Smuggler's Fortune Feedback Mega Thread

  • Smuggler's Fortune is now available to download and play, and this update brings a a wave of big change to the Sea of Thieves in the form of Duke's Black Market and the Pirate Emporium.

    Of course, we want your feedback, so we've set up this feedback mega thread as a means to collect as much as possible all in one place.

    Before you play and participate in the thread, you can check out everything Smuggler's Fortune to Sea of Thieves in the latest Release Notes.

    As you participate in this thread, remember to follow our Community Code of Conduct and Forum Rules, which we moderate to.

    This thread is for feature discussion and feedback only. If you're looking for help with anything then head over to the Gameplay Guides + Tips category linked below.

    Are you in need of any help? Then look no further!

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  • 1st reply! 😅

    I love the ability to name pets and how they follow your own emotes! My pet capuchin, Antonio, sure knows how to dance! Uh-oh, it looks like he's getting a bit dizzy... Look out!


    Seriously though, the coin toss emote is an amazing feature for quickly settling disputes, and I love how you can now judge someone with the thumbs up and down emotes. You are not worthy! Mwahaha! 😂

    "Let's join in an alliance!"
    [Thumbs down]

  • I was hoping the Official SoT Store would come back online along with the addition of the Micro-transactions :(

  • @archangel-timmy said in Smuggler's Fortune Feedback Mega Thread:

    I was hoping the Official SoT Store would come back online along with the addition of the Micro-transactions :(

    Still working on this! Hoping to have more news to share at some point in the near future.

  • Shipwreck Bay is gonna be lousy with campers for the next month...

  • I have myself some ancient coins, but nothing will load in the emporium to spend them on.
    Now I know it's overloaded with people trying this exact thing right now, but Arrrrggggg!!! 😂😂

  • @needsmokes

    As the old saying goes, 'Loading screen bugs are worth it for a dancing monkey'

  • To be honest this update isn't my personal cup of tea. I'm not a fan of micro transactions but i understand the need for them.

    I have no interest in purchasing a pet, perhaps that's my age, but a purchased cosmetic which requires no skill to obtain holds no interest to me. I hope I'm wrong but without a use i think they'll be a flash in a pan.

    It's a shame the coin toss emote is locked behind a transaction... i made a suggestion for a coin toss a few months back (Don't think i was the 1st) As it can make an actual in-game difference i think it's a shame to pay for it. (It is probably the one thing I'll buy)

    I quite like the black market, but would've preferred for it to have been done through a new NPC. Because it's through Duke it doesn't feel new at all. It's just another cosmetic set he's selling.

    I haven't started the mercenary missions yet, but this will be the 3rd month of fetch quests and I was really hoping for some quest variety.

    I am however looking forward to a skeleton sloop encounter.

    Anyway. Thanks Rare for the update. My initial reaction from a 20 minute run around may not have been great but i still love the work you guys and gals put in and I love that you listen to our feedback and idea's. Every update can't please everyone.

  • @takuboto I feel kind of chested that all the cosmetics are unlocked to purchase and nothing is locked behind completing commendations.

  • I don't mind. May skip this month's commendations. Feels like they're trying to force pvp encounters to happen. Again lol.

  • @pithyrumble said in Smuggler's Fortune Feedback Mega Thread:

    I don't mind. May skip this month's commendations. Feels like they're trying to force pvp encounters to happen. Again lol.


    Let PvP happen dynamically. Forcing it is just silly. I don’t play to grief, I’m very chilled like many here, but now I have to steal goods if I want to earn all commendations? Great...

    I’ll just ally with someone and hopefully “kindly exchange goods” instead. Love the work you do Rare, but you’re making it very hard for me to continue here.

    The introduction of MTs should have been tacked to a bigger content update imo. Most of what I see here are fetch quests, rearranged stores, and fixes.

    Please for the love of Zeus, make Duke fun again...

  • @takuboto nice love it and I haven't had a chance to play it yet

  • Is there a reason the new bonecrusher ship set has a boar on the hull and sail but a fish on the flag?

  • @galactic-geek said in Smuggler's Fortune Feedback Mega Thread:

    1st reply! 😅

    I love the ability to name pets and how they follow your own emotes! My pet capuchin, Antonio, sure knows how to dance! Uh-oh, it looks like he's getting a bit dizzy... Look out!


    Seriously though, the coin toss emote is an amazing feature for quickly settling disputes, and I love how you can now judge someone with the thumbs up and down emotes. You are not worthy! Mwahaha! 😂

    "Let's join in an alliance!"
    [Thumbs down]

    yeah the monkey puke yes

  • Okay.... one cool thing from the Merc mission's. I've looked at my pocket watch more times in the last 30 minutes than i have in the past year and a half

  • The new bonecrusher flag from the black market doesn't render properly. When applied to my ship (Brig), there is no pole and the flag is not the good model and textures. It should be green and brown squarish shaped flag and instead I get a brown triangle flag that is floating in the air not being hold or attached by anything...

  • Parakeets and Macaws seem to almost always be doing the wing scratch animation when placed on a hangout spot.

  • Sometimes equipment gets randomly swapped around e.g. Legendary Souls Tankard swaps with Forsaken Ashes Tankard.

  • I really don't like the pricing scheme, 30 for the Banjo skin is way too much for my blood. I hope nothing in the store goes away so I can slowly work my way by crossing my fingers and using luck charms to find ancient skeletons and earn it that way.

  • @takuboto Is there going to be a way to purchase Ancient Coins directly from your website in the near future? I think this would also be beneficial because it would combat theft from malicious websites that sell bogus Ancient Coins.

  • @pithyrumble so far it's not been too bad. I'll probably skip the theft challanges unless i can find a friendly team to swap with

  • Just went into the devil's roar to do one of the smuggler quest. Bailed some water out of the hull and the boiling water damage continued till death both on the ship in non-boiling water and land.

