Griefing within Outposts

  • @neptuncynic said in Griefing within Outposts:

    @baklavahx sagte in Griefing within Outposts:

    @neptuncynic said in Griefing within Outposts:

    If outposts were safe most of what is fun about the PVP in this game would be gone.

    The excuse of leaving PVP to the seas doesn’t cut it, because everyone who has something to lose would simply run for the next safe zone.

    The consequence is that mostly you would only find PVP between players who actively seek it and have nothing to lose, much the same as would happen if there was a PVE only option.

    But all of the thrill would be gone...

    Honestly, I think you're wrong. There would be PLENTY of PVP opportunities outside of outposts. Wrecks, forts, raids, battling the Kraken, coming across a ship trying to get its bearings going against the wind. The opportunities are there. In spades.

    I respect your opinion but I don’t share it.

    First of all I think that people are misinterpreting the pirate code. What this particular sections was meant to portray is simply to settle disputes within the parameters of the game, rather than making it private and attacking / threatening or otherwise insulting others.

    Secondly, I think you are wrong about the opportunities to fight, simply because everyone who has something to lose would instantly run towards the next safe zone when smelling a risk of being defeated.

    Imagine how boring this would make the game. You’re out there on the open, you spot someone taking treasure off a shipwreck. As soon as you shoot your first cannon ball, the other player starts running. Forget the other chests, lets secure the one we have while having a good laugh at the ship chasing us, well knowing that they can’t do nothing because safe waters are close.

    You seem to have ignored everything I said about making ONE safe zone with a storm that forces you away IF you have loot on board. Seriously... do you all have Selective Reading Disorder?

  • The concept of camping these quest hubs and just ganking to get rich has been a problem in almost every game that uses the system. It almost always gets changed because it ruins the experience for players (especially solo players) who do the quests and the gangs of gankers trolling outposts just take the loot without the effort. Not only does it infuriate a segment of the player base, its just exploiting the quest turn in system.

  • Outpost have cannons and shouldn't stand for it. If a shot is fired an outpost should police it self and fire at the aggressor. This way it's not a safe zone but you are a criminal. Even pirates had some honor and code amongst themselves.

  • @tripphazzardtv no we don't need safe zones they won't do it and we don't want it either its a PvP not a hide at an outpost game, just go to a different outpost, its not hard tomiss 2 gallions unless they are behind out of sight then I understand your frustration

  • @rdizz said in Griefing within Outposts:

    Outpost have cannons and shouldn't stand for it. If a shot is fired an outpost should police it self and fire at the aggressor. This way it's not a safe zone but you are a criminal. Even pirates had some honor and code amongst themselves.

    Finally some logic.

  • @rdizz pirates had a code per ship. They weren't an honorable government. They were criminals that cast fear on the seas. You weren't immune to piracy just by being a pirate.

    Besides that you can get out of being spawn camped. Scuttle respawn and get out. Always look for a ship or mermaid flare. Seriously...

  • @tripphazzardtv While I disagree with your suggestions, here are some tips for you to help you have a better experience. Instead of lowering the anchor, raise sails when nearing the island you want to stop on and let the ship slow to a stop naturally. Then, if you need to get away quickly, drop sails and go. Save the anchor for handbrake turns and emergency stops only. If a galleon is chasing you and you're on a sloop, sail against the wind. The sloop can move against the wind faster than a galleon. And most importantly, check the outpost before docking. if there's a mountain on it, circle the island once and check the horizons for sails or (at night) lights before raising the sails to dock. Keep your ship's lights off, because they broadcast your location quite a distance at night. Also, never keep more than twice your number in crew in loot on your ship unless you've cleared a skeleton fortress. In that case, find the nearest safe outpost and sell IMMEDIATELY. If you can't cash in all of it without getting sunk, cash in the Stronghold Chest and Stronghold Skull first, and then either cash in what you can before the other ship(s) arrive or drop sails and get to the next outpost. They're worth the biggest chunk of gold.

