the shop (they know what sells better than I do) so putting some of the cool and flashy stuff out in the window to draw people in is going to be necessary.

    Not everyone can afford extra things or wants to spend money so I always recommend microsoft rewards for people looking to support the game and pick up cosmetics. I've bought nearly all the emporium stuff at no cost to me just some daily effort earning points to transfer over into gift cards.

    It's all quality stuff in there and very fairly priced considering the quality and enjoyment/entertainment value so it doesn't really matter to me what goes where as long as they move some product and keep this machine running

  • A long time supporter+wants changes= Doesn't want to pay for cosmetics that he/she wants.

    Just cut the grass earn some extra flow money from dear old mommy, and don't forget to weedwhack and trim the hedges you could have enough to get $20.69 dollars worth of ancient coins.


    Constructive criticism

    Stop going to the back ally ways of Wawa at 2:00 am and spending it for a lip bomb cheers mate.

  • They could start putting in new ship types, thats about the only thing i would spend real money on as i like bases/buildings that type of thing and the ships function in a similar way in this game as your floating base.

    So atleast for me, the only way to get me to spend money is with customizing/changing my ship, which they are not doing well enough for me to care about spending real money. my friend on the other hand, his jam is pets and they are doing splendidly in that area. almost tempted me to get a parrot.

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