Is anybody pre-ordering?

  • Is anybody here considering pre-ordering? I hope I’ll make memorable moments in the beta as I did in the alpha...

    EDIT - I just recently pre-ordered it off of the Microsoft Store and I’m really excited for the upcoming beta.

  • 58
  • @matt-micheal Sure have... day one for me :) And preordered the swish controller too!

  • I'm still holding out for a p****d edition! Gotta get me some cool SoT collectible or something. I am definitly considering getting the controller too!

  • @matt-micheal Day one!

  • Also pre-ordered immediately. Made sure to pre-order the controller too! Will go nicely with my SoT t-shirt and colourful computer to match!

  • I am I might even go for a special limited edition one if they have it on sale, thats how much trust i have in RARE.

  • @matt-micheal Absolutely!

    In case anyone wasn't aware, Best Buy is offering a Sea of Thieves Pre-Order Collectable Coin. Although I'm not sure if you'll receive The Black Dog Pack.

    Item description: For a limited time, pre-order Sea of Thieves and receive a branded collectible coin. This is a 3-inch metal coin imprinted with Sea of Thieves logos and icons.

    Here is the link. This may only be available in the US.

  • @wymerz
    Is there any news on a collectors edition, or some other versions?

  • @erinom3 Unfortunately no. That's all I've seen online.

  • @matt-micheal I certainly plan to! I'm just checking stuff over then pressing that big old button of take my money!

  • I need to find that coin... Is it in any UK preorders? Anyone spotted it?

    I may have to bribe one of our American members to have it delivered to their house and get it shipped to me.

  • @musicmee
    Yeah that coin sounds neat! I would flip it to make decisions in-game :D

  • @musicmee so far haven’t seen it anywhere in the UK. Although I’m sure it will pop out on Amazon or eBay at some point

  • @boooci @Erinom3

    Yeah, seems strange that a branded thing like that would only be available to American customers though...

    I have an eBay reminder for all Sea of Thieves related items so this may pop up on the horizon soon! I need this for my collection!


  • I'm ordering mine shortly for my Christmas present!

  • Preordering and looking forward to enjoying every free moment plundering the seas

  • I pre-ordered...

    1. The game
    2. The controller
    3. The Art book

    I’m all in! They have my money🍻

  • I absolutely plan on pre ordering. I'm holding out to see if there will be a special edition however.

  • I wanted to pre-order. but I don't see enough content wise that makes it worth the $60. The alpha was fun and all, but aside from the animal quests and more puzzle/riddle quests it doesn't seem like there is going to be much to this game. if there is then it doesn't seem like they mentioned anything about it. There needs to be more to do than simply collecting treasure chests. :| also the runescape quality ship damage is cringy. it's like something straight out of 2002.

  • Never. Again.

    Not with anyone. ME3 burned me so bad that I refuse to pre order anything, no matter what it is or who the company behind it is.

    If I keep seeing good progress in beta iterations, I'll be buying at release and encouraging my friends to do so. Nothing beyond that.

  • Waiting until after the beta to decide, but right now pre-order is a no.

    Not enough varied content, lackluster PC config at the moment (though its a work in progress) and some design decisions that need to be finished or improved before I decide. The game is fun, but doesn't appear to have the lasting appeal to warrant $80 CAD upfront.

  • @d3adst1ck said in Is anybody pr-ordering?:

    Waiting until after the beta to decide, but right now pre-order is a no.

    Not enough varied content, lackluster PC config at the moment (though its a work in progress) and some design decisions that need to be finished or improved before I decide. The game is fun, but doesn't appear to have the lasting appeal to warrant $80 CAD upfront.

    Same here, but if i'm being honest, i have no willpower whatsoever but i will most definitely pre-order it.

  • @musicmee ordered both as well

  • Pre-ordered on day 2. I play on PC so i have no need for the controller or xbox live membership. If the ferryman costume can be bought separate id buy it, or if the controller had the game and black dog set with it id go for it.

  • yeah, i usually don't pre-order games but after playing the alpha, i am sold.

  • I preordered it on hopes of getting into the alpha test but I didn't get an invite

  • I preordered it as soon as I could. I’m so excited for the release of this game and although I could not get access to the alpha for long, I had an amazing experience with the time I had while playing sea of thieves.

  • @cayden-black
    Totally worth it though.

  • On day one.

  • I had thought I would, but I'm not so sure anymore. I like co-op gaming and dislike PvP. I was excited because SoT was hyped as very cooperative with just a bit of PvP. While it isn't the non-stop troll fest that GTA public sessions are, I only had three non-violent encounters during this week's session.

    I love everything else about this game; I thoroughly enjoyed sailing, exploring, fighting skeletons and digging up chests. But I got really tired of nervously looking over my shoulder the entire time - even in the tavern, for crying out loud! The only thing that allowed me to enjoy it all was the scarcity of encounters.

    There's certainly nothing wrong with that kind of PvP setup and I understand it, but it's not quite what I was hoping for and I might not buy it. I'll just have to see how things develop from here.

  • I did the second it was out on preorder

  • I will preorder it for sure. I am just thinking if there is any better edition later I would be really disappointed. On the another hand, I am tired of preordering games and just near the release of the game they put it on game rewards program and I miss the chance to get a discount or something.

  • @matt-micheal I dont pre-order anything, goes against my character, but I can answer you question by saying I'm eager to buy.

  • Of course, the first day. “Clicking my heals, there’s no place like SOT, there’s no place like SOT...”
    Wish it was March 20

  • Definitely going to pre-order. I've already played this game more hours than other games I've paid $60 for.

    I normally hate pvp/competitive games but Sea of Thieves is the most fun I've had in a game in a long time.

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