Griefing within Outposts

  • @baklavahx also, if you're playing solo, you're playing hard mode, just so you know

  • @crash4654 I play with one of my friends. It just seems to be that there's a lot of 4-man galleon crews full of idiots...

  • "sail by sounds good, but simply by having 3 guys carrying chests you were as vulnerable as kittens to any outpost campers that might have been around. the mechanic just isn't quite right. maybe strap the chest on the back, so you can at least hold a pistol while approaching. as it is now you approach only to get jumped by 4 dudes with guns drawn. you can't draw yours without putting down your chest. if you drop it to defend yourself one of them grabs it and runs 5 feet to cash it in. if you send 3 bodyguards along then you've left your ship undefended. a few roving npc's at outposts would add to the fun. you don't think these merchants would have some security around?
    if even one outpost was known to have decent security it would add another layer to the intrigue. pirates could lay in wait in the approaches, looking to relieve them of the loot before they reached the harbor.
    bounties would be fun. i'd especially like to see the option of contracting a hit on a ship that did you wrong. we need to get names on these ships, and mastheads, asap so we can start recognizing the best of the worst out there.

  • @squallycircle7 said in Griefing within Outposts:

    "sail by sounds good, but simply by having 3 guys carrying chests you were as vulnerable as kittens to any outpost campers that might have been around. the mechanic just isn't quite right. maybe strap the chest on the back, so you can at least hold a pistol while approaching. as it is now you approach only to get jumped by 4 dudes with guns drawn. you can't draw yours without putting down your chest. if you drop it to defend yourself one of them grabs it and runs 5 feet to cash it in. if you send 3 bodyguards along then you've left your ship undefended. a few roving npc's at outposts would add to the fun. you don't think these merchants would have some security around?
    if even one outpost was known to have decent security it would add another layer to the intrigue. pirates could lay in wait in the approaches, looking to relieve them of the loot before they reached the harbor.
    bounties would be fun. i'd especially like to see the option of contracting a hit on a ship that did you wrong. we need to get names on these ships, and mastheads, asap so we can start recognizing the best of the worst out there.

    Names on ships and mastheads sound like a great idea. That way we can have a reddit post dedicated to hunting down the s******s. I'd be okay with this.

  • @tripphazzardtv I am simply floored that you managed to get blindsided by not one, but TWO galleons at an outpost. From what I am reading you managed to miss them parked at the outpost or roaming nearby.

    You don't even have the defense of playing solo here. All four of you showed flagrant disregard for basic survival instincts. I seriously doubt the enemy crews were coordinated enough to spyglass you coming in, call out, maneuver the galleons out of line of sight of you, and then swiftly turn them around and box you in. If they were, then boy did you luck out on the worst server.

    Servers are only 16 players, which means 3/4 of the map was at one outpost for this. Half of the entire map was waiting to take you out and there is absolutely no reason to think it was a random act of camping as there are 6 outposts on the map and they are all fairly remote from each other. This was either planned for a long time prior to your crew showing up or by sheer bad luck both crews called a cease fire on each other since they had no loot and saw you coming into port. I cannot imagine them going "Boy I sure hope 2 to 4 of the 8 other players on this server show up to this exact outpost loaded with a trove of loot so us waiting here all day isn't a huge waste of time!"

    Either you have the absolute worst luck imaginable or your entire crew has zero situational awareness. Hopefully you all learned from this, but don't come screaming into the forums demanding sweeping game changes because of your criminal negligence. This is an incredibly unlikely situation that could have been easily avoided. There are safe zones. They are called "literally every other port but the one 8 other players were at."

    I'm not gonna say it's a pirate game. I'm gonna say it's the Sea of Thieves, not the Sea of Loosely Policed Islands That Routinely Hire Mercenaries For Profit But Kindly Ask That They Interact With Decorum In Places Of Business And Take Their Conflict Elsewhere. The factions just want their c**p turned in, they don't much care who does it or how they came about it.

  • Strongly disagree with safe zones. The game is literally called Sea of cant be surprised if someone steals from you.

    I would however LOVE to see a bounty system in play. It could even be a merchant company specifically made for bounties on players who rob,murder, and pillage. Rare would just have to find a way to tie the bounty to the account so they couldnt log out and dodge that bounty. I think it would be good fun to hunt down bandits...I mean those players like to PvP right?

    And the way the servers work it would be easy to put players in the same zone with those they are hunting. This game is about creating new stories. let those that want to be outlaws be that.