  • @takuboto [Not a perfect english]

    My feedback about the new pet system:

    It is really cool and it adds a new really fun aspect of the game.
    For a first update, their reactions and interactions are really cool.


    Add a whistling action that will make the pet come to us if he is in a certain radius.
    (If nothing is equipped, the pet comes on your arm, otherwise he just follow you as usual

    • This will be an extremely practical option when you don't have time or you don't want to look for your hidden pet for hours ! (he doesnt have to always obey ;) !)
    • This will allow the player to have control over the pet for example when another player take it and never give it back to you (instead of having to go under the "Pet Management" options)

    In the future, add an affinity/love/loyalty/fidelity system with your pet which will allow more amazing interactions and features (why not!)

    Thank you !

  • Does anyone know if the "stolen" commendations count by delivering a late crate, or do they have to be on time? I'm hoping that I can just scoop up some crates that get left behind because I don't know if I can count on running into other players. It seemed to be pretty tough to find people with Dark Relics on board.

  • @d3adst1ck Ahoy matey!

    I can confirm late crates DO count if you are trying to get the "stolen" commendations.

  • I bought the 10.00$ ancient coin package for 1000 coins, and was able to buy a pet. Then I went to buy a pet outfit for my Barbary, and spent my coins without it unlocking? It unlocked on the second buy but where did my coins go?

  • *When sailing on a Sloop, crews should no longer encounter an aggressive Skeleton Galleon and will instead find themselves attacked by a Skeleton Sloop.

    I was on a sloop this evening with my shipmate and a Skeleton Galleon spawned on us. There was another sloop right next to us with two people on it aswell. Perhaps the game registered four players and spawned a galleon in error?

    We managed to kill it anyway, but the patch notes suggest that's not supposed to happen.

    Overall so far, I'm loving this update! It's so much fun seeing all the ships at Shipwreck Bay and not knowing who will come away with the chests. Choosing whether to run with what you have or take an extra one also adds an extra element of fun to the challenge due to the time constraint. Can you make it to all the Seaposts in time? Should you have someone go over and dig whilst you circle the island? GG Rare, very impressed with this. I love the fact it has theft commendations as this only adds to the excitement.

    @guybrush3pwood2 said in Smuggler's Fortune Feedback Mega Thread:

    @pithyrumble so far it's not been too bad. I'll probably skip the theft challanges unless i can find a friendly team to swap with

    It's honestly not that hard to get the theft ones. A lot of people leave chests behind when they flee when another ship approaches. I dug up six that had been left on Shipwreck in one go. Later in my session, I got another two. So I only had to actually 'steal' two from other ships to get the ten for that commendation.

  • @pithyrumble said in Smuggler's Fortune Feedback Mega Thread:

    I don't mind. May skip this month's commendations. Feels like they're trying to force pvp encounters to happen. Again lol.

    There are ones you can do that don't involve PvP. It's surely only fair to everyone that there are both PvP and non-PvP ones to complete? Or do you only want them to make their PvEvP game, fair to one set of people?

    From their Code of Conduct (

    "Be a good sport. Sea of Thieves is a pirate game, and stealth, stealing and battles are all part of the fun. All pirates on the seas accept that, but be a good sportsman in both victory and loss"

  • I like this new mechanic a lot, everybody'll be digging up holes in Shipwreck Bay, and i think they are plenty of strategic and organised ways of gettings a hell lot of doubloons.

    Being in an alliance with a ship you can put up to 8 legendary quests so 80 crates, hoping you get around 20 of each colour and them each crew has two colours to deliver. This get crazy if you get an even greater alliance !

    I definitely have to try to do a explosive barrel blocus at Shipwreck bay or some specific SeaPost/itinerary

    Also I'm wondering, as the Rag&Bones Voyages gonna disappear in october, will the Rag&Bones Crates stay around by other means ?
    That's what I understood from the associated commendations.
    "The Smuggler’s Fortune update provides a mix of persistent and time-limited Commendations."

  • Ok I will list the things I can do a feedback:

    1. I liked the way we can catch new blue coins for our pockets, what I found annoying is that the time limit for the box to be delivered, Like it just too fast, if you catch for exemple 2 box and witch one of them is on the opposite sides of the map ( North start seapost and tree paces seapost for exemple) depending on the time limit you can one deliver one and lost the time for another. Of course you can say that I should simple dig one, deliver, dig another one, deliver it, and so goes on but its take too much time, like A LOT (10 box if you go to legendary one) its get too annoying sometimes.

    2. I do not know why, but you guys put a lot of bluecoins for the Fearless Bone Crusher. like 100 bluecoins? wow.

    3. Speaking on the Fearless Bone Crusher, can we assume that the original Bone Crusher and the ship set will be back? I was too surprised to know it was a different Bone Crusher

    4. I'm from Brazil and I have to say the prices for the Pets is too expensive especially when you have to buy 1k of ancient coins to buy the pet :( ( I know I can try to get the skelleton ones but its rare to respawn right?)

    The rest I liked a lot! Specially about the mystery surround about what will happen after events and with THOSE persons..

  • @goethe42 well I was on an alliance and I didn't get anything on they, only mine.

  • Experiencing item skins being switched.
    After firing three rounds the highlighted circles of the two remaining rounds show every other instead of final two circles being filled in.

  • @schramm00
    It's just about getting a lot of those on time at the same time, which I think gets you a title.

    Actually, getting the title you get extra dooblons, but is it me or both on time and late crates get you 5 dooblons every time?

  • @goethe42 I think on the first time on the 4 crates no? cause when I missed it I only got gold

  • @schramm00 Might be, i'll investigate

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