  • @glacefrostclaw said in Griefing within Outposts:

    @tripphazzardtv While I disagree with your suggestions, here are some tips for you to help you have a better experience. Instead of lowering the anchor, raise sails when nearing the island you want to stop on and let the ship slow to a stop naturally. Then, if you need to get away quickly, drop sails and go. Save the anchor for handbrake turns and emergency stops only. If a galleon is chasing you and you're on a sloop, sail against the wind. The sloop can move against the wind faster than a galleon. And most importantly, check the outpost before docking. if there's a mountain on it, circle the island once and check the horizons for sails or (at night) lights before raising the sails to dock. Keep your ship's lights off, because they broadcast your location quite a distance at night. Also, never keep more than twice your number in crew in loot on your ship unless you've cleared a skeleton fortress. In that case, find the nearest safe outpost and sell IMMEDIATELY. If you can't cash in all of it without getting sunk, cash in the Stronghold Chest and Stronghold Skull first, and then either cash in what you can before the other ship(s) arrive or drop sails and get to the next outpost. They're worth the biggest chunk of gold.

    now this is s breath of fresh air of logic

  • @crash4654 thanks. I've been seeing a lot of "git gud" style comments on people complaining about being sunk, but no one actually explaining HOW to get better. That just makes the community appear really toxic, especially to people who have had a bad experience with the game already.

  • Or you know you could go to a outpost that doesn’t have two galleons on it...

  • @cavemancronch Solution: Never p*e again.

    Honestly, if I have to use the restroom Im usually already in a group of 4 and just ask someone to take the helm for 1 min. Solo I will turn in chests and then go. If I die oh well there isnt a penalty yet.

  • @tripphazzardtv I agree. Elite Dangerous is a very similar in game play and has this safe zone at stations. If you start a fight near a station/outpost then you deal with both the security ships and the station guns. You will lose that fight if you stick around.

    I don't see this as game breaking considering how the basic game play for these games is the same and that game does just fine.

  • @ceruleanlucifer said in Griefing within Outposts:

    @tripphazzardtv I agree. Elite Dangerous is a very similar in game play and has this safe zone at stations. If you start a fight near a station/outpost then you deal with both the security ships and the station guns. You will lose that fight if you stick around.

    I don't see this as game breaking considering how the basic game play for these games is the same and that game does just fine.

    I agree with this.

  • @tripphazzardtv I absolutely agree. It is absolutely aggravating busting my booty trying to earn good booty only for my booty to be stolen RIGHT WHEN I GET TO PORT!

    Uh... the loot booty I mean, not like MY booty... ahem...

    My point is, yeah, Outposts should be a safe haven for players. I actually recently just came from a session a few hours ago where me and a friend already turned in our loot but then a galleon came out of nowhere and fired on our ship... for no reason.

    I said in game-chat that we already turned in our loot and they killed us anyway. There was literally nothing for them to gain. They did it pretty much SOLELY to screw with us.

    With over-aggressive behaviour like that from the community, it's no wonder the games ratings on Xbox just dropped from 4.5 to a 3.3 (As I'm posting this at least.)

  • I don't know if it was mentioned in any reply above, but the easiest solution would be to have ONE safe outpost, like right in the middle of the map. All the others could remain the same.

    I agree with the more hardcore players that the deaths at outposts can be prevented by being smart, but it's irrefutable that the more casual players are having a frustrating experience by being robed when they just wanted to play a relaxing game.

    Having a single safe haven would give an alternative for those that don't wanna risk their loot, but are willing to make a long journey for it.

    And everybody can play their game the way they want happily ever after.


  • @smashywashy My thoughts exactly, the times I am with crew bringing loot back to sell at an outpost, we don't even get within cannon range if there's another ship already docked. I let the flags do the talking, and shell them if they are perched at the outpost for nefarious reasons.

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