    And in the interim use your spyglass if you are dropping off loot. I have had some tough situations where we couldnt even land at an outpost because we were being chased, so we had one player jump off and turn in while our boat went full steam right past the outpost and mermaid to us. Once we turned in all of our loot that way we turned around and fought, and in that case got sunk. But I have also been on crews that have sunk other ships and stole their stuff too. I like the suspense, and its a gameplay dynamic that few other games have.

    If they want to add new systems thats cool, but dont take away the freedom to create your own play dialogue.

  • There are 5 different Outposts throughout the map, you could have gone to another Outpost to turn your stuff in. It'd be an anomaly for 2 galleons to work together, which sucks sure. However, you could have chosen another Outpost?

  • yeah i was incredibly surprised at this too. I thought outposts would be a social area, where people could gather to dance and play music and drink and what have you. My first experience in the beta i was solo and spawned in, was exploring the outpost and the cosmetic shops, and a sloop comes in to port, so i ran to the dock and started waving at them, only to be met with gun and cannon fire to my surprise. Im not complaining about it, it just took me by surprise. Ive since come to expect it and my crew and I have avoided any issues with it. I think outposts should be safe zones, or at the very least some outposts should be labeled as safe zones (maybe the ones around the edges of the map) and some can be labeled unsafe like they are now (all the outposts more towards the center of the map).

  • @tripphazzardtv I mean you already said my response, it's a pirate game. Yesterday I pulled up to an outpost by my lonesome because I've never been to one. I saw a guy who was running from a swarm of skellies. Showing some un-piratical mercy, I helped him out by drawing the horde off of him. I died in the process. Not only did I die, but I respawned to him not only in the process of sinking my ship, but camp spawning me to finish the job.

    I hold no grudge. That's the nature of the beast.

  • @baklavahx while I have given advice I will now also step in and suggest you cease with degrading insults as it's not helping your position. It's one thing to get frustrated at people playing like pirates, it's even more frustrating when you get griefed. But to go on a tangent and start throwing out insults, especially ones related to specific places, isn't any better than those griefers you're complaining about.

    Don't become one of them. Live, learn, fight another day.

    "When the winds be against ye, ye welcome the challenge."

  • I personally won't go to an outpost with that many chests if I see 2 galleons at it.

  • @tripphazzardtv I had some jerk sink my ship while I was docked at pork and drinking in the tavern. I kept looking out the door and watched him anchor. I kept looking for him to show up on the island and then i saw him carrying loot off the island. I waited until he approached the Gold Hoarder, then attacked. I killed him quickly. Turned in his chest. I went to his ship. He had tons of loot and I knew I could not turn it all in and started chucking it overboard. He came back. I killed him again. This time I dropped his sails and anchor and started charging the dock. I killed 10 more times while he was trying to repair his ship. Finally, He got me. I spawned at an island to the south. I sailed back and rammed his ship he was still repairing. I killed him a few more times and he finally got me again. I spawned south, again. Sailed back and by then he was out of port. He engaged my ship as soon as he saw it. I wasn't even going to attack him this time. So I set to charge him. However, he hit me off my ship with a cannonball. So I swam around a bit trying to board his ship as my ship wildly careened about. Eventually, I caught up to him. I hung on his ladder for a minute then attacked while he was on the wheel. I killed him, again. When he respawned, he got me and I gave up.

    Moral of it was, I had no intention of attacking him. But he sunk my ship while I was in the Tavern and lost everything because of it.

  • If everyone read and went by the pirate code. You can find this posted in the tavern. I think Article 2 states dispite are settled on the waves.

  • @crash4654 said in Griefing within Outposts:

    @baklavahx while I have given advice I will now also step in and suggest you cease with degrading insults as it's not helping your position. It's one thing to get frustrated at people playing like pirates, it's even more frustrating when you get griefed. But to go on a tangent and start throwing out insults, especially ones related to specific places, isn't any better than those griefers you're complaining about.

    Don't become one of them. Live, learn, fight another day.

    "When the winds be against ye, ye welcome the challenge."

    Isn't much of a tangent. Act like a tool, get called a tool. Simple logic really. But fine. I've made my point anyway.

  • Complaing about pirates being pirates in a pirate game. Rare says its part of the game. So why complain? Its a Git Gud moment tbh. It happened to me alot n i learned to avoid such issues. :3

  • Still wondering where you guys find all these "griefers",24+h played,only duo or solo and havent seen anyone camping an outpost. And how is spotting a ship loading off treasure at an outpost and taking them out to get the loot griefing? Its a pirate's life yaaaar

  • @crash4654 said in Griefing within Outposts:

    @baklavahx also, if you're playing solo, you're playing hard mode, just so you know

    Aye...This be the way to test ones mettle.

