I’m new to the forums ahoyy

  • Can’t wait to play this game missed out on the alpha.

  • 13
    new member
  • @sav0ge Ahoy there matey! Welcome aboard the forums... it shouldn't be long before you are out on the high seas! I hope our paths cross one day...

  • Ahoy hoy! Welcome to the forums!

  • @sav0ge

    Welcome aboard!

    Now then, grab a chair and a tankard o' grog and have a browse around these 'ere discussions and see what ye make o' them -




  • @sav0ge Ahoy, and welcome, don't know how you missed out on the Alpha ? It's not like you haven't heard of it before ? Welcome aboard, hopefully see you on the crew soon ;)

  • @j4dio some would say that post was.... 'sav0ge' lol

    @SAV0GE welcome to the forum, glad to have ye aboard!

  • @sav0ge Ahoy matey and welcome aboard ☠

  • Ahoy mate! Welcome to the forum, hope you enjoy your time spent with us!

  • Yo ho!

    Are you a cockswain or a mizzen-sheet kinda a pirate?

    Off to Jenny's...

  • @sav0ge Welcome to the community. If you ever need help, have questions, or anything, don't hesitate to ask me.

  • Ahoy there matey. Be welcome and merry. Fair weather and following seas to ye.

  • It’s right around the corner m8, welcome to the community.

  • @sav0ge Welcome aboard matey.

new member
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