  • @baklavahx the issue is when you start adding in stereotypes. I am from Texas, you see, and throwing blanket statement insults solves nothing and merely contributes to the problem.

    Honestly, this type of activity shouldn't be surprising to anyone that's played a multiplayer game in the past 15 years.

  • I can't help but feel like a change in perspective would be appropriate. In this scenario, you had 2 galleons launch an apparent surprise attack while offloading. For me this is what the gameplay is; a heart-pounding climax to the voyage where you try to outwit, outfight or outrun your way to success. If you sink and lose the chests, you've still got one hell of a story there. The gold is always going to be there to re-earn but those encounters are the real value of the game. Think of it as the time you almost beat two 4-man crews.

  • @foxracing500rx2
    Ok, but no one forces anyone to have 10 + chests on board at the same time.

  • If outposts were safe most of what is fun about the PVP in this game would be gone.

    The excuse of leaving PVP to the seas doesn’t cut it, because everyone who has something to lose would simply run for the next safe zone.

    The consequence is that mostly you would only find PVP between players who actively seek it and have nothing to lose, much the same as would happen if there was a PVE only option.

    But all of the thrill would be gone...

  • @tripphazzardtv lol I love how easily people throw the word “greifing” around. To me they took advantage of you being inattentive. Not scouting the outpost or paying attention to details like galleons approaching or mermaids in the water “meaning someone is camping and hiding their ship”

    Try paying attention. You’ll have a better time and complain less.

  • @neptuncynic said in Griefing within Outposts:

    If outposts were safe most of what is fun about the PVP in this game would be gone.

    The excuse of leaving PVP to the seas doesn’t cut it, because everyone who has something to lose would simply run for the next safe zone.

    The consequence is that mostly you would only find PVP between players who actively seek it and have nothing to lose, much the same as would happen if there was a PVE only option.

    But all of the thrill would be gone...

    Honestly, I think you're wrong. There would be PLENTY of PVP opportunities outside of outposts. Wrecks, forts, raids, battling the Kraken, coming across a ship trying to get its bearings going against the wind. The opportunities are there. In spades.

    If you think it's thrilling to always be on the losing end of something, then I can only assume that you are a m*******t. Constantly losing isn't fun. Getting g********d by adults behaving like 12 year olds also isn't fun. It's pure chaos. Sure, it's entertaining to watch, it's also fun when you're winning. Be on the losing end for the majority of the time and see if you still feel the same way. Trust me, you'll change your tune real quick.

    Don't even need to have any actual loot on board. These people will waste ammo for the sake of wasting ammo because they think it makes them superior. Griefers shouldn't be welcome. You know, there's that thing in the taverns called a PIRATE'S CODE. And it very clearly states to take disputes to the waves. Pretty sure that Rare didn't intend on anyone actually reading that, considering they're "leaving it up to the players to sort things out". You write a rule, enforce it. Otherwise you just look incompetent.

  • @baklavahx then stop being on the losing end. That's well within Your power

  • @tripphazzardtv You seriously went to an outpost with 2 galleons there or while 2 galleons were following closely behind? You lowered your anchor and wonder why you dyed?

  • @baklavahx said in Griefing within Outposts:

    @neptuncynic said in Griefing within Outposts:

    If outposts were safe most of what is fun about the PVP in this game would be gone.

    The excuse of leaving PVP to the seas doesn’t cut it, because everyone who has something to lose would simply run for the next safe zone.

    The consequence is that mostly you would only find PVP between players who actively seek it and have nothing to lose, much the same as would happen if there was a PVE only option.

    But all of the thrill would be gone...

    Honestly, I think you're wrong. There would be PLENTY of PVP opportunities outside of outposts.

    Yeah but if you see someone going to an outpost, you can be sure they have treasure on board so why wouldnt you try and sink them

  • I hate to say it, but the ''its a pirate game" kinda rings true. but my advice would be, use another outpost, iv had to do it as a solo slooper many times.

  • @tripphazzardtv
    Of all the ideas you have I think a combination of 1 and 3 would be best, because your skill as a crew is tested whenever you make a decision, for instance, I would never go near an outpost with a little sloop full of loot if I even saw another ship I would take a long way and plot a course for another outpost. However, I think it would be an interesting mechanic to have bounty accrued on crews that sink ships with a certain area close to outposts and perhaps other crews can collect on if they so desire. Also, I would love for there to be a way to communicate with other crews so that if there is a bully lurking on the waters that you can get three sloops to gang up on said bully galleon and split the bounty :D. SO Much Potential!!!

  • @toastywrath well said toasty I'm onboard with you on that. Should always be observant of other sails on the horizon especially if you have loot on board.

  • @tripphazzardtv

    OMG right!!! your story is AMAZING ! if there were only more outpost in the game that you could deliver your treasures or some place in our ship that we could spot other ships from far away to know if they are going to ambush us or not...! or maybe circle the islands around for something in the water that indicates if players are around or not even without their ships. jeezus that ll be perfect wouldnt it...


    Im not even going to comment more on this post... it seems to me you have a lot to learn about this game if you were ambushed like that, but you ll get there ! ;)

    Sink ya later !

  • So me and a mate on our sloop, going to take some chests in and we see a Galleon at the last minute, so we turn and set off. Over voice comms we can hear these 4 guys squealing away calling us chickens and how everyone on the server was scared of them, they open fire on us at some ridiculous angles that they would never hit us from, so decided that they were not actually that much of a threat, a swift turn and a few shots later they sank. We could have gotten away from them, but even if a galleon has the jump on you, options are available and if you choose to risk it, then you only have yourself to blame for poor decisions.

    Some crews will destroy you for mistakes, most won't as its new but take each engagement as a learning opportunity

  • @persiuscascade7 unfortunately most players aren’t. And though that may make the game waaay easier for me. It seems to be causing a lot of players to blame rare and game mechanics instead of looking at the real source of the problem being that they are either ignorant of how to protect themselves or too lazy to do it. And rather than accept they are the issue they blame everything they can. It’s ridiculous -_-

    It’s good to see some people like yourself understand this lol I still have hope people will chill out and just enjoy the game for what it is XD

  • I agree only with the Bounty.
    Because the crew who did this obviously want the loot but they want to fight and kill other's for fun too, but they ll have a second thought if they know that many ships will chase them after this.
    The other pirates will HAVE TO kill them cause they dissobey the pirate code!!(i guess that's a good reason :P)
    Anything else maybe ruin the game in my opinion.
    (Sorry for my english i hope you understand what im saying)

  • @gargantucon said in Griefing within Outposts:

    @kigretheviking @misterdoomed After reading a bunch of these posts and considering opinions from responses to my posts from others that strongly disagree about outposts being safezones, I'd actually recommend only one post being a safezone... It'd actually probably make the game more fun having to decide on a nearby but unsafe port, or sailing a much further distance to the one safe port if you didn't feel like taking any chances with your loot... compromise...

    Lol and then a bunch of these so called outpost campers would set a nice perimeter around that one safe outpost. They know all the unskilled easy pickings would go there. The best part would be they'd be killing you in open water so you'd have to be OK with it (as you said before) then they could sail into that safe port and sell your treasure.

    These types of posts are so tired. Why did you even buy the game. It was advertised as pvp/pvp you had to expect this. You had to have understood youd need to develop skills to stop people stealing treasure.

    Most people's griefing stories just show a lack of awareness on their part. Your grief is your own fault. You could say you griefed yourself.

  • @baklavahx sagte in Griefing within Outposts:

    @neptuncynic said in Griefing within Outposts:

    If outposts were safe most of what is fun about the PVP in this game would be gone.

    The excuse of leaving PVP to the seas doesn’t cut it, because everyone who has something to lose would simply run for the next safe zone.

    The consequence is that mostly you would only find PVP between players who actively seek it and have nothing to lose, much the same as would happen if there was a PVE only option.

    But all of the thrill would be gone...

    Honestly, I think you're wrong. There would be PLENTY of PVP opportunities outside of outposts. Wrecks, forts, raids, battling the Kraken, coming across a ship trying to get its bearings going against the wind. The opportunities are there. In spades.

    I respect your opinion but I don’t share it.

    First of all I think that people are misinterpreting the pirate code. What this particular sections was meant to portray is simply to settle disputes within the parameters of the game, rather than making it private and attacking / threatening or otherwise insulting others.

    Secondly, I think you are wrong about the opportunities to fight, simply because everyone who has something to lose would instantly run towards the next safe zone when smelling a risk of being defeated.

    Imagine how boring this would make the game. You’re out there on the open, you spot someone taking treasure off a shipwreck. As soon as you shoot your first cannon ball, the other player starts running. Forget the other chests, lets secure the one we have while having a good laugh at the ship chasing us, well knowing that they can’t do nothing because safe waters are close.

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